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1、下面整个口语考试的例子(必须看)StageOne InterlocutorGoodmorning.MynameisJohnSmith,andthisismycolleague.S/hes just going to listen to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. Andyournamesare AandB?A:Yeah B:YeahInterlocutor:Thankyou.Now,firstofall,wedliketoknowsomethingabouteachofyou.Mr.A,canyoutellmeab

2、outyourself?A:Mypleasure.Asyouknow,mynameisA.ImfromTianjin.ImnowstudyinginTianjinUniversity.AndImmajoringininternationaltradethere.Interlocutor:Thankyou.Mr. A.NowMiss B,canyoutellmeaboutyourambitions?Wang:Yes.IamnowastudentwithNankaiUniversitymajoringinbusinessadministration.IhopeIcangetmyMBAandjoin

3、aworld-famousmultinationalcompany.AndafterIhavehadenoughexperience,Iamgoingtostartacompanyofmyown.Interlocutor:Thankyou,Miss B.AndMr. A,couldyoutellmeaboutyourambitions?A:Abigquestionformeindeed.Iveneverthoughtaboutit,butIbetIllworktowardsaCEOofabigmultinationalcorporation.Thatsmygoalinlife.Andthats


5、inessEnglish.Interlocutor:Howaboutyou,Mr.Wang?Isitdifficultforyou?Wang:Notreally.Youknow,IlikeEnglishverymuch,andmymajorisbusinessadministration.SoIhavealwaysfoundbusinessEnglishveryinteresting.StageTwo Interlocutor: Now, in this part of the test Im going to give each of you a choice of three differ

6、ent topics. Id like you to select one of the topics and give a short presentation on it for about a minute. You will have a minute to prepare this and you can make notes if you want. After you have finished your talk, your partner will ask you a question. All right? Here are your topics. Please dont

7、 write anything on your topic card.Interlocutor hands each candidate a different topic card, some spare paper and a pencil/or notes. Candidates have one minute preparation time. Both candidates prepare their talks at the same time, separately.Interlocutor: All right. Now, *B, would you begin by tell

8、ing us which topic youve chosen, A, B or C? When youve finished talking, *A will ask you a question about your talk. *A, youre allowed to take notes while *B is talking.*B, would you like to begin?Candidate B speaks for one minute.B: TheimportanceofhavingagoodCVWell,inmyopinion,youcanneverunderestim


10、ytosummarize,prioritizeandpresentinformationeffectively,essentialskillsintodaysjobmarket.Italsoshowsyourlinguisticandcommunicativeabilities.Eventhoughemployersthesedaysuseavarietyofselectiontechniques,suchasanalyzingyour handwriting,agoodCVisstillthesinglemostimportantpartofanyapplication.Interlocut

11、or:Thank you. Now, *A, can you ask *B a question about his/her talk?A asks a question.Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, *A, its your turn. When youve finished talking, *B will ask you a question about your talk. *B youre allowed to take notes while *A is talking. All right? *A, do you need a few seconds

12、 to think about your topic again?A is allowed ten seconds if necessary.*A, can you tell us which topic youve chosen to talk about, A, B or C? All right? Would you like to begin? Use only if candidate does not start the talk immediately.A speaks for one minute.Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, *B, can yo

13、u ask a question about his/her talk?B asks a question.Interlocutor: Thank you. Materials are collected. *USE CANDIDATES NAMES THROUGHOUT THE TEST.StageThree Collaborative task and discussion about seven minutesInterlocutor: Now this part of the test is a discussion activity. Interlocutor points to t

14、he card showing the task while giving the instructions below. You have 30 seconds to read this task carefully, and then about three minutes to discuss and decide about it together. Youre expected to give reasons for your decisions and opinions. You dont need to write anything. Is that clear?Interlocutor places the card in front of the candidates. Candidates have 30 seconds preparation time. Are you ready to begin? Ill just listen and then ask you to stop after about three minutes. Please speak so that we can


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