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1、六年级英语下学期第一次月考试卷 一、单词辨音,找出发音不同的一项(25=10分)( )1. A. dollar B. blow C. hot( )2. A. later B. rabbit C. cat( )3. A. duck B. cut C. cute( )4. A. get B. we C. them( )5. A. five B. milk C. it二、单项选择(215=30分)( )1.Tomorrow its going to be _in Harbin. A. snow B. sunny C. rain ( )2.Its going to rain_Monday. A. on

2、 B. in C. at( )3.Listen,The birds _in the tree A. are sing B. singing C. are singing( )4.Im going to_English. A. studying B. study C. studied( )5.Xiao Ming is looking_ the window. A. for B. out of C. at( )6.I want _a cola. A. drink B.drinking C. to drink( )7.Daming_ ,some friends_in. A. stop,come B.

3、stops,comes C.stops,come( )8.What do you want? I want two_. A. hamburger B. cola C. hot dogs( )9.His friends cant hear_ . A. him B. she C. his( )10.-Can he help Daming ? - _. A. Yes,he can B. No,she cant C. No,he can . ( )11._colas do you want? Four colas, please. A. How many B. How much C. How( )12

4、._are you going to go to school? At half past seven. A. When B. What C. Where( )13. Ana wants _ in the classroom. A. dancing B. dance C. to dance( )14. I must do_homework now. A. I B. my C. me ( )15.It _ cold. A. will B. will be C. / 三、填入正确的介词(25=10分) with like for over to1. A hot dog_me, please.2.

5、I want a hot dog _ lots of cheese.3. Its dry _ there.4. It look _ you are hungry.5. Its going _ rain.四、情景匹配。(210=20分)从II 栏中选出与I 栏中相对应的答语,把选项填入提前括号中( )1.Whats the weather like in summer? A. No,Thanks.( )2.What are you going to do tomorrow? B. Its two dollars.( )3.Are you a student? C.I dont know.( )4

6、.Wheres Lucys bike? D. She is my friend.( )5.Are they American or English? E. Twelve.( )6.How old is your uncle? F. They are American.( )7.How much is it? G. Yes,I am.( )8.Who is Kate? H. Its under the tree. ( )9.When are you going to eat? I. Its usually very hot.( )10.Can I help you? J. Im going to

7、 watch TV.五、句型转换(210=20分) A.按要求改写句子。1. It will snow in Beijing(变为否定句)_ 2. Its half past ten.(对划线部分提问)_3. They are rowing a boat. (对划线部分提问)_ 4. He wants to wear it. (变为一般疑问句)_ 5. Here you are.(写出答语)_ B.连词成句。1.I carry cant them(.)_ 2.are to picnic going we have park in a the(.)_ 3.falling stairs the a

8、re down apples the(.)_ 4.snow in it going is Harbin to(.)_ 5.carry bag this heavy will Daming(.)_ 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)或误(F)(25=10分) Bob ia a good student in school. But he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. One morning ,Bob goes to school.His teacher,looks at him and says,“Bob, I know what y

9、ou ate for breakdast today.”“What?”Bob ask,“eggs”say the teacher.“Your face and nose tell me what”“No,sir”says Bob,“not today,or yesterday,but the day before yesterday.”( )1.Bob is a good teacher in school.( )2.Bobs face and hands are often dirty.( )3.One afternoon, Bob goes to school.( )4.Bob ate e

10、ggs the day before yesterday.( )5.Bob is a girl.小学六年级英语下学期第一次月考试卷答案一、1-5 BACBA二、1-5 BACBB 6-10 CCCAA 11-15 BACBB三、1.for 2.with 3. over 4. like 5. To四、1-I 2-J 3-G 4-H 5-F 6-C 7-B 8-D 9-E 10-A五、A 1.It wont snow in Beijing. 2.What time is it ? 3.What are they doing ? 4.Does he want to wear it ? 5.Thank you. B 1.I cant carry them. 2.We are going to have a picnic in the park. 3.The apples are falling down the stairs. 4.It is going to snow in Harbin. 5.Daming will carry this heavy bag.六、1-5 FTFTF



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