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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教学设计 江苏省泰兴中学英语组 何飞一、Teaching Plan Background 教案背景1、教材:Advance with English Module 3(牛津高中英语模块3)2、学生:Senior One Students(高一学生) 3、学科:英语 4、课时:1课时5、学生课前准备:(1) Preview Welcome to the unit. 课前预习单元导入(2) Define the word “Language”, and students can refer to references or surf the Inte

2、rnet. 定义“语言”,可参考参考书或网络(3) Think about how many people communicate with each other 思考人们交流的方式二、Teaching Topic 教学课题Advance with English Module3 Unit2 Welcome to the unit 牛津高中英语模块三第二单元单元导入三、Analysis of Teaching Materials 教材分析1、Teaching Contents 教学内容Talk about various forms of language and ask students t

3、o share their experience of English study. 谈论不同的语言形式,让学生分享英语学习经验2、Analysis of Teaching Contents 内容分析 This unit introduces the development of various forms of language, especially English, Chinese characters and Braille. Welcome to the unit is the 1st part of this unit. In the process of learning thi

4、s part, students will have a basic understanding of different forms of language, which can lay a good foundation for the following study.本单元主要介绍了几种不同语言的发展,尤其是英语、汉字和布莱叶文。这一部分在整个单元中起导入作用。在这一部分的学习过程中,学生会对几种语言有基本的了解,为这一单元以后的学习打下良好的基础。3、Analysis of Students 学情分析As senior high school students, they have p

5、aid much attention to language in written form. They have learnt English for many years and formed their own ways of learning English. So they can share a lot with their classmates about learning English, which can encourage them to speak in the class, helping make the class more vivid and more acti

6、ve. 作为高中生,学生主要把注意力放在书面语言学习上。他们已经学习英语好几年了,并且形成了他们自己的学习方法。所以他们能与同班同学分享学习经验,这会鼓励他们课上说英语,使课堂气氛更生动更活跃。4、Teaching Aims 教学目标By the end of this lesson, students will be able to master the following several points:know more about different forms of languageknow more about different ways of communicationshare

7、 experience of English study and improve ways of English study通过这节课,学生能够了解更多的语言形式和交流方式,与同学之间交流英语学习经验,改进英语学习方法,提高英语水平。5、Important and Difficult Point 教学重难点Encourage every student to participate in the discussion and speak as more as possible. 让每个学生都参与到讨论当中,尽可能多的说英语。四、Teaching Methods 教学方法group discus

8、sion, mutual activity (student-centered), presenting of pictures, free talk小组讨论,师生互动(学生为主体),图片展示,自由演讲五、Teaching Procedures 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in导入 (3 minutes)What language do you speak?Can you speak any other languages?Can you guess how many languages there are in the world?Start the unit by asking the

9、 above three questions. By asking these questions, lead in the topic of this unit language.So, in your opinion, what is the definition of the word “language”?key:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是任意的用于人类交际的声音符号系统。(设计说明:通过问答的形式引入本单元的主题,清新自然)Step 2 Presen

10、tation of Pictures 图片展示 (7 minutes)Present a new years card to the students written in different languages but with the same meaning. 中:新年快乐!英:Happy New Year!法:Bonne Anne德:Frohliches Neues Jahr!If possible, ask students to read some of them. Ask students whether they know other expressions for “新年快乐

11、”, if so, ask students to speak them out.Then present a picture to students, and ask students what the symbol in the picture stands for. This stands for a big smileThis symbol is called emoticon (emotion + icon = emoticon). We often use emoticons when chatting online or texting messages. Then divide

12、 the whole class into four groups. Each group each time can send a member to draw the emoticons and meanings he knows on the blackboard. At last, the group that draws the most correct emoticons on the blackboard is the winner. Every member in the group will be given a prize. The following are some c

13、ommon emoticons:(设计说明:充分调动学生上课的积极性和参与度,发挥学生的创造力和想象力,体现以学生为主体的教育理念)Step 3 Group Discussion 小组讨论 (8 minutes)Sometimes, people dont communicate with each other in spoken language, and they can also use body language. Look at the following pictures and discuss with your partner the meanings of them.Ask

14、some students to share their opinions.However, in different cultures, the same body language can have different meanings. For example, “Nose tap” in England means “Its confidential” in England, while it means “Watch out” or “Be careful” in Italy. One more example, eye contacts is encouraged in Ameri

15、ca, Canada and Europe, while it means some kind of rudeness in most Asian countries and in Africa. If you are interested in it, you can surf the Internet for more sources after class.(设计说明:小组讨论体现合作学习原则;简单介绍同一Body language在不同国家和文化中蕴含的不同意义,在激发学生学习热情的同时,加强了文化的输入,和跨文化交际意识的培养。)Step 4 Introduction of Braille 盲文介绍 (5 minutes)Normal people can use language to communicate with each other and deaf people can use body language to communicate with others. So, how do the blind read the words in books? We have known the answer from u



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