unit 8 the discus thrower习题答案综合教程四

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1、Unit 8 The Discus ThrowerKey to the Exercises Text comprehensionI .Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F (Refer to Paragraph 1.)2. F (Refer to Paragraph 2. Here it is stated

2、that the patients skin is not brown from the sun, though it looks deeply tanned from a distance. Rather, his skin becomes reddish because he was in his last stage of life, that is, he was approaching death.)3. F (Refer to Paragraph 7. When the doctor offered his help, the patient remained silent for

3、 a long time, and then in real earnest he asked for a pair of shoes, hoping against hope that the doctor would make him a whole being again.) 4. T (Refer to Paragraph 7.)III. Answer the following questions.1. Refer to Paragraph 1. No, he doesnt. Instead, he finds the activity justifiable. For one th

4、ing, he thinks the activity is well-meant, i.e. he wants to collect more pathological evidence in order to give the patients more effective treatment. For another, his activity is not spying in the true sense, for the act is far from furtive.2. Refer to Paragraph 2. The fact that there are no get-we

5、ll cards, no small, private caches of food and day-old flowers shows that he has been abandoned by his family and friends. 3. Refer to Paragraph 7. As a blind man, he is restrained in activity. Now without legs he is completely confined to bed. Like a caged bird, he longs for freedom and dreams of g

6、oing back to his career. Thus it is understandable why he repeatedly asks for shoes.4. Refer to Paragraphs 9?0. This is the way he expresses his wrath with the unfair fate. He is deprived of sight and now his legs. Deserted by society, he is left with very little. Indignant as he is, he can avenge h

7、imself upon nobody. What he can do is only to crash his plate against the wall to vent his anger and despair. Moreover, he would rather die in a stroke like the plate than linger in agony. 5. Refer to Paragraph 11. The laughter is unique as is indicated in Paragraph 11. It comes both from the pleasu

8、re after revenge by crashing the plate and the hope to extricate himself from his agony by means of an abrupt death like the plate. Since freedom in this material world is impossible to him, he wishes to have it in the other world.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. Yes, I am go

9、ing down, he says, meaning literally that he is going down with the bed but metaphorically that his physical condition is going from bad to worse.2. The wild, relaxed laughter is a totally new sound in the world that nobody has ever heard. The joyful laughter could even give a promising future to ca

10、ncer patients.3. The aide looks across at me, shaking her head to express her frustration and pursing her lips to signal her annoyance.Structural analysis of the textThis text can be divided into three parts. Part 1, i.e. Paragraph 1, serves as an introduction to the background of the story. Part 2,

11、 i.e. Paragraphs 2?3, describes the strange behaviour of a particular patient dubbed the discus thrower and his conflict with the health workers. Part 3, i.e. Paragraphs 14?5, tells the reader about the death of the patient. Here are the suggested headlines for the three parts: Part 1: Spying on Pat

12、ients: a Habit of Mine; Part 2: Encounters with a Particular Patient; Part 3: The Death of the Patient.Rhetorical features of the text1. The questions he asks himself: Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? Is he m

13、ute as well as blind? What is he thinking behind those lids that do not blink? Is he remembering a time when he was whole? Does he dream of feet? Or when his body was not a rotting log? These questions call for no answer but they reveal the inner thoughts of the narrator. He seems to be trying to pl

14、ace himself in the position of the patient for a better understanding of the patients psychology.2. The questions he asks in his dialogue with the patient:How are you? How do you feel? Anything more I can do for you? These questions help to show that the narrator is very patient with and responsible

15、 for his patient. Vocabulary exercisesI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. reddish brown2. low-growing3. almost unbearable degree4. brings the spoon into light contact with5. visit the patientsII.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word from the box in its appropriate form.1.accomplice2.probing3.furtive 4.solid5.pruned 6.acknowledging7.hefted 8.unwrappedIII.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1.peculiar 2.impression 3.dwellings 4.delivery5.disinfectants 6.assembly 7.probings 8.awkwardlyIV.Choose the wo


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