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1、Unit 17 Disabilities 记 忆 重 现,考 点 梳 理,重点单词 考纲单词 gift, sense, public, fair 新课标单词 assist, sympathy, adjust, conduct, ability, accessible, participate, potential 重点词组 get around / about, make a contribution to / make contributions to, get used to, have the right to sth., have access to sth., have / feel

2、 sympathy for sb., make sure 重点句型 1. Maybe it is time for. 2. Winning is not about. but it is.,考 点 识 记,一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词 1._ n. 能力;才能;才智 2. _ n. 商品交易会 adj. 公平的 3. _ n. 潜力;可能性 adj. 潜在的;可能的 4. _ n. 天赋 5. _ vt. 帮助;协助 6. _ n. 同情(心);同感 7. _ vt. 调整 vi. 适应 8. _ vi. 参与;参加 9. _ vt. 主持;引导;控制 10. _ adj. 可使用的,

3、能进入的,二、 选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确 get around / about, get used to, have the right to sth., have access to sth., make sure, shameful, ability, fair, gift, have / feel sympathy for sb. 11. When the story _ , the neighboring stores immediately placed orders. 12. I _ her; she had to bring up the children

4、 on her own. 13. These trees and flowers that grow in the south cannot _ growing in the north. 14. Before the meeting begins, you should _ everything is ready. 15. Mary has a _ for music. She can sing the song she hears once. 16. It is _ that I didnt pass the final exam.,17. Every person _ know what

5、 the government plans to do. 18. We should take advantage of the trade _ to advertise our products. 19. A new library is being built in my university. I will _ to many good books. 20. He has the _ of speaking English fluently. 三、根据所给汉语意思和提示,完成下列句子 21. You dont need to worry about me. _(我确信我能应付). (Im

6、 sure I.) 22. I wish _ (我能知道他要去干什么). (wish,虚拟语气,表现在) 23. I wish _ (我昨晚就收拾好房间). (wish, 虚拟语气,表过去),24. I wish _ (将来我能成为一名音乐家). (wish, 虚拟语气,表将来) 25. These dishes are _ (不够美味但可以接受). (not. but) Key: 1. ability 2. fair 3. potential 4. gift 5. assist 6. sympathy 7. adjust 8. participate 9. conduct 10. acces

7、sible 11. got around / about 12. have / feel sympathy for 13. get used to 14. make sure 15. gift 16. shameful 17. has the right to 18. fair 19. have access 20. ability 21. I am sure I can handle it 22. I knew what he was going to do 23. I had cleaned my room last night 24. I would be a musician in t

8、he future 25. not delicious enough but they are acceptable,点 睛 讲 练,考点 1. assist vt. & vi. 帮助;协助;出席;参加某事,【典型例句】 1. He often assists me financially. 他常常在经济上帮我。 2. We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. 我们将帮你找个地方住下。 3. He will assist with the tuition fees. 他愿意帮我付学费。 4. She assisted her sister

9、 with her lesson. 她帮助她妹妹做功课。 【用法提示】 1. assist sb.with / in sth. 帮助某人(做)某事 2. assist sb. in doing 帮助某人做某事 3. assist in / at sth. 出席,参加,【及时训练】 用help, assist, assistant, aid填空。 1. If he has not a hearing _ , he hears nothing. 2. He offered to _ in repairing my computer. 3. With the _ of the shop _ , I

10、bought a satisfying camera. 4. He couldnt _ crying at the bad news. Key: 1. aid 2. assist / help 3. help. assistant 4. help,考点 2. sympathy n. U 同情,同情心 U,C 同感,赞同n. C 慰问电,吊唁信,【典型例句】 1. They are all full of sympathy. 他们都充满了同情心。 2. Many people are in sympathy with your views. 许多人赞同你的看法。 3. We sent our s

11、ympathies on the death of our former maths teacher. 我们为过去的数学老师的去世发表了唁电。 【用法提示】 1. express sympathy for (对表示) 慰问 2. feel / have sympathy for 同情 3. in sympathy with 同情;赞成;和一致 4. be out of sympathy with 不支持,5. gain / get / win sympathy of 博得的同情 6. have no sympathy for sb. 不同情某人 7. offer sb. sympathy 出于

12、对某人同情 【及时训练】 用sympathy 及其短语完成下列句子。 1. We have a lot of _ for the disabled people. 2. The engineers have rejected the employers proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out _ (支持). 3. Mrs. Yang received many letters _ . Key: 1. sympathy 2. in sympathy 3. of sympathy,考点 3. adjust vi

13、. & vt. 适应;使适合,调整,【典型例句】 1. The hut was dark inside, so it took time for our eyes to adjust. 这小屋里面很黑, 因此我们用了一段时间才能使眼睛适应。 2. You can adjust the color on the TV by turning this knob. 你可以转动这个旋钮来调整电视的色彩。 3. Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, and to adap

14、t to our new family arrangement. 年复一年,我们都学会了调整自己,学会了彼此宽容,学会了适应我们新的家庭规则。 4. This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need. 这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。 【用法提示】 1. adjust to 适应,2. adjust to doing sth. 调整以适应做某事 3. adjust oneself to sth. 调整自己以适应 【比较辨析】 adjust, adapt 以上词作“适应”讲时,意思差不多,有时可以通用。其基本句型为:adjust

15、 / adapt to sth.; adjust / adapt / oneself to sth.。 adjust 着重调整、校准,调节后使之适应; adapt 指“修改或改变以适应新条件”。 【及时训练】 根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。 1. She soon _ (使自己适应于) his way of life. 2. Astronauts in flight must _ (适应于) weightlessness. Key: 1. adjusted herself to 2. adjust themselves to,考点 4. conduct vt. 组织;实施;执行;指挥; 带领;引导;传导,【典型例句】 1. He conducted the members of the audience to their seats. 他引观众到他们的座位上。 2. They hired agents to conduct their affairs. 他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。 3. Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra. 格林先生将指挥这支管弦


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