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1、标 题,学校: 教师:,动词的时态和语态,学习目标: 1、高考考查的八种时态是:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时,过去将来时。 2、容易混淆的三组动词时态是:一般现在时和现在完成时;一般过去时和过去完成时;过去完成时与现在完成时。 3、各种时态及含情态动词的被动形式的应用。,学习重点: 1、时态和语态在特定语境中的基本用法。 2、学会根据语境或上下文逻辑关系来判断时态。 3、同题检测时态和语态。 4、被动语态和系表结构,主动形式表被动意义的知识。,突破方法: 1、不可脱离语境学习时态和语态,而是要在了解了八种常用时态的一些常用规则后,留心以英语

2、为母语者在实际生活中如何使用各种时态和语态。 2、建立时态的时、体概念(“时”即现在时、过去时、将来时、过去将来时;每个时又分四个“体”,即一般体、进行体、完成体、完成进行体)。 3、解决时态和语态问题,要遵循如下解题思路: 1)这件事情说的是什么时候的事情或情况? (定“时”) 2)这个动作处于什么状态,是完成了,还是未完成,还是既不表完成又不表进行?(定“体”) 3)这个动词与主语的关系,是主动还是被动? (定“语态”),概念 时态是谓语动词所表示的动作或情况发生时间的各种形式。它是“时”和“体”的组合。“时”有现在、过去、将来、过去将来之分;“体”有一般、进行、完成、完成进行之别。见下表

3、:,一、一般现在时 1.一般现在时表示经常发生、习惯性动作或存在的状态; He takes a walk after supper every day. He is our English teacher. 客观真理、科学事实、格言; The sun rises in the east. Two plus two makes four. 主语的特征、性格、能力等。 He woks hard. The children draw well. 常见时间状语:often, sometimes, seldom, always, every day/month/ year,2.主句是一般将来时,时间、条

4、件状语从句中用一般现在 表示将来。如: Ill go there after I finish my work. If it rains tomorrow, I wont go there. 3.在以here, there开头的句子里,go, come等少数动词的一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。例如: There goes the bell.铃响了。 There comes the bus.汽车来了。 Here she comes.她来了。 4. 表示安排或计划好的将来的动作(一般只限于某些表移动的动词,如go,come,leave, start,be ,arrive, begin, retur

5、n, open, close, depart, end, sail, finish等). The train starts at ten oclock in the morning. Supper is at five today.,二、一般过去时 1)表达特定的过去时间内发生的动作或存在的状况,常与last week/year/ month/ spring, a few days ago, in 1998等时间状语以及when等连词引导的时间状语从句连用。 We had a good swim last Sunday. When I was young, I took cold baths

6、regularly. 2)叙述过去连续发生的一件件事。 He got up early in the morning, fetched water, swept the yard and then went out to work. 3)表过去某一时间内经常发生或反复发生的动作或行为。 When my brother was a teenager, he played table tennis almost everyday. 4)在条件、时间状语从句中表示过去将来的动作。 They said they would let us know if they heard any news abou

7、t him.,题组练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空,-Your baby is too thin. - It could gain weight, but it _(not eat) much. 2. It wont be long before such a thing _ (happen) again. 3. I wont speak to him unless he _ (apologize) to me.,doesnt eat,happens,apologizes,4. The careless driver has just been fined $ 10 for stopping h

8、is car at a sign that _ (read) “NO PARKING”. 5. - Nancy is not coming tonight. - But she _ . (promise).,reads,promised,三. 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作和存在的状况。有下列一些形式: 1.will/shall do (侧重将来行为,不突出计划安排去做某事,与tomorrow,next week, soon, in 2018等连用) My daughter will be twelve years old tommorrow. I shall go back to

9、 see my childhood friends in the summer vacation. We shall work in this factory every day. (表将来经常发生的动作),2. be going to do (主观上打算、决心或客观上可能发生) We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese History. Tom studies very hard, and he is going to try for a scholarship. Look at those clouds. Its going to rain.,

10、3. be about to (表即将发生的动作,立即的将来,此句型很少与表示将来的具体时间状语连用。) The English evening is about to begin. We are about to leave, so there is no time to visit him now. 4. be to do 1)(按计划或安排即将发生) The boys are to go to school next week. He and I are to meet at the Shanghai Railway Station.,这种结构也可用于过去,was / were to d

11、o sth表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示命运(即命中注定要发生的事),而非计划;was / were to have done sth 表示未曾实现的计划。 I felt nervous, I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了。 They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了。 We were to have told you, but you were

12、not in. 我们本想告诉你的,但你不在家。,2)表示“应该”,相当于should ,ought to , You are to report to the police. What is to be done?应该怎么办呢? 3) 表示“必须”, 相当于must ,have to The letter is to be handed to him in person. 4) You are to do your homework before you watch TV. 表示“想,打算”,相当于intend,want , If we are to be there before ten,

13、well have to go now.,5)用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见。 Am I to go on with the work? What are we to do next? 6)用于否定句,表示“禁止”, 相当于“mustnt” The books in this room are not to be taken outside. 7)表示“可能,可以”, 相当于may, can The news is to be found in the evening paper. Such people are to be found everywhere.,9) were to do

14、 sth用于if 或 even if /even though 从句中,表示对未来的假设。 If I were to tell you that I killed him, would you believe me? Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never do such a thing. 10) be to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)与 be to let (待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。 Which driver is to blame for the accident? 这事故是哪

15、个司机的责任? This house is to let. 这房子要出租。,题组练习:单项填空,6. We have been looking for the boy all the afternoon but he is nowhere_. to see B. seeing C. seen D. to be seen 7. As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that _ world famous. A. Would become B. became C. w

16、as to become D. had become,8. - We just saw John at the bookstore. - Thats strange. I didnt think he _back until tomorrow. A. will come B. was to come C. is coming D. is to come 9. If the sun _ tomorrow, what would we do? A. were not to raise B. does not rise C. would not rise D. were not to rise,10. Look at these clouds, _. A. Its going to rain B. Its raining C. It is to rain D. It can rain 11. W



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