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1、,记叙文是一种比较常见且最为基本的写作体裁,是以记叙人物的经历或事物的发展变化过程为主的一种文体。,1写作攻略 (1)内容完整,脉络清晰 写好记叙文,首先要头绪分明,脉络清晰,明确文章要求写什么。要对所写的事件或人物进行分析,弄清事件发生、发展、一直到结束的整个过程,然后再搜集、选取素材。一般来说,记叙文包括六大要素,即“六何” “何人于何时何地为何如何做何事”。写这类文章我们要从六个方面(when, where, who, what, why, how)入手,将题目所要求的全部要点交代清楚。记叙文的目的就是叙述一个经过,因此要有头有尾,自始至终,确保内容的完整。,(2)中心突出,详略得当 在

2、文章的框架确定后,对支持故事的素材的选取是很关键的。选材要注意取舍,应该从表现文章主题的需要出发,分清主 次,定好详略。在写作过程中我们要突出重点,详写那些能 表现文章主题的重要情节,略写那些次要情节。 (3)语言灵活,准确生动 记叙文要用具体的事件和生动的语言对人、事、物加以叙述。一篇好的记叙文的语言既要准确、生动,又要表现力强,这 样才能把人、事、物描写得具体生动,其可读性才强。,2高分制造技巧 (1)自始至终以时间为主线贯穿文章内容,正确使用符合事 件中所要求的人称; (2)注意连词的准确应用,确保前后呼应,建立合乎情理的 连续故事情节; (3)确保每句都有主谓宾结构,一种时态为主,多为

3、过去时; (4)牢记不规则动词表,确保行文必要处常见、常用词的准 确书写; (5)全篇句式讲究长短结合,简单融合复杂。,写作题目,根据下面五幅图画介绍杭州“最美司机”吴斌的英雄事迹。,“三准四美”高分作文写作规范,一、“三准”确保作文上及格线,The pictures above remind us of .,One day, something unpleasant happened.,In the pictures above .,典例为看图记叙文,体现其特点的句型有:,上面图画让我们想到,一天,发生了令人不愉快的事情。,在上面这些图中,要点一:上面图画让我们想到几天前英雄司机吴斌所做的事

4、情。 关键词: 时态:_ 要点二:吴斌与乘客正行驶在高速公路上。 关键词: 时态:_ 要点三:不明飞行物迎面飞来,砸碎了前玻璃。 关键词:_ 时态:_,remind . of .,一般现在时,drive,过去进行时,in the opposite direction; crash/break into pieces,过去时,要点四:很明显吴斌受伤严重。 关键词:_ 时态:_ 要点五:忍痛设法安全停车、熟练开门、让乘客有序下车。 关键词:_ 时态:_ 要点六:他坐在座位上,失去知觉。 关键词: 时态:_,It was obvious that ./obviously; get/be hurt,过

5、去时,manage; safely; skillfully; in order,过去时,lose consciousness/pass out,过去时,要点七:他的行为挽救了所有乘客的性命。 关键词: (从句) 时态: 要点八:听到他去世的消息,这座城市的所有人都沉浸在悲痛之中。 关键词: 时态:_ 要点九:他们走向街头送别英雄。 关键词: 时态:_ 要点十:多么勇敢的一名公交车司机啊! 关键词: 时态:_,what he had done,过去完成时,be in deep sorrow,过去时,go to the street; see off,过去时,what/how,一般现在时,要点一:

6、_ _ 要点二:_ _ 要点三:_ _,The pictures above remind us of what Wu Bin, the hero bus driver, did several days ago.,He together with his passengers was driving along the highway.,Something unknown flew in the opposite direction, and crashed the front glass.(并列句),要点四:_(it作形式 主语) 要点五:_ _ (as引导的倒装句) 要点六:_ (并列句

7、) 要点七:_ (what引导的主语从句),It was obvious that he was hurt seriously.,Painful as he felt, he managed to stop the bus safely, opened the door skillfully, and let all the passengers off the bus in order.,He sat in the seat, and lost consciousness/passed out.,What he had done saved all the lives of the pass

8、engers.,要点八:_ _ _ 要点九: _ 要点十: (what感叹句) (how感叹句),At the news of his death/On hearing the news of his death, nearly all the people in the city were in deep sorrow.,They went to the street to see the hero off.,Wha a brave bus driver!,How brave the bus driver is!,二、“四美”走出平庸创高分,升级句式一:把要点三改成分句短语作状语 ,Some

9、thing unknown flew in the opposite direction, crashing the front glass.,升级句式二:用并列连词whose连接要点二和升级句式一 _ 升级句式三:用副词obviously改写要点四 _ 升级句式四:用unconscious作状语改写要点六 _ 升级句式五:用强调句改写要点七 _,He together with his passengers was driving along the highway when something unknown flew in the opposite direction, crashing

10、 the front glass.,Obviously, he was hurt seriously.,He sat in the seat, unconscious.,It was what he had donet hat saved all the lives of the passengers.,要点六与前面事件叙述有明显的先后顺序,可使用短语 ;要点八和九可使用并列连词 连接。,after that,and,第一段:叙述事件经过(要点一至九) 第二段:简单评论(要点十),The pictures above remind us of what Wu Bin, the hero bus

11、 driver, did several days ago. He together with his passengers was driving along the highway when something unknown flew in the opposite direction, crashing the front glass. Obviously, he was hurt seriously. Painful as he felt, he managed to stop the bus safely, opened the door skillfully, and,let a

12、ll the passengers off the bus in order. After that, he sat in the seat, unconscious. It was what he had done that saved all the lives of the passengers. At the news of his death, nearly all the people in the city were in deep sorrow and went to the street to see the hero off.,今年暑假,我除了做作业之外,还去青岛旅游了。青岛是一个很美的城市,有很多名胜,特别是日出给我留下了很深的印象。早上我起得很早,天气也不错,我观看了日出的全过程。在我看来这是令人难忘的景象。,参考范文:,In my summer holiday, I did a lot of things. Apart from read



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