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1、Business 1,Exchange and Reception,联络口译(陪同口译),任务:在接待、旅游等事务中担任口译。 要求: 1.强烈的责任感。 2. 广博的知识 3. 跨文化交际意识 4. 仪态自然大方,1.强烈的责任感。,准确把握工作的时间和场所。 大量细致的准备工作:了解接待客人的 身份 爱好、特点等背景信息和客人活动的 内容等。,2. 广博的知识,谈话内容更随意、灵活,3. 跨文化交际意识,“Language is the principle means whereby we conduct our social lives. When it is used in conte

2、xts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways.”( Kramsch, 2000:3) e.g 1. “您长途飞行,一路上一定很累吧?” You must have been very tired after the long flight? I hope you have had a smooth flight. 2. 指令、禁语 “请注意” Attention, please! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, ple

3、ase? 3. 谦让语 “这没什么,是我应该做的”,“哪里,哪里”,“我做得不够好”,4. 仪态自然大方,掌握外事活动中基本的行为规范: 遵时守约、着装规范、仪容整洁、态度亲 切、言语得体、注重礼仪,Preparing -Phrases Interpreting,English to Chinese Recover from the jet lag Thoughtful Arrangement Hospitability Souvenir Accommodations Claim baggage Proceed through the customs Itinerary Farewell sp

4、eech Adjust to the time difference,倒时差 周到的安排 热情好客 纪念品 食宿 提取行李 进行海关检查 活动安排 告别辞 适应时差,Chinese to English 为设宴洗尘 向告别 不远万里来到 您先请 久仰大名 欢迎辞 赞美 回顾过去 展望未来 慢走,to hold a banquet in honor of. to bid farewell to . Come all the way to. After you! I have long been looking forward to meeting you. a welcoming address

5、 to pay tribute to . Looking back; Looking ahead Take care!,Preparing -Sentences Interpreting,English to Chinese 1. Thank you for such a thoughtful arrangement for me.,谢谢您为我作出了如此精心的安排。,2. It was a real pleasure having you with us. We wish to thank you for coming.,能接待你们,我们感到很高兴。我们衷心感谢你们的光临。,3.Well ha

6、ve a reception banquet in your honor tonight. Ill send someone to pick you up at 5:30.,今晚我们设宴为您洗尘,晚上5:30 我派车来接您。,4. We will make an all-out effort to make your stay in Linyi comfortable and pleasant.,我们会尽力使您在临沂期间过得舒适愉快。,5. I hope you will be frank with us and give whatever opinions and suggestions y

7、ou may have in regard to the tentative schedule. Well see what we can do to meet your wishes.,如果你们对这个日程草案有什么意见和建议, 希望坦诚地告诉我们,我们将尽量满足你们的 希望。,6. We are sorry that we shall be leaving. It is really a most interesting and rewarding visit.,我们要离开贵国深感遗憾。说真的,这次访问非常有意义,非常有收获。,B. Chinese to English,1. 斯密斯先生,欢

8、迎您和代表团所有成员来我公司访问,愿你们访问愉快。,1. Mr. Smith, Im very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our country. We hope youll have a pleasant visit here.,2. 长途旅行后您一定很累了。,I hope you have had a smooth flight.,3. 您亲自专程赶来接待我,我深为感动。,Im very touched that youve come all the way to meet me

9、 in person.,4. 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。,I would like to show you our (tentative) itinerary .,5. 这是我的名片,上面有我的地址和电话号码。如有不尽如人意之处, 尽管告诉我。,Heres my name card with my address and phone number. Feel free to call me anytime if you should encounter any inconveniences,6. 欢迎你们随时再来,我们的门对朋友永远是敞开的。,You are welcome to

10、 visit us again any time. Our door is always open to friends.,Performing -Coordinating (Field Interpreting),At the Airport Situation:Mr. Wang,General Manager of Hualin Soft Toy Co. Ltd, is at the airport meeting Ms. Wilson, President of World Import Export,US,Soft Toy 长毛绒玩具 General manager 总经理 Claim

11、 baggage 提取行李 Round-the-Island Road 环岛公路 permanent residents 常住人口 sample 样品 production line 生产线,王: 您就是世界进出口公司的总裁Wilson女士吧?我姓王,华林玩具公司的总经理。 W: Nice to meet you,Mr. Wang 王: 欢迎您到我们厦门来,一路辛苦了。 W: ThanksI had a good flight a bit long though 王:你的行李都取了吗? W:Yes, I have. 王: 行李给我们吧,车子在外面等着呢。 W : Thanks,but I ca

12、n manage (In the car) 王: 这条是新建好的环岛路,紧邻沙滩,周末很多人来这儿休闲。风景不错吧? W: Its beautiful. You know, you would have to go a long, long way in U.S. to find somewhere as beautiful as this 王:是吗? 厦门是个小城市,适合生活。厦门现在被誉为全国最温馨的城市。 W: All I can say is you are very lucky! Whats the population? 王: 常住人口 130多万,规模不算大。 W: Well,t

13、hats not a very small city by my standardAnyway,could you tell me what my schedule here will be? 王: 今晚没什么安排,让你好好休息一天,倒一下时差。 明天早上我们接您去工厂,看看样品, 参观生产线,下午我们谈谈合同的细节,后天观光旅游。您觉得这安排怎么样? W: Thats fine by meIm entirely at your disposal 王: 我们到了,请下车,您先请。,Meeting an expert. Situation: Mr. Butler, a senior engine

14、er from Linde Germany has arrived In Xiamen to help solve some technical problems Linde Xiamen has run into Ms. Lee,the Manager of the RD Department of Linde Xiamen meets him at the company,RD Department 研发部 Facility 设施 Staff training 员工培训 human resources 人力资源,李: 早上好!很高兴又见到你。你昨天睡得好吗? B: Good morning

15、! Nice to see you again Yes, I slept very well, thank you I was probably a bit tired after the long flight from FrankfurtI fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow 李: 对酒店的设施和服务,你满意吗? B: Yes,Im perfectly happy here,thank youYou know its just another Holliday Inn and they provide the same fac

16、ilities and the same standard of service all over the world 李: 你来之前,我得知假日酒店将在本周末举办他们每年一度的啤酒节。所以就安排你住在那儿。 B: Thats really very kind of youYou really seem to understand what we Germans like 李: 谢谢。厦门林德现有四座建筑,两个生产厂房,一栋办公楼,还有一个新建的培训中心。 B: Well, like any good company Linde spends a lot of time and money on staff trainingWherever we operate, we set up training enters to provide training not only for our own



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