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1、,1content n内容,题材;容量,目录(pl.);满足(意) adj.满足的,高兴的(一般不用作定语);甘愿的 vt.使满足 归纳拓展 (1)be content to do sth.be willing to do sth.be ready to do sth.愿意做某事(不能用contented替换) be content that满意 feel/be content with.(feel/be satisfied with)对感到满意/满足,(2)content sb./oneself with sth.使满足于某事 (3)with content满足(意)地 to ones he

2、arts content尽情地,心满意足地 (4)contented adj.满足的,满意的(可作定语) the contented people满足的人们 a contented smile满足的微笑 注意:content用作形容词充当表语,表示“非常满意”时,只能说be well content,不能说be very content。,He is always content with a little book knowledge only. 他总是满足于仅有的一点书本知识。 After graduation,he is content to work as a teacher. 毕业后

3、,他很乐意当老师。 We should never content ourselves with such a small success. 我们永远不要仅仅满足于这样的小成就。 We can swim in the river to our hearts content. 我们可以在河里尽情地游泳。,同类辨析 content与contented 这两个词都有“满意的,满足的”之意。 (1)content表示“甘心的,甘愿的”,多用作表语、后置定语或状语,后面可接不定式。 (2)contented 指安于现状,别无他求,有“知足”的意思,一般作前置定语或表语。,【链接训练】 Neither t

4、he teacher nor the students are _ with the result of the experiment. Acontent Bcontented Ccontenting Dsatisfying 【解析】 be content with.be satisfied with.。句意为:老师和学生都对这个实验结果不满意。 【答案】 A,That rich woman is tired of city life,so she is _ to live in the country. Aafraid Bunwilling Ccontent Dtiring 【解析】 be

5、content to do sth.“愿意做某事”。句意为:那个贵妇人厌倦了城市生活,因此她乐意到乡村去居住。 【答案】 C,2entertain vt.&vi.使快乐;款待,招待 归纳拓展 (1)entertain sb.to sth.用宴客/招待/款待某人(尤指在自己家中) entertain sb.with sth.sb.be entertained with sth.用使某人快乐 entertain sb.as.把某人当招待 (2)entertainment n娱乐活动;款待,招待 find entertainment in以为乐 give an entertainment to sb

6、.招待某人 give a farewell entertainment to sb.为某人举行欢送会 (3)entertaining adj.愉快的,有趣的,引人发笑的 entertainer n款待者;表演娱乐节目的人,Bob and Lily entertained us to dinner last night. 昨晚鲍勃和莉莉设宴招待了我们。 He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 This law applies to theatres,cinemas and o

7、ther places of public entertainment. 此项法律适用于剧院、电影院和其他公共娱乐场所。 She was always so funny and entertaining. 她总是那么风趣,让人愉快。,【链接训练】 He often listens to the music in his spare time to _ himself. Aentertain Bencourage Ceducate Dedit 【解析】 entertain“娱乐”;encourage“鼓励”;educate“教育”;edit“编辑”。entertain oneself“自娱自乐”

8、,符合题意。 【答案】 A,_ consists of performances of plays and films and activities such as reading and watching TV that give people pleasure. AEntertain BTo entertain CEntertaining DEntertainment 【解析】 entertainment 是名词,意为“招待,款待,娱乐,消遣”,在此意为“娱乐”。句意为:娱乐活动包括表演、电影及其他一些像读书、看电影等带给人们愉悦的活动。 【答案】 D,3convince vt. 使确信;

9、使信服 归纳拓展 (1)convince sb.of sth./that使某人相信某事 convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事 归纳拓展 (2)convinced adj. 坚定不移的;确信的 be convinced of sth./that确信 (3)convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的 a convincing victory/win大比分获胜,I convinced him of her honesty. I convinced him that she was honest. 我使他相信她是诚实的。 He has been trying to c

10、onvince her to see a doctor. 他一直试着劝她去看医生。 I am convinced that he is telling the truth. 我确信他讲的是事实。 We were convinced of the truth of the report. 我们确信这个报告的真实性。 There is now convincing evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.现在有令人信服的证据说吸烟能导致肺癌。,同类辨析 convince与persuade convince和persuade都有“说服”之意,都可用于conv

11、ince/persuade sb.of sth.和convince/persuade sb.that.结构。但convince表示用事实或道理等说服某人相信或做某事;而persuade则表示用劝说的方法使人愿意采纳意见或采取行动,侧重以情感人。 I tried to convince them of his innocence. 我试图使他们相信他是无辜的。 I finally persuaded him to go to college. 我终于说服他去上大学。,【链接训练】 The couple tried every effort to _ the judges who tried th

12、e case of their innocence,resulting in the contrary. Aprove Bcharge Cconvince Dconfirm 【解析】 句意为:那对夫妇尽力使审讯那宗案件的法官相信他们是清白的,但结果正相反。prove“证明”;charge sb. with.“指控某人”;convince sb. of sth.“使某人相信”;confirm sth.“证实”。由句意及convince sb. of sth.的搭配可知正确答案为C项。 【答案】 C,(2)direction n方向;方位;指导;指挥 in the direction of.朝方向

13、 under the direction of.在指导下 in all directionsin every direction朝四面八方 Was what he said directed at me? 他说的话是冲我来的吗? Can you direct me to the post office? 请问到邮局怎么走? A policeman stood in the middle of the street,directing the traffic.一名交警站在路中央指挥交通。,(2)direct作副词时,多表示具体的路径,意为“径直地,直接地”; directly作副词时,表示抽象意

14、义,意为“直接地”。也可作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。 It costs more to fly direct to HongKong. 直飞香港的航班票价要高些。 Directly the teacher came in,everyone was quiet. 老师一进来,大家都静了下来。,【链接训练】 The airline doesnt go _ to America.It goes by way of Japan. Adirectly Bdirect Cdirection Dimmediately 【解析】 direct作副词,意为“径直地,直接地”多指路径;directly

15、“直接地”多表示抽象意义。句意为:飞机不直飞美国,要经过日本。 【答案】 B,5whisper n& v耳语;私语;谣传;密谈;低声说 归纳拓展 (1)whisper to sb.与耳语,向某人小声说 whisper sth.in ones ear 附在某人耳朵上说 It is/was whispered that.据秘密传言 (2)in a whisper/whispers 低声地 give sb.the whisper对某人耳语,给某人以暗示,He whispered to her so that no one else would hear. 他对她耳语,以避免让别人听到。 It is

16、whispered that his business is falling. 据传言他的公司要倒闭。 They sat at the back of the room,talking in whispers. 他们坐在房间的后面低声谈话。,【链接训练】 She had to _ to her husband so that she would not wake the baby. Ashout Bspeak Cwhisper Dtalk 【解析】 句意为:为了不弄醒婴儿,她不得不和丈夫耳语。whisper to sb.“与耳语,向某人小声说”。 【答案】 C,6react vi.作出反应,回应 归纳拓展 (1)react to对作出反应 react on/upon对



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