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1、19春学期(1503、1509、1603、1609、1703)餐饮经营管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.Which of the following statements concerning nutrient preservation is true?A.Food should be soaked before it is prepared.B.Most vegetables should be heavily pared before cooking.C.Exposure to air may des

2、troy some nutrients.D.Boiling is the best cooking method to preserve the nutrients in vegetables.正确答案:C2.除了()类蔬菜以外,大多数蔬菜都需要在冰箱中保存。A.叶类蔬菜B.茎类蔬菜C.根茎类蔬菜D.果实类蔬菜正确答案:C3.如果你发现厨房的地面上有一块不能确定的水迹或油渍,该如何正确对待()A.工作很忙赶时间,先绕过去B.喊清洁人员前来弄干净C.呼喊清洁人员并在污渍旁竖立警示牌D.先确定一下踩一脚试试,到底这东西是油还是水?正确答案:C4.Cart service is also calle

3、d ( )service.A.FrenchB.EnglishC.RussianD.American正确答案:A5.A perpetual inventory system tells managers:A.the exact quantity of each product in storage.B.how much money has been spent on a given product during a given time period.C.the quantity of each product that should be in storage.D.which products

4、 will likely need to be reordered within the next 30 days.正确答案:C6.由于餐饮企业是处在不断变化的经济环境中的,因此,除非原始数据没有发生重大的变化,否则()前所做的可行性研究就失去意义了。A.2年B.1年半C.1年D.半年正确答案:D7.既提供全套系列的菜肴,又提供多样的零点菜肴,这种菜单为()A.套餐菜单B.自助菜单C.循环菜单D.固定菜单正确答案:A8.What are accounts payable?A.obligations owed to the property from sales made on creditB.

5、liabilities incurred for food, supplies, equipment, or other goods and services purchased on accountC.the listing of financial statement accounts and account numbersD.a front-of-the-house accounting task正确答案:B9.独立经营的用餐服务场所都包括()类型的餐饮企业A.独立经营企业B.连锁企业C.特许经营企业D.以上都是正确答案:D10.Preventing the separation of

6、ingredients describes which cooking use of eggs?A.clarifying agentB.interfering substanceC.emulsifying agentD.binding and coating正确答案:C11.One of the most common mistakes in menu design is:A.using more than two colors.B.omitting basic information about the restaurant.C.printing the menu on two types

7、of paper.D.using freelance artists to design the menu.正确答案:B12.企业的年度预算一般包括每月计划,于是这些月计划就成了评价每月实际完成结果的标准。因此,经营预算的重要职能就是完成()A.计划和管理B.计划和控制C.计划和修改D.协调和控制正确答案:B13.公共关系工作是经理人员的营销手段,其主要任务是()A.预防竞争对手B.创建企业的良好声誉C.定期发送打折券D.处理好顾客投诉正确答案:B14.After studying her menu, Malia decides to order a dinner that includes

8、a garden salad, a veal cutlet entre with green beans, and a baked potato. Malia is most likely ordering from a(n) menu.A.cycleB. la carteC.prix fixeD.table dh?te正确答案:D15.在烹制猪肉时,使其全熟,温度应该达到()度。A.70B.75C.80D.85正确答案:B16.Concerns about the guest should be:A.solely the responsibility of the operations ma

9、nagers.B.considered only when business seems to be declining.C.incorporated into all of a food service managers activities.D.primarily the responsibility of guest-contact staff正确答案:C17.Which of the following statements about unsafe food is true?A.A food temperature danger zone exists at very low tem

10、peratures.B.All microorganisms are dangerous.C.Once a food is poisoned by germs, it must be cooked at a very high temperature to be made safe for consumption.D.Acidity affects the ability of germs to grow.正确答案:D18.Which of the following is an element of ongoing marketing research?A.guest analysisB.p

11、roduct analysisC.feasibility analysisD.property analysis正确答案:B19.Which of the following drink pairs contain the same amount of alcohol?A.two 12-ounce beers and 8 ounces of wineB.1 ounce of 100-proof liquor and 8 ounces of wineC.one 12-ounce beer and 8 ounces of wineD.one mixed drink and three 12-oun

12、ce beers正确答案:A20.对员工的工作进行督导、安排和制度约束,属于以下何种管理程序?A.指挥B.组织C.控制D.评估正确答案:A二、 多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)1.通常有餐饮机构提供的桌餐服务有四种常见的方式,它们是()A.盘餐式B.家庭式C.小餐车式D.大盘餐式正确答案:ABCD2.若要提供安全食品,首先必须要知道造成食品不安全的因素是什么。因素是()A.过分烹制食物如烤焦了B.滥用调味料C.微生物D.化学毒素正确答案:CD3.餐饮服务人员一般可以分为三种类型,分别是()A.管理人员B.服务人员C.食品制作人员D.采购人员正确答案:ABC4.在现代化厨房里,下列()


14、,在流水中解冻C.用微波炉解冻D.泡在温水里解冻正确答案:ABC10.沙门氏菌是一种常见的感染细菌。最有可能滋生沙门氏菌的食品有()A.高蛋白质类食物B.豆制品类C.奶制品类D.家禽类正确答案:ACD三、 判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.一线经理指的是那些对企业或的营业收入具有直接影响的管理人员。A.对B.错正确答案:A2.Cart service also called French service.A.对B.错正确答案:A3.餐饮服务业的损益表能够给我们提供重要的财务信息,并能反映出一年甚至几年周期内的经营状况。A.对B.错正确答案:B4.line manager is a manager with decision-making authority within or over a revenue-generating department that directly provides services to guests.A.对B.错正确答案:A5.guest survey is a questionaire completed by guest and used by food service manager to define current marke


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