
上传人:小** 文档编号:89963319 上传时间:2019-06-04 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:26.50KB
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1、演员表: LB刘邦ZL张良XB项伯FK樊哙XY项羽XZ项庄FZ范增Cao曹无伤 旁白:In the end of Qin dynasty. LB and XY attacked the army of Qin. Liu had less troops than Liang. But he was the first occupied Xian Yang city,. Then a trayter Cao went to meet Xiang.Cao: My king , you know LB has occupied Xian Yang faster than us.XY : How dar

2、e he do that ! But Xian Yang will be mine. He cant stop me.Cao:while, I dont think so. According to Huai Wangs arrangement. The first one occupie XianYang will be the King. That is what he want .So he will never let you enter.XY: He dare he betray me ? There is only one king in the world . Absolutel

3、y it will be me. I will destroy his army.旁白: Xiangs uncleXB knew it .Then He went to meet a wise man ZL, a person who had ever saved his life .And he want to save him in return.XB: Go with me ,dont die with LB.ZL : Whats happening?XB: LB is surely a dead man . XY wants to kill him.ZL: No. I wont lea

4、ve my load , especially when he is in danger. It is against my belief .Wait for a moment I will meet my lord.旁白:So ZL met LB. And told him everything.LB: (stand up) What should I do ?ZL: Who give you this advice.LB: A stupid guy told me :Enter Xian Yang , dont let others get in , keep all the lords

5、of Qin .And I will be the king.ZL: With all respect ,do you think you can defend Xiangs army?LB: (沉思)Of course not ,but what can I do?ZL : You can discuss with XB .LB : Call him in .项伯入帐内LB: My brother , thank you for informing me the danger , but I think there is some misunderstandings between King

6、 XY and me .XB : So, what is it ?LB: I entered Xian Yang, but took nothing for myself . I order troops guard Xian Yang just to prevent theives and other accidents . I desire my king come back to Xian Yang day and night . How dare I betry my king .XB: I understand you now . But you must get early and

7、 apologize to XY as soon as possible.LB: I will follow every word you say.鸿门宴会上LB: General and I attack Qin together , but I have never expected that I could get Xian Yang first . Sorry about that . It must be dogs rummers causing misunderstandings between us .XY : Cao told me that nonsense . Or I w

8、ould not think like that .(范增不高兴,咳嗽示意项羽范增出去,见项庄,其余人继续喝)项庄增在玩切水果游戏,切得正起劲FZ : Our king has such a week mind that he does not have the mind to kill LB . Now listen to me ,you must get in and give a toast . Then ,perform a sword dance and seize the chance to kill LB .XZ : You command.项庄入场XZ : I am XZ ,y

9、our humble servant ,let us propose a toast to our great king XY.众人:Cheers .XZ : There is few entertainment in camp , please allow me to perform a sword dance for amusement .项庄舞剑,逐渐逼近刘邦,刘邦吓得蹲下或趴到,范增鼓掌,最后项庄给刘邦致命一击时,项伯拔剑挡住。XB : Only one sword is tedious ,two will be fun.张良退下,叫樊哙樊哙正在玩拳王游戏,表现很狂躁ZL : Our

10、lords is on a line .It is very dangerous , XZ wants to kill him through sword dance .FK : It is such an emergency, I will risk my life to protect my lord! 冲进营去,撞翻项庄、项伯XY: Who are you?FK: I am the guard of LB.XY: Brave warrior ,give him ColaFK: 一饮而尽XY: Award him meatFK: (狼吞虎咽,几口吃下)XY: Warrior, can yo

11、u drink another glass?FK: I dont afraid of death, let alone drinking wine?(一饮而尽) A large proportion of best citizen hate Qins despotism, so people fight against Qin. My lord attacked XianYang , overthrew Qin Dynasty awarded XianYang from accidents. You didnt award his credit but tried to kill him. T

12、here is no difference between you and the king of Qin dynasty. You shoudnt be like that.XY: 作尴尬表情 You are right, please sit down.刘邦起身,项羽叫坐XY: Where are you going?LB: Excuse me, I have to go to WC.张良和刘邦意味深长地点了点头,找到樊哙LB: I didnt say good-bey to the king. Is that OK?FK: You are going to achieve a great

13、 glory. Dont mind that details. They are knife, we are fish and meat, just leave here!ZL: Sorry for my lords leaving without saying goodbye to you. These are some gifts to apologize.张良退场,项羽玩得开心,范增摔了礼物FZ : You are a such fool to working with. I will be his capture sooner or later!LB : You told XY I wangt to be a king, right?CaoWu Shang: YesFK : 樊哙举剑将其杀死


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