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1、感叹句练习题1、 用what或how的恰当形式填空。(注意大小写) 1. _ a pretty girl she is! 2. _ quickly the boy is running! 3. _ kind teachers they are! 4. _ clever the baby is! 5. _ I miss my hometown (家乡)! 6. _ happy I am! 7. _ sad child he is!8. _ hot water it is! 9. _ hard they study! 10. _ able (能干的) young man he is! 11. Lo

2、ok! _fast the boy is running! 12. _cold day it was yesterday! 13. _heavy the box is! I cant carry it. 14. _interesting story he told us! 15. _nice the moon cakes are! 16. _bad weather!17. _clever children all of you are! 18. _important news that is!19. _time flies! 20. _beautiful flowers you bought

3、me!2、 选择。 ( )1._beautiful flowers they are! A.How B. What C. What a ( )2._lovely a girl she is! A. What B. How C. What a( )3._they love their country! A. What B. How C. What a( )4._long hair she has! A. What a B. What C. How( ) 5._beautiful music we are listening to! A. How B. What a C. What( )6._ex

4、citing a football match it is! A. What B. How C. What an( )7._hard-working Chinese people! A. How B. What C. How do( )8._a lovely view! A. Is it B. Isnt it C. Arent they( )14._useful information it is! A. What an C. What B. How D What a( )9._time they had yesterday!A.How wonderful B. What wonderful

5、C.What a wonderful ( )10._worried they looked! A. What B. How C. How are 3、 按要求对下列句子进行句型转换。 1. He listened to his teacher carefully. (改为感叹句) _ _ he listened to his teacher! 2. What a clever monkey it is! (改为同义句) _ _ a monkey it is!3. The food is very nice. (改为感叹句) _ _ food it is!4. How sadly they are crying! (改为陈述句) They _ _ _. 5. The Christmas tree is beautiful. (改为感叹句) _ _ the Christmas tree is!


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