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1、Unit 16Stories 开 篇 背 诵,叙事 典型例题 (西安八校联考)假设你是李华,在美国探亲,你目击了一起交通事故,警察让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。 注意:根据下列内容要点写出报告 1时间:715 am,Feb.8, 2009; 2地点:公园路公园门前; 3车从第3街向右拐,驶入公园路时撞了一位老人;,4车未停,沿公园路向西开走; 5黄色车,车号:AC864,女司机。 说明:1.内容要点要用不同的方式表达。,2对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 3词数在100左右;结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。 _ _About two minutes later, I stopped a pa

2、ssing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua,写作提示 1叙事作文属于记叙文,要交待清楚时间、地点、人物等要素。 2这种文体的写作一般以第一人称或第三人称。 3时态通常用一般过去时。,佳作欣赏 It was 715 on the morning of February 8,2009. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the stre

3、et. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the old man while he was crossing the street. He fell with a cry. The car didnt stop and drove off at great speed heading west.,I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate num

4、ber was AC864. About two minutes later, I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.,名师点评 1本文前两句准确交待了事件发生的时间、地点以及人物。文中对细节描述详细合理。文章语句连接紧密,通顺流畅。 2句式的运用:多处运用and连接的并列复合句;while引导的时间状语从句,特别是walking.when.”句中when作并列连词用更是文章的亮点。 3本文美中不足是结尾有些仓促。,教 材 自 主 回 归,记记单词,1p_vt.保护,保存_n保护;维护;维持 2

5、s_adj.详细的,特定的_adj.特别的,特殊的_n专家,专科医生 3o_n起源,开端;出身_adj. 起初的,最早的,preserve,preservation,specific,special,specialist,origin,original,4d_vt.使泄气,使灰心_adj.令人沮丧的,令人灰心的_adj.感到沮丧的,泄气的_n胆量,勇气 5s_n痛苦,困难_vt.遭受,经历,忍受_n忍受,忍耐 6m_adj.音乐的n.音乐剧,音乐片_n乐师,音乐家,discourage,discouraging,discouraged,courage,suffering,suffer,suff

6、erance,musical,musician,7a_adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的_adv.可赞美地,极好地_n钦佩,赞美,羡慕 8u_adj.不能忍受的_adj.忍得住的_vt.忍受,承受,承担 9e_adj.渴望的,热衷的_adv.渴望地,热切地_n渴望,admirable,admirably,admiration,unbearable,bearable,bear,eager,eagerly,eagerness,10u_adj.不确定的_adv.犹豫不决地;没把握地_adv.无疑,确实,当然_adj.无疑的,可靠的,有把握的,某种程度的,uncertain,uncertainly,certa

7、inly,certain,记记短语 1.Suddenly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system _(出现)a bright star with twenty or more planets. 2I remember the dog jumping up on me and _(把我撞倒)into the river. 3_(很久以前),there lived a beautiful princess.,came into view,knocking me over,Once upon a time,4Pliny descri

8、bed a cloud coming down the mountain, _(遮住太阳)and burying everything in its path. 5_(从某种程度上说)Pompeii is like a “time capsule” 6Another man, _(侧身躺着), looks as if he is trying to get up. 7This student _(以紫色的花命名),blocking out the sun,In a way,lying on his side,is named after a purple flower,8I_(偶然听到一个关于

9、名字的有趣的故事)when I visited my cousin in Henan Province. 9Her father thought he was admirable, because he built bridges _(值得信赖) 10She was worried that her daughter would _(不得不忍受)very much teasing with a mans name. 11So they _(想出一个方法)to change it.,came across an interesting name story,you can really coun

10、t on,have to put up with,figured out a way,12However, she didnt like it so she changed her studies and _(最终成为一名工程师)!,ended up becoming an engineer,记记句型 线长不固定,随答案长短变1._(既然Helen理解了语言的关键所在),she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could. 2_(试着学习“love”这个词)was an experience that she rem

11、embered well.,Now that Helen understood the key to language,Trying to learn the word “love”,教 材 知 识 探 究,词 语 解 读,1. abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃 abandon oneself to sth. 沉溺于(某种感情),陷入(to为介词) abandon sth. 放弃某物 with abandon 放任地;放肆地 abandoned adj.被放弃的;无约束的;放荡的(常作定语),词语辨析 abandon与desert abandon强调“完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴

12、趣或负有责任的人或物,或者指“失去控制”以及“丧失了占有的能力”。 desert的确切含义是“过去占有过”或“过去是伙伴”。强调“违背誓言,抛弃义务等”。,考试题 (2008孝感模拟)A good teacher would not let her students _. Aabandon Bdesert Cabandoned Dabandoning 答案:C 用abandon和desert的适当形式填空 He _ his wife and children. As he hated army life, he decided to _ his army.,abandoned,desert,2

13、. come into view出现 come into action开始行动 come into being产生,发生,形成 come into effect生效 come into power当权 come into use开始使用 The town came into sight/view as we turned the corner. 我们一拐过弯就看见那城镇了。 The new battleship is expected to come into service in 2012. 新战舰可望在2012年开始服役。,3. knock sb.over 撞倒某人 knock at/on敲(门) knock into偶然碰到(某人) knock out敲出,敲空(烟灰等);击倒 knock down打(撞)倒;驳倒 knock off敲掉;击倒,预测题 He was in such a hurry that he almost _ the old man. Aknocked at Bknocked over Cknocked off Dknocked



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