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1、夏季大型猪场如何管理,姚 冰 帝斯曼中国区技术经理,商品猪的供应现状,种猪苗价格稳定:苗猪40斤卖340元 行情:现在有些低,但是价格在回暖 趋势:随着需求量的增加,价格会上升 饲料成本:大豆多,鱼粉,玉米和麸皮价格稳 仔猪断奶后体况不均;存活率80%(90%以上) 如何抓住千载难逢的机会,今天探讨的主题,种猪的饲养管理 饲喂上应注意的地方 维生素同种猪的关系 如何选择适合当今养殖水平的预混料,公猪的现状,品种一流,遗传育种符合当前的状况 营养水平能满足种公猪的80%需要 射精次数,精液足够,但精子活力不够。 使用人工授精技术,符合潮流,但是精液保存技术有待提高 夏季受高温影响,应激严重,精子

2、指标会大幅下降,严重时会持续6周以上 配种数降低,弱仔数增加。,母猪的现状,发情期延长(10天以上),返情率增多,肢蹄病蹄裂严重(尤其是优良品种)直接导致淘汰 产仔数减少:从11-12头降低到9头以下 奶水不足,部分猪断奶重未达标准。 经产母猪膘情较差,母猪像“马驹”,配种次数增加。 结果:不发情;发情不明显;配不上种;无法提供更多数量苗猪 平时重视程度够,但是营养不够(尤其是维生素,蛋白质,氨基酸和能量);管理水平需要进一步提高和细致,Heat Stress 热应激,Heat Stress: in any animal results in a decrease in feed consum

3、ption, consequently reducing production (gain, egg production, etc.). 热应激:对任何动物而言都会导致采食量下降,继而降低生产性能(泌乳量,增重、产蛋量等)。,公猪的主要问题-热应激,Heat stress can be very detrimental to semen quality 热应激对精子质量非常有害 Temperature over 29o C for 3-4 days can reduce boar fertility for 6 weeks. 温度超过29的时间达3-4天可使公猪的繁殖能力下降6周。,Effe

4、ct of 96 hr heat stress on abnormal sperm (%) 96小时的热应激对公猪异常精子数的影响,热应激时猪添加维生素C和每次射精精子数,* 试验组每头公猪每天添加300mg维生素C (Lin 等1985),Two practices to help reduce heat stress 有两种做法有助于减少热应激: Adjustments in the formulation 调整配方 Management 管理措施,Heat Stress 热应激,Revising Formulation 调整配方,Formula Adjustments 调整配方,Nutr

5、ients that increase heat stress 会增加热应激的营养素: 1. High levels of fiber 大量纤维 Keep high fiber ingredients (wheat bran, etc.) to a minimum - dont use. 尽量少用高纤维原料(麸皮等)不用。 2. High levels of protein 高蛋白 Keep protein as low as possible 蛋白越低越好。 Maintain lysine & other amino acid:energy ratio 维持赖氨酸和其它氨基酸和能量的比例。

6、Use ideal protein concept 运用理想蛋白质概念。,Nutrients that reduce heat stress 会降低热应激的营养素: Fat/oil 油脂 Also tends to improve energy intake. 还助于改善能量摄入量。 Vitamin C 维生素C Boars 公猪,Formula Adjustments 调整配方,公猪值得改善的地方-配方中维生素的量/铬,200-500ppmVC:应激;精子活力;精子数 80ppmVE:免疫力;精子数 500-750ppb生物素:肢蹄角质化完整性,预防蹄部损伤 有机铬:降低热应激;繁殖需要 罗

7、维素“种猪普乐”,每吨料添加1-2公斤,Management Practices 管理措施,General Management 通用的管理措施,Keep animals as cool as possible 尽可能保持动物凉爽: Insulated roof 隔热屋顶 Paint roof white on outside (or with reflective paint) & black on inside 屋顶外面漆成白色(或使用有反射作用的油漆),里面漆成黑色。 Use drip/sprinkler system 使用滴水/喷淋装置 run 1 - 2 minutes during

8、 each 30 minute period (may use 10-15 minute period if use fans) 每30分钟开启1-2分钟 Use fans 使用风扇(如果同时使用风扇,每15分钟开启1-2分钟),隔热材料,Keep animals as cool as possible 尽可能保持动物凉爽: Zone cooling for lactating sows 对哺乳母猪进行局部降温 Evaporative cooler for boars 对公猪进行挥发性降温,General Management 通用的管理措施,Provide plenty of drinkin

9、g water 提供足够的饮水 Keep water as cool as possible 尽可能保持低水温 Water pipes outside building should be buried 室外的水管应埋于地下; Water pipes in house should be wrapped with insulation 室内的水管用隔热材料包裹。,General Management 通用的管理措施,Water Consumption 饮水量,Developing Gilt 后备母猪,Nutrition of the Sow 母猪营养,The lifetime reproduc

10、tive efficiency (economic efficiency) begins with the developing gilt. 母猪一生的繁殖水平(经济效益)起于后备母猪。 Todays lean meat pigs are developed for improved feed efficiency (lower feed intake) and faster growth. 如今瘦肉型猪的生长目标是改善饲料转化率(降低饲料采食量)和提高生长速度。,High lean gilts/sows need a minimum level of back fat for longevi

11、ty and high reproductive performance.,高瘦肉率后备母猪/母猪为维持生命和高繁殖效率需要一定量的背膘。,Gilt Development 母猪后备期,Growing gilts (birth 1st service): 后备母猪(出生第1次配种) ADG 600 650 g/day 平均日增重600-650克/天 Body wt. of 130 135 kg at 210 230 days of age 210-230日龄时体重130-135公斤 Target P2 back fat of 16 - 18 mm at 1st service (minimum

12、 14 mm) 第1次配种时P2背膘应为16-18毫米(至少为14毫米),Nutrient recommendations:营养推荐量: Ca & P requirements are much higher for gilt development than for market hogs. 后备母猪的钙和磷需求量比肉猪高得多。,Gilt Development 母猪后备期,Ca & aP Requirements 钙和有效磷的需求量,Gestating sows and gilts should limit fed. 怀孕母猪和小母猪应该限料饲喂。 However, two key fac

13、tors need to be kept in mind: 但是,要记住两个关键要点: 1) During pregnancy and throughout the life cycle of the sow she should continue to gain weight. 1)在怀孕和整个生命过程中母猪的体重应该持续增加。 2) The sow must have a minimum amount of reserves (backfat) or she will not rebreed. 2)母猪必须有一定量的背膘,不然无法再配种。 Thus, if a gilt/sow loose

14、s too much weight during lactation her nutrient requirements are increased during the subsequent gestation. 所以,如果小母猪/母猪在哺乳期间的体重损耗太大,那么在下一个怀孕期的营养需求量就增加。,“Sow” Feeding Program 母猪饲喂方案,Keep the animals in proper condition 保持猪只良好的身体状况: Do not allow lactating sows to loose too much weight and/or backfat.

15、This is very critical for western breeds. 不要让泌乳母猪损失过多体重和/或背膘。这一点对于优质猪种非常关键。 Weight loss during lactation delays return to estrus and increases nutrient requirements during gestation. 泌乳期间的体重损失会推迟再发情时间,提高下一次怀孕期间的营养需要。 May also reduce litter size in the next litter. 有可能会减少下一窝的产仔数。,Reproductive Efficie

16、ncy 繁殖效率,Reproductive Efficiency 繁殖效率,Sows should continue to gain weight through reproductive cycle 后备母猪在整个繁殖周期体重应该继续增加 This is extremely important for the gestating & lactating gilt 这一点对怀孕期和哺乳期的后备母猪特别重要。 Also for sows through first 3 paraties 对头3胎的母猪也很重要。,Suggested Target Weight Gain During Successive Pregnancies of High Producing Sows 高繁殖率母猪在连续胎次中建议增重目标,Reproductive Efficiency 繁殖效率,Programs that can be used to monitor sow condition during gestation & lactation: 可以用来观察母


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