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1、第四章 遗传信息的改变,变异是生物界存在的一种普遍现象,变异可以使生物具有多样性,使生物通过自然选择产生进化,影响生物的性状。,遗传信息的改变可以发生在染色体上,也可以发生在DNA分子水平上。染色体结构和数目的改变称为染色体畸变(chromosomal aberration)。DNA分子结构发生的化学变化称为基因突变(gene mutation)。,第一节 染色体畸变,第二节 基因突变,第三节 突变的抑制与DNA的修复,第四节 重组与转座,染色体畸变(chromosomal aberration): 是指在自然突变或人工诱变的条件下,由于染色体数目或结构的改变,从而改变了基因的数目、位置和顺序

2、,导致个体性状发生改变。主要包括染色体数目改变和染色体结构改变两类,其中染色体结构改变包括缺失(deletion)、重复(duplication)、倒位(inversion)和易位(translocation) 4种类型。,染色体畸变,一、 缺失,缺失(deletion):是指一个正常染色体某区段的丢失,位于该区段的基因也随之丢失。,1 缺失的种类,2 缺失的产生, 染色体损伤和非重建性愈合, 不等交换, 转座, 染色体纽结、断裂和非重建性愈合,3 缺失的细胞学特征,玉米缺失杂合体粗线期缺失环,果蝇唾腺染色体的缺失圈,3 缺失的遗传与表型效应,致死或出现异常,假显性或拟显性,假显性或拟显性(p

3、sedo dominant):是指显性基因的缺失使其同源染色体上的隐性非致死基因的效应得以显现的遗传现象。,Williams Syndrome is caused by a very small chromosomal deletion on the long arm of chromosome 7. The deleted region includes the elastin gene, which encodes a protein that gives blood vessels the stretchiness and strength required to withstand a

4、 lifetime of use. The elastin protein is made only during embryo development and childhood, when blood vessels are formed. Because they lack the elastin protein, people with Williams Syndrome have disorders of the circulatory system, also known as vascular disorders.,Cri du chat is a rare syndrome (

5、1 in 50,000 live births) caused by a deletion on the short arm of chromosome 5. The name of this syndrome is French for “cry of the cat,“ referring to the distinctive cry of children with this disorder. The cry is caused by abnormal larynx development, which becomes normal within a few weeks of birt

6、h. Infants with cri du chat have low birth weight and may have respiratory problems. Some people with this disorder have a shortened lifespan, but most have a normal life expectancy.Where does the abnormal chromosome 5 come from? In 80 percent of the cases, the chromosome carrying the deletion comes

7、 from the fathers sperm.,Cri du chat syndrome,重复(duplication):是指一个正常染色体增加了与本身相同的一段。,二、重复,1 重复的类型,2 重复的细胞学特征, 染色体断裂-融合桥的形成, 染色体纽结和重接, 不等交换,3 重复的产生, 剂量效应:基因数目不同引起表型改变;,4 重复的遗传与表型效应, 表型异常, 破坏连锁群, 位置效应:一个基因随着与相邻基因的位 置关系改变而影响表型改变。,倒位(inversion):是指一个染色体上某区段的正常排列顺序发生了180度的颠倒。,三、倒位,1 倒位的类型,A 臂内倒位(pericentri

8、c inversion),B 臂间倒位 (paracentric inversion), 染色体纽结和重接, 转座,2 倒位的产生,3 倒位杂合体细胞学效应,3 倒位的遗传与表型效应,引起基因重排。,改变基因的连锁群,影响重组频率。,繁殖力下降。,新物种的形成。,易位(translocation):是指非同源染色体间染色体片段的转移,主要包括相互易位(reciprocal translocation)、单向易位(simple translocation)和罗伯逊易位(Robertsonian translocation)。,四、易位,reciprocal translocation,Rober

9、tsonian translocation,simple translocation,1 易位的分类,2 易位的产生,断裂非重建性愈合, 转座,Robertsonian translocation,reciprocal translocation,3 易位杂合体的联会和分离, 基因重排导致癌基因的活化,产生肿瘤, 假连锁现象, 位置效应, 改变正常的连锁群, 降低繁殖机能和生产性能,4 易位的遗传与表型效应,Philadelphia Chromosome,This person has 46 chromosomes with a translocation of material betwee

10、n chromosome 9 and chromosome 22 (commonly known as the Philadelphia chromosome). Detailed studies of the Philadelphia chromosome show that most of chromosome 22 has been translocated onto the long arm of chromosome 9. In addition, the small distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 9 is translo

11、cated to chromosome 22. This translocation, which is found only in tumor cells, indicates that a patient has chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). In CML, the cells that produce blood cells for the body (the hematopoietic cells) grow uncontrollably, leading to cancer.,The connection between this chrom

12、osomal abnormality and CML was clarified by studying the genes located on the chromosomes at the sites of the translocation breakpoints. In one of the translocated chromosomes, part of a gene called abl is moved from its normal location on chromosome 9 to a new location on chromosome 22. This breaka

13、ge and reattachment leads to an altered abl gene. The protein produced from the mutant abl gene functions improperly, leading to CML.,小结,1 掌握染色体畸变的概念。,2 掌握染色体结构畸变的种类、产生机制及 细胞遗传学效应。,染色体数目的变异,染色体数目的变异:是指染色体数目发生不正常的改变,包括整倍体的变异和非整倍体的变异。,一个染色体组:就是每一种同源染色体之一所构成的一套染色体,即二倍体生物配子中含有的全套染色体。,一倍体(monoploid):是指含有

14、一个染色体组的细胞或生物。,二倍体(diploid):是指含有两个染色体组的细胞或生物。,一、整倍体(euploid)的变异,整倍体的变异是指细胞中整套染色体的增加或减少。,1 一倍体和单倍体,单倍体(haploid):是指含有配子染色体数的生物,它具有正 常体细胞染色体数的一半。,整倍体是指含有完整染色体组的细胞或生物。,在自然条件下,由未受精的卵细胞直接发育而来的。,单倍体的来源,在人为条件下,采用花药离体培养也能得到。,一种是体细胞在进行有丝分裂时,染色体已经复制了,着丝点分裂了,但细胞没有分裂,造成细胞内染色体数目的增加。,多倍体的自然形成,另一种是受精卵在分裂时,遇到特殊环境,会使整

15、套染色体数目加倍。,2 多倍体,多倍体(ployploid):是指具有两个以上染色体组的细胞或生物统称为多倍体,可分为同源多倍体(autopolyploid)和异源多倍体(allopolyploid) 。,贝类的精子在排放前已完成了减数分裂过程,而卵子尤其是双壳贝类的卵子排放时,一般停止在第一次减数分裂的前期或中期,只有在受精后或经精子激活后,才释放第二极体,完成减数分裂.,利用四倍体与二倍体杂交产生三倍体,抑制受精卵第二极体的释放。,二、非整倍体的变异,非整倍体:是指细胞中含有不完整的染色体组的生物。,缺体(nullsomy):是指有一对同源染色体成员全部丢失,也称为零体(2n-2) 。,单

16、体(monosomy):是指二倍体染色体组中丢失一条染色体的生物个体(2n-1)。,多体(ploysomy):是指二倍体染色体组增加了一个或多个染色体的生物个体的通称。根据染色体增加的多少不同可分为三体、双三体和四体等。,三体(trisomy):是指二倍体染色体组增加了某一条染色体的生物个体的通称(2n+1)。,双三体(double trisomy):是指二倍体染色体组增加了两条不同的染色体的生物个体的通称(2n+1+1)。,双三体(tetrasomy):是指二倍体染色体组增加了两条相同的染色体的生物个体的通称(2n+2)。,Turner Syndrome affects 60,000 girls and women in the United States. This disorder occurs in 1 in 2000 to 1 in 2500 live births, with about 800 new cases diagnosed each year. Girls with Turner Sy



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