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1、.重点单词聚焦 1I cant find the file I need because theyre all out of o_. 答案: order 2Whether or not youre given a car depends on your p_ in the company. 答案: position 3Drivers are being encouraged to save f_,so the bicycle is a good choice. 答案: fuel,4Under these c_,the fire can be rapidly controlled. 答案: co

2、nditions 5He_(辞职) from the company in order to take a more challenging job. 答案: resigned 6Boys and girls are_(平等的),and thus they should be treated fairly. 答案: equal 7He has made an important_(贡献) to the companys success. 答案: contribution,8The project worked on the_(原则) that each persons experience w

3、as equally valuable. 答案: principle 9Children should be educated to have a sense of_(公正) 答案: justice 10He often_(强调) the importance of information technology. 答案: stresses,.重点短语扫描 1 与交战 2 为自豪 3 责任感 4 首次;第一次 5 与不同 6 养育;抚养;呕吐 7 总之 8 与相似 9 照顾 10 叫醒,be at war with,be proud of/take pride in,a sense of res

4、ponsibility,for the first time,be different from,bring up,in conclusion,be similar to,look after,wake up,.课文原句突破 1Treat others_ _ _you want to be treated.己所不欲,勿施于人。 答案: in the way 2_ _ _you need to be a bit mad to be an inventor.据说要想成为发明家,得需要一点疯狂和着迷。 答案: They say that 3Mencius believed that_ _ _man

5、is different from animals_ _ man is good. 孟子认为人不同于动物的原因是人性善。 答案: the reason why;is that,4Ancient China was_ _ _states were often_ _ _each other. 古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。 答案: a place where;at war with 5He is a man_whom China can_ _. 他是一个令中国感到自豪的人。 答案: of;be proud,equal v等于;抵得上;adj.相等的;胜任的;n.同等的人;相等物 (教材原句P4

6、1)All human beings are equal.人人平等。,(1)A equals B in.A在方面比得上B be equal ton./doing sth.等于;与相等;胜任 be without equal/have no equal无与伦比;无敌 (2)equality n相等;平等 equally adv.相等地;平等地,But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal. 但是,我乐于帮忙,因为我知道

7、,这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。 None of us can equal her,either in beauty or as a dancer. 不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。 It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work. 要求同工同酬是合理的。 Im not equal to the position.我胜任不了那个职位。 His paintings are without equal in the Western world. 他的画在西方世界首屈一指。,1.(天津高考)Fitness is important i

8、n sport,but of at least _ importance are skills. Afair Breasonable Cequal Dproper 解析: equal相等的,同等的,(be) of equal importance意为“同样重要”。句意为:在比赛中,身体状态是重要的,但是比赛技巧至少也同等重要。 答案: C,2完成句子 I dont think he_(胜任做这项工作),so I wont employ him. 答案: is equal to doing the job,resign vt.辞去,辞职;n.辞职 (教材原句P43)However,when he

9、 saw that the ruler was not following his advice,he resigned. 然而,当他看到统治者不接受他的建议时,他辞职了。,(1)resign from从辞去职务 resign oneself to (doing) sth.听从,顺从 resign.to把托付给 (2)resigned adj.已辞职的,已放弃的 (3)resignation n辞呈,辞职,It is said that he has resigned his position as secretary. 据说他已辞去秘书职务。 We must resign ourselves

10、 to waiting a bit longer. 我们只好耐心地多等一会儿。 He failed all his attempts and now he has to resign to his fate. 他试了几次都失败了,所以现在也只能听天由命了。,3.After working at the firm for two years,Anne_from her position and went abroad for further study. Aseparated Bcompromised Cresigned Dretired 解析: resign from ones positio

11、n辞职。 答案: C,stress n重压,逼迫,压力;重音;重点;vt.加压力于;使紧张;重读 (教材原句P43)He stressed the importance of kindness,duty and order in society.他强调了仁爱、责任和社会秩序的重要性。,When I listen to music,I forget any feelings of anger or stress. 一听音乐,我就忘记了所有的怒气和压力。 When I was a child,Mother laid great stress on my proper behavior.在我小的时候

12、,妈妈特别强调我要行为端正。 The president has repeatedly stressed the importance of economic development.总统反复强调经济发展的重要性。 He was feeling very stressed and tired. 他感到心力交瘁。,4.用stress的适当形式填空: After a_week of work,all the employees were extremely _and tired.They complained that few could work efficiently under_. 答案:

13、stressful;stressed;stress,contribution n贡献,成绩;稿件,People remember him for his contributions to the country. 人们因为他对这个国家的贡献而记住他。 He has made great contributions to the development of our company.他对我们公司的发展做出了巨大贡献。 He contributed some money to the flood victims. 他捐出一些钱给遭受水灾的难民。 Our teacher tells us that

14、exercise contributes to good health. 我们的老师告诉我们锻炼有助于身体健康。,Many people contributed money to the poor boy,which contributed to his returning to school.A writer wrote a story about it and contributed it to a newspaper. 许多人给这个可怜的小男孩捐钱,这使他重新回到了校园。一位作家写了一篇关于此事的文章并把它投到了报社。,5.Eating too much fat can_heart di

15、seases and cause high blood pressure. Aresult from Bcontribute to Cattend to Ddevote to 解析: contribute to导致,其后常接表示结果的名词。 答案: B,honest adj.诚实的,正直的,(1)an honest man一位诚实的人 It is honest of sb.to do sth.(某人)做是正直的 to be honest (with you)坦白说,老实告诉你(通常置于句首) (2)honestly speaking诚实的说 (3)honesty n诚实,真诚,All my life Ive tried to be an honest man. 我的一生中,我一直尽量做个诚实的人。 Give me an honest answer.给我一个坦率的答案。 To be


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