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1、考前29天 词汇句型天天记 重点单词,重点短语,重点句型,模板作文天天诵 随着科技的迅速发展,电子书籍以其信息量大、 更新快等特点受到人们的青睐。一些计算机专家甚 至预测墨水文字会消失。就你而言,电子书籍和传 统印刷书籍,你更倾向于哪一种?请以“Ebooks or Printed Books?”为题,写一篇短文。,【参考范文】 Ebooks or Printed Books? Nowadays,e-books are getting popular. Some computer experts even predict that the printed books will die out s

2、ome day.In my opinion,printed books are a better choice. Printed books have their advantages. First,printed books make it easier for search and research,because you can put marks or notes during reading.You can even go through several books at the same time for related views,while with e-books,you,w

3、ould find it rather inconvenient because computer screen is too small.Second,printed books are portable.You can read them whenever and wherever without using a computer.Third,reading printed books has less strain on your eyes.Your eyes are not affected by the screen radiation.Instead,you can relax a

4、nd read comfortably in normal light. For the above reasons,I think reading printed books is a better choice for me.,防遗忘天天练 一、单项填空 1.I havent got the ticket for the football match. Dont worry.Itll be broadcast tonight.Dont miss it. A.lively B.alive C.live D.living 解析 句意为:我没买到足球赛的门票。 别担心。今晚将会有现场直播。不要错

5、过了。 live作副词时,意为“现场直播地;现场演出 地”。lively,alive和living都是形容词。,C,2.The article was intended to draw attention the situation in Korea. A.on B.in C.to D.for 解析 句意为:这篇文章旨在引起人们对朝鲜局 势的关注。draw attention to是固定搭配,意 为“引起对的注意”。,C,3.After three months trial,he proved for his job. A.accessible B.adequate C.accurate D.

6、abrupt 解析 句意为:经过三个月的试用,他被证明能 胜任这项工作。be adequate for胜任某事,符 合题意。accessible可得到的;易接近的;可进 入的;accurate精确的;abrupt突然的,唐突的。,B,4.Mark Twain was born on November 30,1835 and in a small town in Florida,the USA. A.brought up B.picked up C.made up D.grew up 解析 句意为:马克吐温生于1835年11月30 日,在美国佛罗里达州的一个小镇上长大。grow up长大,符合题

7、意。bring up抚养;pick up捡 起,拾起;make up化妆。,D,5.Do you take possession of the jewels? No.My mother is in possession of them. A.the;the B.the;/ C./;/ D./;the 解析 句意为:那些宝石是你的吗?不是, 是我妈妈的。take possession of sth.占有/拥有 某物;be in possession of sth.拥有某物。,C,6. the average,the exchange rate today is pretty well,the s

8、ame as it was three years ago. A.In B.On C.At D.From 解析 句意为:一般说来,现在的汇率已经相当 好了,就如同三年前一样。on the average是固 定搭配,意为“一般说来”。,B,7.Peter doesnt like to wear a watch.Hes late . A.at no time B.at a time C.all the time D.at one time 解析 句意为:彼得不喜欢戴表,他总是迟到。 all the time一直,符合题意。at no time从 未;at a time一次;at one time

9、曾经。,C,8.Did you like that city? It was big and frightening,but I lived there for a while and finally it. A.used to B.use to C.am used to D.got used to 解析 句意为:你喜欢那座城市吗?它 大而且令人恐惧,但我在那儿住了些日子之后, 最终还是习惯了。get/become used to (doing) sth.意为“逐渐习惯于(做)某事”;used to do sth.意为“过去常常干某事”。,D,9.Although difficult,she

10、finished the job on time,so I think she certainly deserved . A.being praised B.to be praised C.to praise D.having praised 解析 句意为:尽管很困难,她还是按时完成了任 务,所以我认为她当然值得表扬。deserve to do sth.理应/值得做某事,根据题意此处应用被动语 态。,B,10.The film, the true story of this Red Army general,attracted peoples great interest. A.being b

11、ased on B.basing on C.was based on D.based upon 解析 句意为:这部电影是根据这位红军将军 的真实故事改编的,吸引了人们的极大兴趣。 be based on/upon根据,以为基础,用作 定语,相当于一个定语从句which was based on/upon the true story of this Red Army general。,D,11.Though he didnt an important position,he got along very well with almost everybody and was trusted by

12、 most of his leaders. A.attend B.make C.hold D.stand 解析 句意为:虽然不担任重要职务,但是他 几乎和每个人都相处得很好,得到了大多数领 导的信任。hold此处意为“担任”,符合题意。 attend参加;make制造;stand忍受。,C,12.Its very of her to meet us at the station in such terrible weather. A.considered B.considering C.considerable D.considerate 解析 句意为:这么恶劣的天气她还到车站来接 我们,想得

13、可真周到。considerate意为“体贴 的”,符合题意。considered考虑过的;被尊重 的;considering考虑到,顾及;considerable 相当多的,相当大的。,D,13.We are always willing to cooperate with you, and,we may make some concessions (让步). A.if necessary B.if only C.if ever D.if so 解析 句意为:我们一向乐意与你们合作,如果 需要还可以做些让步。if necessary如果有必要 的话,符合题意。if only要是多好;但 愿;i

14、f ever如果发生过的话;if so如果是这样 的话。,A,14.I cant stand working with Mary.It is of her to forget;she always puts off everything. A.normal B.ordinary C.common D.typical 解析 句意为:我受不了和玛丽一起工作。她这 人就是爱忘事,做什么事情总是拖拖拉拉的。 typical典型的,有代表性的,be typical of 是的特点。normal正常的;正规的; ordinary普通的;common共同的,平常的,普 通的。,D,15.Shall I st

15、ay here or play basketball with my friends? . A.Sounds great B.No problem C.A good idea D.It makes no difference 解析 句意为:我是待在这儿还是出去跟朋 友们打篮球呢?没有什么区别。It makes no difference意为“没有什么区别”,符合此 处语境。Sounds great听起来好极了;No problem没问题,没关系;A good idea好主意。,D,二、阅读理解 A Life was exciting being the twin sister of an ad

16、venturous twoyearold brother.We lived in rural Mississippi where my life seemed like a dream.That was until my dad took my brother and me to live with my grandmother.You see my grandma was seventy years old then.She couldnt keep up with two little naughty (淘气的) children like us.,One of my aunts came and said,“Come and go home with me.”The day we arrived,we saw two tricycles in the den (书房).We rode the tricycles



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