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1、Module 1 Unit 1 Lifestyles,重 点 单 词 1.suppose vt.认为,猜想;conj.假设 【精讲拓展】 suppose+that从句/to be认为,猜想 be supposed to(do)被期望;本应,应该 suppose/supposing(与given,provided,providing通用) 表示“假定,假设” I suppose so/No,I suppose not/No,I dont suppose so.用not/so 来代替前面的情况,避免重复,【典型例句】 You were supposed to be here an hour ago

2、. 你本应在一个小时之前就到这儿。 朗文当代 Its going to be fine this evening. 今晚一切都会好的。 I suppose so. 我想是的。 朗文当代 Suppose it rains,what shall we do? 假如下雨,我们怎么办? 朗文当代 It is widely supposed(that)the minister will be forced to resign. 很多人都猜测首相会被迫辞职。 剑桥高阶,即 学 即 用 Professor Smith,who the research of wild animals all his life

3、, to give a speech in Beijing University next week. A.has devoted to;is supposed B.devoted to;will be supposed C.has been devoted to;is supposed D.had devoted to;will be supposed 解析:句意为:Smith教授终生都在从事野生动物研究工作, 他下周要在北京大学作报告。be supposed to do理应做某 事。bedevoted to sth./doing sth.忠心于/致力于(做)某事。 答案:C,The tra

4、in was to arrive at 12:30,but it was an hour late. A.about B.likely C.certain D.supposed 解析:句意为:这列火车本应在1230到达,但它晚了一个小时;be about to do sth.马上就要做某事;be likely to do sth.很有可能做某事;be certain to do sth.一定,务必要做某事。 答案:D,plain vi.抱怨,投诉 【精讲拓展】 complain to sb.of/about sth.向某人抱怨某事 complain that从句 make a complain

5、t of/about sth.抱怨/投诉某事,即学即用 完成句子 Shes . 她总是发牢骚。 翻译句子 他的妈妈经常抱怨他好忘事。 . 3.stand vt.忍受 【精讲拓展】 cant stand sth./doing sth.不能忍受某事/做某事 stand sb.doing sth.忍受某人做某事 stand by袖手旁观 stand aside站在一边,不介入 stand still站立不动.,always,complaining,His mother often complains that he has a tendency to forget things,stand stil

6、l站立不动 stand out显著,显现,突出 stand for代表,象征 stand up to经受住,勇敢面对 【典型例句】 Tom cant stand the pain. 汤姆无法忍受痛苦。 朗文当代 I never could stand people telling me what to do. 我从来不能忍受被人家摆布。 朗文当代 We cant stand by while millions of people starve. 数百万人在忍饥挨饿,我们不能袖手旁观。 剑桥高阶 Stand aside,please,so the doctor can get through.

7、请靠边站,让医生过去。 剑桥高阶,即学即用 a chair in the corner of the room? A.Does there stand B.Stand there C.There standing D.Do stand there 解析:句意为:房间的角落处有椅子吗?英语中There be句型 中的be动词可以用某些含有“存在”意义的动词来代替,使句 子更加形象,如:exist,live,stand,lie,usedtobe, appear,come等。如:Many years ago,there lived an Emperor in a village。很多年前,村子里住着

8、一位国王。 答案:A As a result of the increasing population so quickly,there will only be (立足之地)left for us this century.,standing,room,4.prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿 【精讲拓展】 prefer sth./sb.更喜欢某物/人 prefer to do更愿意做(倾向具体的动作) prefer doing更愿意做(倾向普遍的行为习惯) prefer sb.to do sth.更愿意某人做某事 prefer sth.to sth.比起更喜欢 prefer doing sth

9、.to doing sth.宁愿做而不愿做 prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做而不愿做 prefer that从句的动词用(should)原形,【典型例句】 He prefers to go to the movies rather than stay at home. 他宁愿去看电影而不愿待在家里。 朗文当代 They preferred their son to go to college. 他们宁可让儿子上大学。 朗文当代 I prefer that you(should)not say anything about it. 我宁愿你对此什么也

10、不要说。 朗文当代 I prefer tea to coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。 美国传统,即学即用 Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle. A.ride;ride B.riding;ride C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding 解析:句意为:他总爱骑自行车而不愿挤公交车。考查 prefer to do.rather than do句型,而将rather than提前。 答案:C,5.suffer vt.&vi.遭受,蒙受;患病 【精讲拓展】 suffer sth.忍受,容忍(某物

11、);经得起,蒙受(后常接 pain,defeat,loss,cold,hunger,poverty等) suffer from sth.受折磨;患某种疾病;有某种缺陷 【典型例句】 Shes been suffering from(=been ill with)cancer for two years.她患癌症已经有两年了。 剑桥高阶 The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake. 这个城市因地震而遭受严重破坏。 朗文当代 How can you suffer such insolence? 你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢? 朗文当代,即学即

12、用 The performance of the host,intended to please the audience, a cold silence,however. A.suffered B.suffering C.suffering from D.to suffer from 解析:作谓语,句意为:那位主持人的表演本打算取悦 观众,不料却遭到了冷淡的沉默反应。 答案:A,6.imagine vt.想象,猜想 【精讲拓展】 imagine sth.想象某物 imagine that从句想象,猜想 imagine what/how/why从句想象 imagine(sb.)doing st

13、h.想象(某人)做某事 imagine sb.(sth.)as/to be以为是,【典型例句】 Can you imagine the life without music? 你能想象没有音乐的生活吗? 朗文当代 Dont imagine him as a kind man. 别以为他是个好人。 朗文当代 Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity? 你能想象生活中没有电是什么样的情景吗? 朗文当代 She imagined herself sitting in her favourite armchair

14、 back home. 她想象自己正坐在家中最喜欢的扶手椅上。 剑桥高阶,即学即用 I dont imagine that he is so careless, ? A.do I B.dont I C.isnt he D.is he 解析:在I think/believe/suppose/expect/imagine等加that引导的 宾语从句后,构成反意问句,反意问句的助动 词与主语要与 that后的从句的主谓语一致,但要注意否定的转移。 答案:D You cant imagine such a mistake A.him to make B.him make C.him making D.

15、his made 解析:句意为:你无法想象他竟然犯下这样的错误。Imagine 后接动名词的复合结构作宾语。 答案:C,重 点 短 语 1.take up占据(时间或空间);开始(从事);拿起 【精讲拓展】 take over接管,接任 take down记下 take on呈现;雇用 take sth.apart拆卸某物 take in吸收;理解;欺骗 take for误以为 take after相像 take along随身携带 take.for granted认为是理所当然的,【典型例句】 Ill take up the story where I left off yesterday. 我将从昨天停下来的地方接着讲这个故事。 朗文当代 She to


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