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1、 (高考资源网),1. 性别与婚姻(Sex & Marriage) Im a man of forty and have a 9-year-old daughter. She got married in 1980 and now she has been married for more than 20 years. I m 35 ,male and unmarried. I got married five years ago but now Im single., (高考资源网),By the age of 14, he had set up a chemistry lab of his

2、 own.,他出生在1995年,现在10岁了. 2.他985年出生,今年18岁,是一名大学生. 3.在14岁时候,他开始自己谋生. 4.在他50岁时,他感到自己老了. 5.到他14岁的时候,他已经建立了他自己的化学实验室.,He was born in 1995 and is ten years old now.,Born in 1985,he is now an 18-year-old student, studying in a university.,He began to make a living at the age of 14 /at an early age.,In his f

3、ifties, he began to feel his age .,2.年龄(Age), (高考资源网),He is a tall man, with blue eyes and blond hair.,1.她是一个圆脸,大眼睛,皓齿长发的可爱的女孩. 2.他又瘦又高戴着一副深度近视镜. 3.他是一个很好看的男人,留着浓密的小胡子但是却没有头发. 4.他是一个高个子男人,有着蓝眼睛黄头发.,She is a lovely girl, with a round face, big eyes, white teeth and long waving hair.,He is thin, tall

4、and wearing a pair of thick glasses.,He is a good-looking/funny-looking man, with a thick moustache but no hair left.,3.外貌特征(Appearance),deep-set eyes ,big bright eyes, long straight nose, brown curling hair, broad shoulders, (高考资源网),4.身高(Height) He is 1.76 meters tall. He is 176 centimeters tall. H

5、e is 176 centimeters in height. The boy is not tall enough to reach the apple overhead. He is really a tall man, about 1.98 meters in height. My height is 1.76 metres .(不合英语习惯) Im 1.76 meters high.(身高不宜用high), (高考资源网),5.健康状况(Health) 1)由于被照顾的很好,孩子们看上去很健康. 2)我身体不强壮,但是很健康. 3)住了六周的院,现在她看上去很虚弱.,Well look

6、ed after, the children look healthy.,Im not so strong, but (Im) in good health.,Having been in hospital for six months, now she looks very weak., (高考资源网),6.教育状况(Education) 我1984年入学12年后毕业. 1984年我进入北京大学,4年后毕业. 我们学很多课程,包括 我已经在天山小学上了2年多了,下学期就毕业了. 1998年4月我获得了数学学士学位.,I started school in 1984 and left scho

7、ol 12 years later.,I went to study in Beijing University in 1984 and 4 years later I graduated (from that university).,We learned many courses, including,Ive been studying in Tianshan Primary School (No.1 High School, Fudan University) for more than two years and will graduate next semester.,I got m

8、y bachelors (masters, doctors) degree in mathematics in April 1998., (高考资源网),7.特长爱好(Specialty & Hobbies) 我很擅长口语,计算机是我的强项. 我在去年的英语演讲竞赛中获得了第一名. 他在网叶设计大赛中获得了第一名. 我最喜欢的运动是游泳和打乒乓. 在我的业余时间里,我喜欢读书和旅游.,Im good at spoken English and even better at using computers.,I won the first prize in the English speech

9、contest at school last year.,He got the first place in the homepage designing contest.,My favorite sport is swimming and playing table- tennis.,In my spare time, I like reading and enjoying traveling., (高考资源网),. She gets on well with almost anyone and is always welcome wherever she goes.,写人 1.她是一个12

10、岁的女孩. 2. 她又高又苗条大眼睛卷头发. 3. 她善良而且乐于助人,随时准备帮助别人. 4. 在他的业余时间里她大都听音乐读小说. 5.她几乎和每一个人都能很好的相处,无论去哪都受人欢迎.,She is a girl of twelve years old.,She is tall and slim with big eyes and curly hair.,Being kind and helpful she always enjoys helping others out.,In her spare time she spends much time listening to musi

11、c and reading novels., (高考资源网),8. 详细特色(Something in detail) 举例法(Giving examples): He was strict with everybody and in everything he did. One day, we were having classes when He was very forgetful. Once he came across an old friend of his in the street and . He had a strange way of making his classes

12、 lively and interesting. I still remember my first day as a chemistry student., (高考资源网),假如你叫王明,是二年级三班的班主任,十七岁的英国留学生玛丽在你班学习,请你根据老师们的评论用英语为其写一段评语,并填写报告书。 汉语老师:她对汉语有浓厚的兴趣,而且口语很好。 数学老师:她擅长数学,每天做大量的数学练习。 化学老师:她喜欢做实验,但有时不够细心。 物理老师:物理是她最喜欢的学科,她是班里学得最好的学生之 一。 班主任:她讲礼貌、乐于助人,与师生相处融洽。 2. 词数120左右。 Comment:, (高考

13、资源网),Mary is a clever girl with good manners. She is always ready to help others and therefore gets along very well with her classmates. Having a special interest in Chinese, she speaks it very well. Mary is also good at maths and does a lot of exercises every day. She enjoys doing experiments in ch

14、emistry labs ,but sometimes she needs to be more careful. In all the subjects , physics is the most favorite one to her and she is one of the best in this subject. She always tries her best to make better progress and things better. All the teachers like her very much. Signature: Wang Ming, (高考资源网),

15、写作练习 李涛是我校年轻的老教师。他被看作是老教师,是因为他教化学课已经有20年了。说他年轻,因为他今年还不过38岁。 他长得较瘦。头上头发不多,灰白了。他戴着深度眼镜,牙齿又缺了2颗。所以他看上去比他实际年龄要大。他说,在公共汽车上常常有人给他让座。事实上。我曾看见他不止一次地给怀抱婴儿的妇女让过座。只要听一听他的化学课那课又生动又有趣,你就会发现他真正的年龄。, (高考资源网),A teacher Li Tao is a young teacher in our school. He is regarded as being old for he has been teaching her

16、e for 20 years. He is seen, at the same time, as being young as he is now but 38 years old. He doesnt have much hair on the head. And it is nearly all white. Missing two teeth and wearing thick glasses, he looks older than he really is. He says people often offer their seats to him for his old looks. On the con



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