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1、2011年 湖南省高考英语作文评分,评分原则: 1.总分25分,按5个档次给分 2.先根据内容和语言初步确定档次 3.评分时应注意内容要点,词汇,语法结构和准确性,上下文的连贯性和语言的得体性 4.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,若影响交际,酌情扣分 5.书写较差,以致影响交际,降低一个档次,总的给分标准:7+7+5+4+2 描述图片,点明主题,给7分 联系实际,写出启示,给7分 语法正确,用词得当,给5分 内容连贯,层次清楚,给4分 书写工整,卷面干净,给2分,补充的评分细则 1、主题要求积极向上,没有政治错误,如:团结就是力量、部分与整体、人与社会的融合、团队协作、锲而不舍、成功需要

2、积累、积少成多、环保节约、和谐、小错可以酿成大错等等。无需固定在某一个主题上。主题可以隐含在文中,也可以使用主题句。 2、全文应该包括图片描述与主题归纳、联系实际与启示两大部分内容。这些内容可以单独成块,也可以融合在一起。只有图片描述,无其它内容,视情况归于第三档或以下。,3、图片描述每少一项,扣2分。但以归纳或概括的形式表述三项内容的不扣分。 4、联系实际可以是个人直接体验或间接经验、集体行为或某种社会现象。 5、合理使用高级表达(如强调、排比、虚拟、倒装、复杂句、非谓语结构、格言、谚语等),而且词汇表达丰富、语言地道的文章加2-3分或取本档最高分。,6、抄袭试卷中的成段文字,或者生硬地套用

3、范文,与主题无关的,归于第1档。 7、语法、拼写、标点错误不影响意义传达的,可以不扣该项分;各信息点中的语言错误酌情扣分,同一类型错误不重复扣分,该项扣分不超过5分。,8、全篇内容之间缺乏逻辑和内在连贯,视期程度归于第4档或以下。 9、全文不具备可读性,视情况归于第3档或以下。 10、字数少于100字,扣1分。 11、文章可自拟标题,没有标题不扣分。,Here are three real writings in 2011. How many marks will you give them?,考场作文,请打分,The part and the whole world Some water m

4、akes up the sea. The forest is made up of many trees. In our society, the group of people consists of various people. The little things contribute to the whole world. Dont forget the little things and ignore them, which will cost you a lot. Its obvious that we look upside down some little things fre

5、quently, while look up to several honourable things .However, the common thing is more meaningful than the honourable thing. Normal man as you are, you can create more contributions to the society. Its what you have done to the society that are really important .With a kind heart to the society, eve

6、ry part of the society is of significance. The more you devote to the society, the more you will gain. Being a part of the whole world, your life will be colorful and meaningful.,23分,25分,What advantages?,Power Many people all know one people power less than more people power. One water add many wate

7、r is sea. One tree add many tree is a forest. You add me is society. So we are should face on more and more different slope. But we are not give up. As we life , many things give me more and more story. We should not stop sign with ease and I figured I would go a little further, In the future, not o

8、nly face on everything but also I want to look good. I want to power because it makes me feel good. We should believe myself. I kept giving myself the excuse to stop. We didnt stop .I wanted to keep going harder, better, faster and stronger.,3分,What disadvantages?,Unity is power 24 Many drops of wat

9、er can make up a sea. Many trees can turn into a forest. Many people can be combined together to make a society. Everything proves the idea that unity is power. Life is full of ups and downs and there are always many difficulties lying on the road that leads to success. When we come across some diff

10、iculties , what should we do to solve the problems? Of course unity can help us a lot.,For example, on 5th December,2008,a terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan province. Many people were injured and lots of people died but those who were still alive didnt lose confidence , because not only the wh

11、ole nation were united and went there to help them out but also some Individuals and organizations abroad gave their hands to the area. With all the help, Sichuan has been rebuilt well now.,Unity is power. It makes us walk together and live better. Im sure that with the help of unity we can overcome

12、 any difficulty.,The improved sample,思考:2011年作文怎样才能得高分(第五档)? 1.图表类作文应先简要描述图表 2.按要求写出内容要点 3.语言结构和词汇选用恰当,丰富 4.语言错误极少 5.有效采用不同的连接手段,层次清楚 6.使用较高级词汇和较复杂句子结构 7.书写工整,规范,得高分要领,Six steps for writing (写作六步骤),词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。,运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉 。,使用恰当连接词,对写一篇有“英语味”的文章很重要,能使文章上下衔接自然、紧

13、凑。,增强书面表达效果的技巧,1. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. 2.We all think he is a great man. 3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea.,Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable.,I. 怎样使用较高级的词汇,We all think highly of him .,A good idea occurred to me.,/ A good idea suddenly

14、struck me.,4.The students there neednt pay for their books. 5. She went to Australia in order to study music. 6. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited.,She went to Australia for the purpose of studying music.,The more he spoke, the more excited he felt.,Books are free for the students there.,

15、II. 丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构) 利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。 1.感叹句 _when I received your letter! 2.强调句 _ this young boy_ helped the old granny. 3.倒装句 _ solve this problem. 4.省略句 They read_,How happy I was,It was,who,Only in this way can you,while walking or riding on a bus.,5、with短语 I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street_ 6、定语从句 Lets come to the main teaching building, _,With a handbag in her hand.,at the back of which stands the school library.,7、各种名词性从句 Thats_ 8、各种状语从句 Time passed quickly_,what I should do.,before we knew it.,Practice 请在下列句子中(间)填上恰当的关联词或意思有联系的短语。 1.Xiao Ming was walking in the s



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