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1、英语暑假计划篇一:暑假计划 Plan for Summer Holiday暑假计划 Plan for Summer HolidayAfterthe challenging College Entrance Examination, my anticipated summer holiday hasbegun. I will have a long winter holiday for almost three month. But I havealready planned for it. Firstly, I will have a good rest at home and spend s

2、ometime with my parents. I studied at school before, so I dont have much time toxxpany them. And then, I want to take a part-time job. I have graduated fromsenior school, and I think that a part-time job can help me being independent. Ihope what I learn in school will be helpful to my new job. After

3、 earning somemoney, I want to have an after-graduation trip that I have been dreaming of fora very long time. My first choice is Xiamen, which is an attractive city. Whenthe trip ends, its time for the college.紧张的高考过后,我期待已久的暑假终于开始了。我将会有一个差不多三个月之久的暑假,而我也已经做好暑期计划了。首先,我会在家好好休息,花一些时间好好陪陪我的爸爸妈妈。之前我一直在学校上

4、学,没有很多的时间可以陪伴他们。之后,我想做一份暑期兼职。我已经高中毕业了,我想做兼职能帮助我学会独立,也希望我以前所学的能用在工作中。等赚了一些钱之后,我想要梦想已久一次毕业旅行。我的首选之地是厦门,那是一个非常吸引人的城市。旅行结束的时候,我的大学生活就要开始了。篇二:暑假到了,英语计划 暑假到了,吃喝玩乐固然是大多数孩子追求的目标,但是别忘了在这不长不短的假期里也给自己的英语充充电。给大家三个学英文的建议,在寓教于乐的过程中也度过一个有意义的假期。 A 计划:假期中坚持看完一本英文小说。当然一定要根据自己的水平挑选合适的书刊。比如基础稍差的同学就去书店挑选一本自己感兴趣的有中文对照版本的

5、英文小说。而英文好的同学则直接选择原版小说(自己抽一天时间去逛逛外文书店吧,去挑选一本自己真正感兴趣的书来读)英语阅读材料中,最简单的是专业文章,其次是新闻,最难的是小说。我大学花了半年多时间就毫不费力的可以读懂纽约时报,但是直到大学毕业2年才能勉强读完Da Vinci Code。但是真的读完一本几百页的小说,带来的成就感是读几篇文章难以比拟的。这里给大家的建议是,在读的过程中一定要有摘抄的习惯。把自己认为用的好的词,短语,甚至句子认真摘抄在笔记本上。并且要经常拿出来复习。这一点上海新东方新概念部的祝晓光老师做的非常完美,他不仅每天坚持看原版书,摘抄,而且还定期把自己的阅读笔记发布在自己的围脖

6、上,欢迎围观关于摘抄,以前我写过相关的文章。比如我用一个礼拜时间读完了Sophie Kinsella的购物狂系列书。读的过程中摘抄了大量的美词美句,这对我的写作有非常大的提高。详见XXblog.sina.xx/s/blog_4c28b9ce0100h3ik.html 另外 “sex and the city”一书中也有大量的美句,都值得摘抄,比如 1 Women are incredibly smart, they travel, they pay taxes, theyll spend 400 bucks on a pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals

7、2 I left feeling powerful, potent and incredibly alive- nothing and no one could get in my way3 Women fall into one of two categories-beautiful and boring, or homely and interesting.4 tend to have the kind of deluded self-confidence that caused men like Ross Perot to run for president; tend to live

8、an empty, haunted life of stunted adolescence; tend to always order two eggs Benedict and one spinach omelet.5 Whats the feeling of wearing patchouli in a room full of chanel? 6 Being beautiful is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park, xxpletely unfair and bestowed upon those

9、who deserve it least. But, but beauty is fleeting, while the rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever7 There are so many damn gorgeous men out there in this city, butafter a while, you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh. 8 He was like the flesh and blood equivalent of

10、a DKNY dress9 They started out casual, a brunch here, a movie there. They decided to pick a time to bump into each other on purpose. He had his big three-looks, manners and10 Men in their 40s are like the New York Times crossword puzzle, tricky, xxplicated, and you are never sure youve got the right

11、 answer. Just like the new designed drug. when they lay like that, they have the cutest little wrinkles on their neck. Almost unxxfortably handsome11 I decided the way to break free was to move from one addiction to an even bigger one-shoes. I walked 50 blocks in 200 dollars shoes. I am so broke, i

12、have this little substance abust problem-expensive footwear12 Where is the line between professional girlfriend and just plain professional?(关于这些句子我没有给出翻译,因为英文中很多好句只能意会,不能言传,大家读书读得多了,自然会理解其中的奥秘之处,以后自己写文章的时候就能用得如鱼得水)所以,大家在坚持读完一本小说的过程中一定不能忘记摘抄 B计划准备一个国际英语水平测试,比如雅思。尤其有出国打算的孩子。雅思被称为“全球通行证”,截止到今年,美国有3000

13、多所大学承认雅思成绩,在中国考雅思留学美国愈演愈烈,打破了托福独霸天下的局面,可见雅思在美国受欢迎程度;“雅思” 强调考生不要死记硬背,而是灵活地运用语言,多与生活实际紧密联系,尤其注重说和写。我欣赏雅思的另外一个原因是雅思的题目多是非常有趣的且贴近生活。比如阅读文章你会遇到讲英国文化的,加州红酒的甚至讲婴儿出生过程的文章,读起来寓教于乐。所以准备考试的过程中一定会让你的英文突飞猛进。以下给大家一些雅思备考的建议 词汇:词汇书选购4原则: 1 选看上去不烦的,这本书你不会买回去就丢在家里面再也不看了。2 必须有mp3,以听代说,词汇有两个方面一个是视觉认知的另一个是听觉的认知,对应的就是阅读和

14、听力,很多同学都有这个经历就是听词的时候觉得好像认识却要想很久才懂,就是听觉认知不够。3 有音标。4 有同义词。从长远角度来看,要把背单词养成一种习惯,每天都会抽点时间去背。而不是想到才背。对于考试时间紧的,必须要在短期内,反复多次复习,减少遗忘率。口语: 1 找partner,可以练习听力和反应,最好是外国人。2.利用雅思最新真题题库练习3.录音,了解自己语法和词汇的问题,并反复操练改正错误4.定期上雅思论坛或雅思老师博客了解最新真题变化并练习5.平时多看报纸杂志了解时事,为口语话题积累素材。要上7分:语法不能错,能够用复杂句式,结构多变;词汇能够灵活多变。阅读: 1 读的一个基础是单词量,

15、单词不够的话读书是痛苦不是享受。四级单词是最最最起码的要求。如果基础不错,建议直接看上国外报纸网站看文章,如经济学人,或者纽约时报每天不要看多,看一篇就够了。开始碰到生词会很多,感觉很难受,但是一定要坚持,碰到所有不会的单词,都要记下来弄懂。碰到不会的单词怎么办,查韦试辞典的在线版/2 在每天坚持泛读的基础上一定要至少用1个小时做雅思剑桥系列书的阅读题。注意做题过程中要做到以下几点(摘抄文章里生词,并牢记;摘抄好词好句;摘抄好的句子结构)总之,精读和泛读相结合。篇三:初中英语作文:我的暑假计划初中英语作文:我的暑假计划Summertime is the besttime of the year

16、.There is no school for monthsI get to do what I want.With no tests no homework,Im as free as a bird.I do many things during the summer vacation.I relax by reading books watching TV.I also hang out with my friends travel with myfamily.However,I dont play in summer.I take advantage of the free time to learn m


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