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1、英文情书大全和翻译篇一:乔布斯给妻子的情书中英鉴赏微博风流乔布斯给妻子的情书中英鉴赏 近期,因为创新工场董事长兼首席执行官李开复通过微博发表的一条关于乔布斯给妻子情书,很多网友都觉得中文原版翻译并不是很好。至此,微薄上刮起了一场情书汉语翻译风波。不少网友精通英文,又熟读诗书,使得翻译变得丰富起来。下面我们一起来欣赏一下 英文原文: We didnt know much about each other twenty years ago. We were guided by our intuition;you swept me off my feet. It was snowing when w

2、e got married at the Ahwahnee. Years passed,kids came,good times,hard times,but never bad times.Our love and respect has endured and grown.Weve been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years agoolder,wiserwith wrinkles on our faces and hearts.We now know many of l

3、ifes joys,sufferings,secrets,and wonders and were still here together.My feet have never returned to the ground. 中文翻译: 最穿越版情书Echo马潇筠:二十年前,未相知时。然郎情妾意,梦绕魂牵。执子之手,白雪为鉴。弹指多年,添欢膝前。苦乐相倚,不离不变。爱若磐石,相敬相谦。今二十年历经种种,料年老心睿,情如初见,唯增两鬓如霜,尘色满面。患难欢喜与君共,万千真意一笑中。便人间天上,痴心常伴侬。 最浪漫版情书 李亦非: 20年前,我们相遇,彼此陌生,但我们一见钟情坠入爱河。阿凡尼的漫天

4、雪花见证了我们的海誓山盟。岁月流逝儿女长大有过甜蜜有过艰辛确没有苦涩。我们的爱意历久弥新,携手与你相伴走过漫漫人生,我们虽已苍老但更加睿智,任皱纹爬上面容任沧桑布满心间 最温情版情书 孙晗:陌人相盼至白头,二十丁丑,方寸不意,月老红线留。前夜飘雪花满楼,韶光竞走,光阴似水流。千言不尽一语莫,个中幸苦心自说。天命已知顾往昔,青丝易白,骸骨已陋,阴阳相隔,相思如红豆。今生无所求,来世再相谋。 最质朴版情书 经济之声思远:20年前,我们相知无多。冥冥中我们相遇,而你令我倾慕不已。一个雪天,我们在阿瓦尼完婚。多年后,有了孩子,无论美好还是艰辛,都不曾让我感到糟糕。彼此的爱与尊重,在磨砺中成长。当我们经

5、历了这一切后,如今回到20年前相遇之处脸上和内心留下的痕迹,让我们老去。 最隐晦版情书 江东小白兔:廿年相知,两处茫茫。天为媒证,情出神光。幽幽我思,魂近天堂。至子于归,雨雪霏霏。及尔惠来,经年已往。时光荏苒,子息盈堂。举案齐眉,患难共襄。鹤发疏齿,饱览炎凉。执子之手,誓言无忘。我心悠悠,文无可详。来生相会,酬子无量。八六人才网 个人简历模板 中英文简历范文 东北高级版情书 虎哥-Tige:r当年咋五迷三道咋找你。结婚那旮旯贼拉冷。一晃二十年,孩子都晒脸找削了,日子过滴麻流利索滴,鸡赤掰脸就从来没有过。咱俩都满脸摺子、老么喀嚓眼滴,不整那些没用滴,也从来没突鲁反仗、半拉咔叽。没事和你多上改溜达

6、溜达,要不整天无机六瘦滴。这日子过的美恣儿,嚎 看了这么多网友的精华翻译,你是不是有一种冲动要试一试呢?或者,你又最喜欢拿一个版本的情书呢?一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特,心领神会,感受到那种爱情中沉淀出来的暖才是最真。 八六人才网 个人简历模板中英文简历范文篇二:情书大全英文版篇一:高手写的英文版情书高手写的英文版情书dear wang little girl:from see you one eye, i shit love you.maybe you do not know me, no matter. one see clock emotion is pop. i think i sho

7、uld introduce myself to you. i call li old big. toyear25. my home four mouth people: papa, mama, i and dd.i do early fuck every day, so that i can have strong body to protect you. 篇二:拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书英文版拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书英文版napoleon to josephinedec. 29, 1795i awake all filled with you. your image and the intoxic

8、ating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest.sweet and matchless josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart. are you angry with me? are you unhappy? are you upset?my soul is broken with grief and my love for you forbids repose. but how can i rest any more, when i yield to the feeling

9、that masters my inmost self, when i quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame?yes! one night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself! you start at midday: in three hours i shall see you again.till then, a thousand kisses, mio dolce amor! but give me none back for

10、 they set my blood on fire.i have your letter, my adorable love. it has filled my heart with joy. since i left you i have been sad all the time. my only happiness is near you. i go over endlessly in my thought of your kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy. the charm of my wonderful josephine k

11、indles a living, blazing fire in-my heart and senses. when shall i be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you proof of it? i loved you some time ago; since then i feel that i love you a thousa

12、nd times better. ev中文译文 我收到了你的信,我祟拜的心上人。你的信使我充满了欢乐?自从与你分手以后,我一直闷闷不乐,愁眉不展。我唯一的幸福就是伴随着你。你的吻给了我无限的思索和回味,还有你的泪水和甜蜜的嫉妒。我迷人的约瑟芬的魅力像一团炽热的火在心里燃烧。什么时候我才能在你身旁度过每分每秒,除了爱你什么也不需做;除了向你倾诉我对你的爱并向你证明爱的那种愉快,什么也不用想了?我不敢相信不久前爱上你,自那以后我感到对你的爱更增一千倍。自我与你相识,我一天比一天更崇拜你。这正好证明了la bruyere说的爱,突如其来多么不切合实际。埃,让我看你的一些美中不足吧。再少几分甜美,再少

13、几分优雅,再少几分温柔抚媚,再少几分姣好吧。但决不要嫉妒,决不要流泪。你的眼泪使我神魂颠倒,你的眼泪使我热血沸腾。相信我,我每时每刻无不想你,不想你是绝无可能的。没有一丝意念能不顺着你的意愿。好好休息,早日康复。回到我的身边,不管怎么说,在我们谢世之前,我们应当能说:我们曾有多少个幸福的日子啊!千百万次吻,甚至吻你的爱犬。一七九六年七月十七日晚于麻密罗洛(marmirolo)还是英文情书牛,各位好好学着。把英文翻译成中文的那位更加牛!cold here, icy cold there. you belong to neither, leaves have withered. your face

14、 is pale and blue, a tearful smile. something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. my heart sinks down, tears surge out.此处冷,彼处更冷。枯叶凋零,君属何人。君面惨淡忧郁,含泪而笑。君热泪盈眶,喃喃自语,难言再见。妾心沉落,泪涌似涛。hot summer. cheerful cocktail. you took my hand. we fled into another world of band. you sat by my side, long hai

15、r tied behind, cool and killing. smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. how i was amazed. your face looked like the cover of the magazine. my head spin. you led my hand, danced along the crazy theme. 酷夏。仍忆鸡尾酒会。君执妾手,共享二人世界。君坐妾之侧,长发束于脑后,英姿勃发。笑容荡漾。妾讶君面尤类杂志封面。旋转,君执妾手,疯狂舞曲。light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, thecrowed was busy at handshaking. you stood there, eyes on me. i trembled at the sparkles, brighter than the light. a masterpiece from god, i felt dizzy. we were not near, yet we were together.灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,


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