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1、,1-3 M: Excuse me, I am looking for the Asian Games Sports and Culture Center, do you know where I can find it? W: The Sports and Culture Center? M: Yes, the office for the Asian Games Organizing Committee, which is responsible for the organization of the 16th Asian Games. They are announcing detail

2、s of the Asian Games Opening Ceremony today, I will suppose to interview the president about it. W: Oh, I know the office you mean, you are almost there. Let me see. You need to go to the post office first, walk straight down this road until you get to the Dongfang Hotel, then turn right, walk along

3、 the road, you will see a supermarket next to a bank. The office is opposite to the supermarket, on the left.,M: Thanks very much. So thats straight down this road, turn left, and the building is next to the W: No, its right at the hotel, and the office is opposite to the supermarket. Actually, they

4、 sell city maps here, maybe its safer if you use one. M: Good idea, how much. W: This one is two yuan, just follow the map and you will be fine. M: Thats great. Here is the money, and thanks for your help. Thanks again. W: You are welcome. Enjoy your stay in the city.,4-6 W: Stop, please, officer pl

5、ease help me! Someone just stole my purse. M: What? Wait a moment, just let me finish eating my cake, um, delicious. Now, young lady, whats your problem? W: Someone has stolen my purse. M: Oh, dear, this is very serious. When did it happen? W: About 10 minutes ago, just around this corner, a young w

6、alked up to me , took off my hand and carried it away. M: Um, he must be very strong to carry a person away. Now, tell me, what is your nurse look like? W: Well, its big, green and, what? Wait, I am not talking about a nurse, were you paying attention to what I am saying? I said my purse, my purse h

7、as been taken.,M: Big and green, she must stand out in the crowd. W: Are you being serious? This is unbelievable. M: What about the man who took it? Can you describe him? W: Well, I only saw him for a few seconds, but hes quite tall, with very short black hair, and wore a white T-shirt and blue jean

8、s. M: You know, this area is getting more and more dangerous. Just a few minute ago, I caught a young man just like that with the womens handbag in his hand. I took him down to the station, why dont you come down with me now? We can see if he knows anything about your nurse friend. W: Yes, my nurse,

9、 ok, officer, lets go, and thanks for all your help.,7-9 Hello, er, is Mr. Smith there, please? Hello, Mr. Smith, its Sara King calling, hi, um, listen, I really hate to tell you this, but the heating is gone again. Yeah, thats right, it stopped working again yesterday. Yeah, I realize you fixed it

10、last week but there is no heat now, and we are freezing, I am really worried because my fingers are too cold to type, I have to hand in my article tomorrow. Er, Monday? Well, I dont really thinks so, this is Friday, so there is two more days without heat. Thats unfair. Yeah, I know its difficult to

11、get you repair them. Mr. Smith, but, listen, I have a two-month old child, and I dont think she should have to put up with this. No, Mr.,Smith, I wont wait until Monday, ok, alright, listen, if you dont call in, if you dont call in the repair man, I am going to call the health department. I mean it,

12、 yes I will, and if that doesnt work, I will take you to court. Alright, thats fine, I will be expecting you tomorrow. Ok, bye-bye. . .,10-12 M: Hi, Joanne, can I borrow your pen for this class? I cant find my pencil-case. W: No. M: No? What do you mean? No? You have got five pens right there on you

13、r desk, just give me one, ok? W: No way, last time I lent you a pen, I had to throw it away when you returned it to me. M: What do you mean? W: What do I mean? While you had it in your mouth most of the day, and when it wasnt in your mouth, but was in your ear or up your nose, by the time I got it b

14、ack, I felt too disgusted to even touch it, I threw it in the bin.,M: Dont be ridiculous. I am always careful with the things I borrow from you. W: Youre always careful? Ha! Now youre the one who is being ridiculous. What about that novel but I lent you last week? M: That wasnt my fault, how did I k

15、now my dog thought paper was delicious. I bought you another one, didnt I ? W: Yeah, but only after I noticed that the last 50 pages were missing, and my laptop? M: Look, I only told you that wasnt me. The letters “T” and “S” were already missing, besides are they really that important? W: Robert! Y

16、ou are an idiot! But I lend you a pen if you dont talk to me for the rest of the day. M: Dear, oops.,13-15 Hi, everyone, over the next 6 weeks I will be giving a lecture each Monday about the history of life on earth, I hope that you will find them interesting. Before we begin this weeks lecture, Id like to say a few words about the idea of life. On earth, we see so much life around us. But we could be mistaken into thinking life is a simple thing. B


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