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1、,四步销售法,2,你想从培训中学到什么?,3,学习 Study Objectives,提升销售技巧 To improve your sales skills 提升成交率 To enhance close rate 提高每单交易量 ,提升营业额 To enhance UPT,increase revenue 提供完美的顾客体验 Offer perfect customer experience 保证毛利 Attaining margin is a top priority,4,顾客怎样购物? How do customers shop? ( ? ,3万,3万,5,顾客在门店的购物过程,6,针对客

2、户的购物行为的分析 Analysis on customers shopping behavior,1、注视留意 Watch and pay attention to products 2、感到兴趣 Get interested in certain skus 3、联想,产生欲望 imagine and create buying desire 4、与竞争对手比较权衡,获得对五星电器的信任 compare with other retailers, gain trust in BestBuy 5、决定行动,得到满足 make decision to buy and get satisfacti

3、on,7,营业员怎样销售 How does staff sell products?, | | | | | | | ,8,员工销售流程,9,Care plus是什么?,C contact 接触,A-ask questions 询问,R-recommend 推荐,E-encourage 鼓励,Plus 附加,10,Part1: C contact 接触,11,C的好处 Benefits of C,建立良好第一印象 Establish good first impression 介绍自己和公司 Introduce yourself and the company 打破沉默 Break the ic

4、e 把握销售机会 Seize the sales opportunity 防盗 Prevent theft,初步接触成功是销售工作成功的一半。,12,你好,欢迎光临五星电器。 Say:“Hello, welcome to Five Star” 介绍自己 Introduce yourself 抛出亮点 Show your excellence,C contact 接触,13,销售人员必备,第一印象 First impression 出勤 Attendance 外貌形象 Appearance 三米原则 Three-meter principle 顾客第一 Customer first 态度 Goo

5、d attitude 售货技巧 Sales skills 产品知识 Product knowledge,14,怎 样 欢 迎?How to welcome?,身体语言Body language 眼神 eye contact 空间 space 面部表情 facial expression 声调、声量、速度、清晰 语言tone, voice, speed, articulation 打招呼 greeting 时间 time 音量 voice 距离 distance 动作 gesture 语言 language 表情 facial expression 语气 tone 自我介绍 self-intro

6、duction 简短及友善 brief and friendly,15,等待顾客 wait for customer,厌恶表情 annoying face,16,等待顾客 wait for customer,盯着看使顾客紧张 Staring at customer make them nervous,聊天使顾客远离Chatting to ignore customers |,17,等待顾客 Wait for customer |,挡住顾客看商品 Block customers eye-sight,挡住通道 Block the passage,18,等待顾客 wait for customer,

7、保持忙碌 Keep busy,19,如何打招呼? How to greet customer?,比一比 练一练 Lets have a competition,20,21,22,顾客已在看商品?,23,顾客已在看商品 The Customer is experiencing pro 直接介绍法direct introduction,新品法 new product launching 促销法 promotional skills 唯一法 Exclusivity 重要诱因 important inducement 要点:简单明了 Highlight: concise and clear,24,同时

8、问候多位顾客怎么办?,25,26,第一步回顾,27,第一步回顾,Part2:A Ask questions询问,了解现在的需要和潜在的需要,28,目的与好处 objective & benefits,确保推荐给顾客的是他需要的产品 Make sure that recommended product is just what the customer need (消除对方的担心与顾虑,了解对方的兴趣与欲望。) 提高成交率 Enhance close rate,29,问 Ask,获得顾客认同 to get customer agreement 了解顾客的需求 to understand cust

9、omers needs 了解顾客真正意图 To understand customers true intention 挖掘解决顾客问题的最佳方案 find best solutions for customer,Need-want-desire,30,问 Ask,问甚么? What do ask 适当时间问适当问题 | Choose the right time to answer the right question 封闭式 close style 开放式 open style 语调 Tone,31,问 ask,导入性问题 guiding questions 对顾客群进行区分了解顾客基本信

10、息 Purpose: to distinguish customer segment and identify targeted customers 探索性问题 explorative questions 发现顾客生活方式及对产品性能的需要 To find out customers need in life style and product performance,32,练习 Practice,如何问问题? How to ask questions?,33,专心听?Listen carefully 不专心听? Absent minded,34,与顾客交流时应注意: 不要连续发问; 不要答非

11、所问; 不要打断顾客说话; 要学会聆听,35,Effective communication is the combination of listen carefully and ask questions,高效沟通是听与问的结合,36,第二步回顾,37,Part3: RECOMMEND 推荐,38,R-recommend推荐,复述顾客需求 reiterate customers needs 情感复述 事实复述 使用FAB use FAB 商品演示 show the product 观察顾客反应 observe customers reaction 以问话形式结束 to end with qu

12、estion 提供整套解决方案 to provide with a complete solution,39,Reiteration,复 述,40,产品介绍法FAB method of introducing product - FAB,F-Feature 特性特色 A-Advantage 优点 B-Benefit 好处 利益 因为*商品有*的特性,所以它具备*的优点, 因此可以给您*的好处。,41,练习 Practise,如何使用推荐? How to recommend products by using FAB?,42,43,产品演示的重要性: 顾客直接参与 - 让顾客参与到演示过程中来,

13、可以让他们打开产品,拧动开关,尝试并感受产品的功能。 顾客反馈 - 演示过程是您收集顾客反馈的绝佳时机,从而保证在您向其推荐商品之前是否确实了解他们的所需。 拥有感 - 演示将使顾客对产品产生一种拥有感,这种感觉使他们无法释手离开您的商店。切身感受是绝佳的销售方法。 产品体验 - 您有机会向顾客展示,如果他们家里也有这种产品,就能像在您店里一样拥有相同的美好体验。 情绪 将产品演示使顾客对您所推荐的产品产生不舍的情绪。,44,顾客想买的信号 Behaviors that signal customer wants to buy,反复询问某一优点/缺点 ask about product fea

14、tures repeatedly 要求打折 ask for discounts 询问有无赠品 ask if there are gifts 询问有关售后服务问题 ask about after sales questions 询问有关付款方式问题 ask about how to make payment,1、Verbal buying signal语言信号,45,2、Body buying signal 行为信号 兴奋、点头 nod and get excited 不再发问若有所思 keep silent and thinking about something 再次翻阅产品说明 read

15、product manual again 爱不释手、查看商品瑕疵 watch and play product and check fordefects 征求同伴的意见 ask for companions opinion,顾客想买的信号 Behaviors that signal customer wants to buy,46,配件及服务推广 promote accessories and related services,方便顾客使用 convenient for customer to use 提升产品使用价值及性能 to enhance product value and performance 提高每单销售件数 to enhance UPT 增加销售额 Increase revenue 提升毛利 to enhance gross margin,47,想一想?Think?,哪些问题结尾? To end with what kind of questions?,48,顾客不买,


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