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1、分类号F129.32密级学号 270911SHAANXI NORMAL UNIVERSITY硕士学位论文题目汉代卖官鬻爵研究作 者温霞指导教师袁林教授学科专业专门史提交日期二年五月学位论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,论文中不包含其他个人 已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得陕西师范大学或其它教育机构 的学位或证书而使用过的材料。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 己在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。作者签名:H日期: 丨、学位论文使用授权声明本人同意研究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权単

2、位属陕西师范大 学。本人保证毕业离校后,发表本论文或使用本论文成果时署名单位仍为陕西 师范大学。学校有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其它指定机构送交论文 的电子版和纸质版;有权将学位论文用于非贏利目的的少量复制并允许论文进 入学校图书馆、院系资料室被査阅;有权将学位论文的内容編入有关数据库进 行检索;有权将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版。作者签名:、矽策日期:一 摘要卖官鬻爵作为一个独特的历史现象,在中国历史上存在了两千多年。先秦文 献中对此问题已有述及。“买爵” 一词最早出现在汉惠帝时期。汉武帝时,卖官现 象已较为普遍,多次颁布“入物补官”、“入羊为郎”等诏令。“卖官” 一词最早出 现在东汉

3、灵帝时期。卖官鬻爵为历代统治者所沿用,在史记、汉书、后汉 书等古籍文献中屡有记载。近代以来,学者多从行政学的角度定位并分析这一 历史现象。本文立足于史实,用经济学的相关理论对汉代的卖官鬻爵现象进行全 面的分析研究。绪论阐述选题意义、研究方法和本文创新之处,详述了前人的研究成果。前 人的研究对本文的写作起到了一定的指导作用,同时也存在一些不足。到目前为 止,还未见到卖官鬻爵的专著,前人的研究不够系统、全面,为本文的写作留下 空间。第一章研究汉代的官爵制度。职官制度被看作研究中国古代史的四把钥匙之一。秦汉时期,二十等爵制有着特殊的地位和使命。因此,在研究汉代卖官鬻爵 之前,了解秦汉的官爵制度是必要

4、的。前人关于官爵制度的研究已有很多成果, 本章主要运用新出土的材料对前人研究加以补充,并将本文所用到的官爵制度的 相关内容提前作以说明。第二章研究汉代卖官鬻爵的概况8.纵观两汉时期的卖官鬻爵,笔者将其分成 三个时期,即:西汉前期无害期、西汉中后期变质期、东汉中后期 腐败期。本文省略了东汉前期的卖官鬻爵。东汉前期,尚未见到和卖官鬻爵有关 的史料,笔者认为:此时期卖官鬻爵仍然存在,但是,因为东汉初的制度比较严 格,这种钱权交易不像西汉时期那么猖獗;对此问题,孟样才在中国政治制度 通史中作出如下解释:“东汉前期选吏尚名节,公开卖爵之事很少见于记载。中 期以后,外戚、宦官的轮流擅权执政造成吏治日甚一日

5、的腐敗。卖官、买官成为 一种公开的市场交易。”第三章试图从供给和需求两个角度解释汉代卖官鬻爵的原因。任何一个历史 事物的出现都有其深刻的历史背景,卖官鬻爵的产生也不例外。正因为官能带来 很多直接的好处,爵是社会地位的象征,拥有爵位即拥有诸多政治、经济特权, 所以官爵是一个很大的消费市场。国家,具体来说,皇帝或者以皇帝为首的统治 集团是官爵的提供者,地主阶级、富人是官爵的需求者,而贫民百姓是爵位的零 散拥有者,他们是爵的一个中转姑。爵能给他们带来了短期的好处,但从长远来I看,卖官鬻爵最终损害的是百姓的利益。第四章首先列出了 “两汉时期卖官鬻爵一览表”,根据此表分析汉代卖官鬻爵 的特点。经过考证,

6、得出结论:两汉时期,统治者尚未毫无节制地出卖国家权力。 汉武帝时期开始出现卖官现象,导致吏治腐败。但是,两汉时期卖出的郎吏之官, 其手中并没有太多的实际权力。另一种情况是本握有实权的官吏为求得进身位阶 而买官,买的只是一种身份地位,并不是实际权力。接着从国家、统治阶级和被 统治阶级三个角度总结卖官鬻爵的影响。最后,对汉代的卖官鬻爵进行总结。卖官鬻爵出现之初,并不是“腐敗”的代 名词。汉初的卖爵活动,对推动社会经济的发展起到过积极作用。汉武帝之后, 官爵并卖,卖官鬻爵的性质发生了变化。东汉后期,初开西邸,榜卖官爵,导致 吏治腐败,加速东汉灭亡。纵观两汉,卖官鬻爵是国家政治寻租、増加财政收入 的一

7、种手段。对于卖官鬻爵问题,統治者把握了一个尺度,官场上并非全是乌合 之众。关键词:卖官鸞爵,汉代,政治寻租,爵制秩序AbstractSelling official posts for a consideration as a special history phenomenon has been existed over two thousand years in China. Literature of Qin dynasty has referred to this issue. Barter ranks first appeared in the period of Emperor H

8、ui of Han, and in the period of Emperor Wu of Han, the selling phenomenon is more common. Calls like “ru wu bu guan”(入物补官)and “ru yang wei lang”(入羊为郎)have been released many times. “Sell ofticial posts” first appeared in the period oi Emperor Ling of Eastern Han Dynasty. “Sell official posts for a c

9、onsideration” is adopted by rulers of past dynasties. Records of the Historian, History of the Han Dynasty, and History of the Later Han Dynasty, and other ancient literature recorded. In modem times, scholars analyze this phenomenon from the point of administration generally. This article based on

10、historical facts; analyze this phenomenon in Han Dynasty comprehensively related with the economic theory.The introduction details the results of previous studies wmch play a very good guide for this article, meantime, point out the lack of them: So far, there is no monograph about this theme, “sell

11、 official posts for a consideration”. And the previous studies are not systematic and comprehensive enough, leaving space for the writing of tms article.The first chapter is the study of official system in Han dynasty. Qin and Han periods, Ranks have special status and mission, in order to easy to s

12、tudy, it is essential to understand the official system at that time. There are a lot of previous research results, and this article will complement the previous studies with the new unearthed Materials, and explain the ofticial system that will be used in this article in advance.The second chapter

13、is the carding of the phenomenon during the Han period. Throughout the Han Dynasty, I think that can be divided into three periods, namely: early Western Han Dynastysound stage; late Western Han Dynastymetamorphic stage; late eastern Han Dynastycorrupt stage. There is a very obvious problem that the

14、 article does not refer to the phenomenon during early Eastern Han. There have been no historical materials about selling official post at that time. As to this question, I think, then, the phenomenon existed, because of the more stringent system, the trade is not as rampant as the period of Western

15、 Han. On the other hand, the phenomenon had beenhicontinued many years, which was not newly to discuss, historian record on this issue seldom.The third chapter will explain the reason of the phenomenon from the perspective of supply and demand. There is a deep historical background for the appearanc

16、e of anything, this phenomenon is no exception. The official post not only is the symbol of social status, but also has the political and economic interests, which can bring many direct benefits, so the official post becomes a big consumer market. Nation, specifically the king or the ruling group is the provider of the post, the landlord class; the rich are those who demand official pos


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