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1、AP Human Geography Notes General Geography: US road map is not a thematic map Every meridian is the same length and has the same beginning and end According to environmental determinism, the physical environment causes social development Highest density: most in numbers Highest concentration: closes

2、t together Cloropleth map uses shading Five Themes of Geography: Location: Relative location Absolute location Place: Human Characteristics Physical Characteristics Human-Environmental Interaction: Humans adapt to the environment Humans modify the environment Humans depend on the environment Movemen

3、t People Goods Ideas Regions Formal (uniform) Functional (nodal) Vernacular (perceptual) Culture: Customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a group of people in tradition Hearth: Where an idea originates Acculturation: The spread of cultural traits from one society to another Globaliza

4、tion of Culture: Globalization due to interchanging beliefs and customs Globalization of Economy: Globalization due to business Reference Maps: Regular maps showing cities, boundaries, mountains, or roads Thematic Maps: Maps highlighting a particular feature or a single variable such as temperature,

5、 city, size, or acreage in potatoes (Gives extra information) Isoline Maps: Show lines that connect points of equal value Isolines are on topographic maps Choropleth Maps: Show the level of some variable within predefined regions, such as counties, states, or countries Dot Maps: Use a dot to represe

6、nt the occurrence of some phenomenon in order to depict variation in density in a given area Cartograms: Maps that have distorted population Resolution: The amount of details or depth of a map Scale: Generally, the relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole, specifi

7、cally the relationship between the size of an object on a map and the size of the actual feature on Earths surface The three main types of scales are ratio (fraction) scales, bar scales, and written scales Small Scale: Depicts a large area (such as the state of Arizona) but with less detail Large Sc

8、ale: Depicts a small area (such as downtown Phoenix) with great detail Cartography: The science of making maps Projection: The system used to transfer locations from Earths surface to a flat map The most common type is the Robinson Projection However, maps depicting the entire world can distort shap

9、e, distance, relative size, and direction Toponym: The name given to a portion of Earths surface Has to be a natural feature Site: The physical character of a place Situation: The location of a place relative to other places (relative location) Meridian: An arc drawn on a map between the North and S

10、outh poles (longitude) The two main meridians are the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line Parallel: A circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equator and at right angles to the meridians (latitude) Time Zones: There are four major time zones in the United States (Eastern, Central, M

11、ountain, and Pacific). The time zones are based on Greenwich, England because at the time England was the most powerful country. There is a new time zone ever 15 degrees longitude. One degree longitude is 69 miles, so there is a new time zone every 1,035 miles. If you go east you go forwards in time

12、. If you go west you go back in time. Greenwich Mean Time: The time in that time zone encompassing the prime meridian, or zero degrees longitude. International Date Line: An arc that for the most part follows 180 degrees longitude, although it deviates in several places to avoid dividing land areas.

13、 When you cross the International Date Line heading east (toward America), the clock moves back 24 hours, or one entire day. When you go west (toward Asia), the calendar moves ahead one day. Spatial Association: The distribution of one phenomenon that is related to another phenomenon. (The reason tw

14、o things are placed where they are if theyre related they will probably be close) Spatial Distribution: The arrangement of phenomenon across the Earths surface Environmental Determinism: A nineteenth- and early twentieth- century approach to the study of geography that argued that the general laws s

15、ought by human geographers could be found in the physical sciences. Geography was therefore the study of how the physical environment caused human activities. (States the physical terrain of the world dictates how the humans survive). Possibilism: The theory that the physical environment may set lim

16、its on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives. (States people can overcome the physical problems/features humans conquer land instead of land conquering humans). Distribution: The arrangement of something across Earths surface Density: The frequency with which something exists within a given unit of area. Density does not tell you where something is, just strictly numbers Arithmetic De


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