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1、两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ 于 运 动 会 的 英 语 日 记时间在流逝,赛道在延伸,成功在你面前展现心脏的跳动,热血在沸腾,辉煌在你脚下铸就加油吧,健儿们。下面学习啦小编整理了关于运动会的英语日记,供你参考。关 于 运 动 会 的 英 语 日 记 范 文 一A page from Sallys diarylast week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmates took active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the

2、 sports games closely.Sometimes we gave loud cheers to the sports members.John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won the first place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said “come on” to cheer her up. I took part in 200-metre running race. As soon as I h

3、eard the starting PANG, I tried my best to run faster than others. As I was running I could hear “Come on! Come on!”from my classmates.This gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishing line.I was number one.As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet

4、. How proud we were! It was really an exciting day. 关 于 运 动 会 的 英 语 日 记 范 文 二. As the music on the playground, our long-expected games, finally started.Which we are sitting in a pony, eating snacks, watching the game, leisurely ready! Boom! Shots ring out, the 800 metres race. From xuan zhang round

5、like arrow rushed at first, we unter den stood up, excitedly Shouting: one round come on! One round! Zhao Haikun exaggeration was standing to the chair dance, physical strength losing faster and faster, there is a children actually want to go beyond, our hearts are mentioned the throat eyes! Fear no

6、t round will win the championship, wang also excited next to run to the runway, scream and cheer excitedly, is getting closer and closer to the end, a round remained 1, ran to the end! Our heart is loose down my eyes, happy to high-five, very anxious to let the world know the good news, after a whil

7、e. Wang with panting a round back. Suddenly surrounded by a round of drinks, there are snack, we sat down to look down at the game again.The next is the 200 MiYouHu turbine, everybody stood up quickly! To look into the runway Zhao Haikun, said excitedly.We didnt wait for gunfire rang, quickly stood

8、up and started, Hu Hengyuan leads to run in front, behind the people unwilling to chase quickly, was eventually Hu Hengyuan got the first.This game let me understand a truth: a chopstick is easy to fold, difficult to break a bundle of chopsticks, we work together to get the first.“”随着操场上的音乐,我们期盼已久的运

9、动会,终于开始了。我们坐在小马扎上,吃着零食悠闲地观看着比赛,预备!嘣!枪声响起来了,800 米比赛开始了!张一轮像离玄的箭冲在第一,我们“噔”的一下子站了起来,激动地喊着:“张一轮加油!张一轮加油!”赵海坤才夸张居然站到椅子上跳舞,体力流失的越来越快,有一个小孩居然想超越,我们的心提到了嗓子眼里!生怕张一轮得不了冠军,王老师也激动的跑向跑道旁边,兴奋地呐喊、助威着,离终点越来越近,张一轮仍然保持着第1,跑到了终点! 我们提到嗓子眼里的心都松了下来,高兴地击掌着,恨不得让全世界都知道这个好消息,过了一会儿王老师带着气喘吁吁的张一轮归来了。张一轮一下子被团团围住,有递水的,也有递零食的,我们又重

10、新坐了下来看下面的比赛。“下一个是 200 米有胡恒源,大家快点站起来!”赵海坤向跑道望去,激动地说。我们没等枪声响起,就赶紧站了起来,开始了,胡恒源遥遥领先跑在最前面,后面的人不甘心飞快的追着,最终还是被胡恒源拿到了第一。这次的比赛让我明白了一个道理:一根筷子容易折,一捆筷子难折断,大家齐心协力才能得第一。关 于 运 动 会 的 英 语 日 记 范 文 三Fake, I went to xi an qinling wildlife park, when I went to the animal is a sports meeting!Animal games there are many g

11、ames, but the most interesting is the parrot game between cycling and the monkey and the bear.Parrot game between cycling, bowling game. Bike is a special car, player a and player b have a white hair and has a light yellow crest overhead. Saw a ride to the destination quickly, and the player b is ho

12、w to ride your bike or in situ dont move, it just jumped down and ran to the finish and ran to the finish after drag player a bike to the starting point, made the audience burst into laughter.Next is the bowling game. A parrot in mouth a ball to roll a bowling ball, MAO MAO, down five, and then ther

13、e were three of the parrot flew to the bowling, and use your lips to pour the remaining three a peck, let the audience laugh together again.The monkey and the bear one after another, began their race. Monkeys and bears are struggling to forward, after all, but the skinny monkey than chubby bear, how

14、ever, gradually slow down, directly into the workspace, staff pushed the monkey again. See monkeys riding quickly, see will catch up with the bear, but the monkey fell down, and pick a bear from the car pulled it down, the bear came running and monkey, thanks to the staff arrived in time, otherwise,

15、 the life will be a monkey!The games thats interesting!假中,我去了西安秦岭野生动物园,我去时动物正开运动会呢!动物运动会中有许多比赛,但最有趣的要数鹦鹉之间的比赛和猴子与熊自行车赛了。鹦鹉之间的比赛有自行车赛,保龄球比赛。自行车是一辆特制的小车,选手甲与选手乙都有一身洁白的毛加上头顶上有一个淡黄色的冠子。只见选手甲飞快地骑向终点,而选手乙却怎么骑着自己的自行车还是原地不动,它索性跳下车来向终点跑去,跑到终点后还把选手甲的自行车拽到了起点止,惹得观众哄堂大笑。接下来是保龄球比赛。一只鹦鹉嘴里叼着一只球向保龄球滚了过去,“咣咣”一声,打倒了五个,还剩的三个,这只鹦鹉飞到了保龄球旁边,用嘴将剩下的三个一一啄倒,让观众又一次捧腹大笑起来。猴子和熊相继出发,开始了他们的自行车比赛。猴子和熊都奋力向前冲,可是瘦得皮包骨头的猴子毕竟比不过胖乎乎的熊,速度渐渐慢了下来,直接骑进了工作区,工作人员把猴子又推了出来。只见猴子飞快地骑着,眼看就要赶上熊了,可是猴子摔倒了,它一把把熊从车上拉了下来,熊跑过来和猴子打了起来,幸亏工作人员赶到及时,要不然,就要出猴命啦!这次运动会真有意思啊!两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/



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