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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试A级-听力,2015.04,Contents,Section A (5 short dialogues-multiple choice-once) 5 Section B (2 short conversations-multiple choice- once) 5 Section C (words or phrases-short passage-twice) 5 Section D (Q&A-short passage-twice) 5,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见提问形式,1. 对谈话内容、情节、情感、观点等问题,常用what提

2、问: What does the man/woman mean? What do we learn from this conversation? What will the man do? 2. 对事情发生的地点提问,常用where: Where does this conversation most probably take place?,3. 对时间提问,常用when, what time, how long 等: What time is it now? When did the man do? How long does the man have to do? 4. 对数量价格等提

3、问,常用how many, how much: How many people took part in the competition? How much does the man have to pay?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见提问形式,5. 对篇章内容提问,常用下列疑问句: What is the main idea/topic of the passage? Which of the following is (not) true? What do you learn from this passage? According to the sp

4、eaker, what is the ? What does the speaker think of?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见提问形式,1. 职业、身份、人物关系类 (1次) 2. 数字及计算(2次) 3. 地点场所(5次) 4. 细节(27次) 5. 推理判断(15次),Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,1. 职业、身份、人物关系类 (1次-2014.12) Tips:识别对话发生的场景,抓住表明职业、身份的关键词。平时的词汇学习按场景、主题分类记忆。 Eg. A) Interviewer and inter

5、viewee. B) Buyer and seller. C) Doctor and nurse. D) Shop assistant and customer.,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,M: Lets get started. Tell me a bit about your educational background. W: Well, I graduated from the city college. My major is office management. Q: What is the most probable relatio

6、nship between the two speakers?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,2. 数字及计算(2次-2011.6, 2011.12) Tips:包括直接辨认、推算和计算三类。 熟练掌握和辨别基数词和序数词; 熟练掌握时间表达法,如几点几分、星期几、 几月几日、年份等; 熟练掌握常用的表达数字关系的词和词组,以及加、减、乘、除运算的词; 边听对话,边分析与思考,边在有关的选项上做出标记。,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,

7、计算(2011.6) Eg. A) Before 8:45. B) Before 9:15. C) After 9:00. D) At 9:00.,M: The meeting started at 9 oclock in the morning. W: Yes, but we should have arrived there 15 minutes earlier. Q: When should they arrive at the meeting?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题

8、类型,计算(2011.12) Eg. A) Its 9:00. B) Its 9:30. C) Its 10:00. D) Its 10:30.,M: I think the business meeting will start at 9:30. W: OK. We still have half an hour to get there. Q: What time is it now?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,3. 地点场所(5次) Tips:包括判断对话发生的地点,某人要去的方向,第三者所在的位置三中种情况。选项的特征明显,一般为表示地点

9、的介词短语,通常以特殊疑问词where提问。 重点注意听对话中与特定的地点有关的特殊词和词组,利用表明对话双方相互关系或身份的词语进行推断。,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,(2013.12) Eg. A) In a cinema. B) In a library. C) In a store. D) In a bank.,M: Good morning. Can I help you? W: Good morning. I want to open a savings acco

10、unt. Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,4. 细节(27次) Tips:问题的答案在对话中可以直接听到。 预览选项预测问题的侧重点,初步判断问题问的是时间、地点,还是问人物、动作、事件,以便做到听时有的放矢。 考点在前一个说话者的内容时,听时做笔记、记下关键词显得至关重要了。,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,(2014.12

11、) Eg. A) He is good at programming. B) He is suitable for the job. C) He is nice and kind. D) He finds the job difficult.,M: Do you think we should ask Mr. Smith to do this job? W: Sure, he is the best person for the job. Q: What does the woman say about Mr. Smith?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题

12、类型,5. 推理判断(15次) Tips:听到对话内容及弦外之音。根据内容、上下文、预期等,运用逻辑推理方法,从含蓄的表达方式中归纳推断说话人的真实意图和态度。 往往推断第二说话者的意图; 从语音、语调中辨别态度。升调表怀疑和委婉否定;反问句表肯定;,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,5. 推理判断(15次) 注意否定结构,含否定意思的动词、介词及短语;双重否定表肯定,语气加强; 掌握虚拟语气,辨别说话人意图; 通过短语的内涵、意义来解题。,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,Section A Short Dial

13、ogues 简短对话常见命题类型,(2014.6) Eg. A) Car prices. B) Car services. C) The companys business. D) The companys culture.,W: What kind of product does your company supply? M: We supply spare parts for different cars. Q: What are the two speakers talking about?,Section A Short Dialogues 简短对话常见命题类型,选材多为实用性的情景对

14、话,涉及宾馆、旅行、电话、求职、购物、公司业务等各个方面,考查对日常情景英语的掌握。多为细节推理题。具体分布如下: 1. 电话(7次) 2. 求职/面试(3次) 3. 谈论职业(2次) 4. 机场、火车站、宾馆、银行、会议、购物、电脑故障、推迟约定(各1次),Section B Short Conversations 会话,预览选项、听前预测。 利用选项、边听边记。 听懂提问。 熟悉常见的英语情景对话、了解流行的英文表述及掌握一些文化背景知识。 平时注意积累主题/情景相关的词汇。,Section B Short Conversations 会话,(2012.12) 8. A) To place

15、 an order. B) To change an appointment. C) To book a hotel room. D) To discuss a program.,Section B Short Conversations 会话,9. A) To have a family gathering. B) To take a holiday. C) To visit his partner. D) To sign a contract. 10. A) 9 am. B) 10 am. C) 3 pm. D) 2 pm.,Section B Short Conversations 会话,M: Hello, Linda! This is John Black from CBC Company. W: Good morning, Mr. Black. M: I have to fly to New York to sing a contract this aft


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