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1、陈永林12/27/2006,1,Siebel 和电信行业,中国电信行业Siebel系统应用交流,2,提纲,TMF 模型及国内电信系统发展介绍 Siebel系统及其在电信行业的应用情况 Siebel实施流程 权限模型和实现 订单,产品模型 配置开发流程 参考,3,eTOM & NGOSS 地图,4,eTOM NGOSS 文档列表,GB921 eTOM (增强型电信运营图 业务过程 )总论 GB921D 流程分解与阐述 GB921F 流程举例 SLA,BILL,DSL GB921P eTOM 入门 GB921V eTOM & ITIL GB922 SID(新一代运营支撑系统与软件、共享信息模型 数

2、据逻辑架构 ) GB922 SID_Concepts_R6-0 Business View,5,NGOSS Road Map 文档路径图,6,eTOM NGOSS 文档列表 cont.,SID ABEs(Aggregate Business Entity聚合业务实体) GB922 Business View Concepts, Principles, and Domains describing the organizing structure of the SID Business View shared information/data, the relationship to other

3、 TMF deliverables, and views of the contents of the model.(整体介绍) GB922 Addendum 1P Party GB922 Addendum 1L Location GB922 Addendum 1BI Business Interaction GB922 Addendum 1A Agreement (including Service Level Agreement) GB922 Addendum 1BT Base Types GB922 Addendum 1T Calendar GB922 Addendum 1J Proje

4、ct GB922 Addendum 1POL Policy GB922 Addendum 1R Root Business Entities GB922 Addendum 2 Customer, Customer Order, Customer SLA GB922 Addendum 3 Product Specification, Product Offering, Product, Product Offering Price GB922 Addendum 4SO Service Specification, Service GB922 Addendum 4-QoS Service Qual

5、ity of Service GB922 Addendum 5PR Physical Resource GB922 Addendum 5LR Logical Resource,7,eTOM NGOSS 文档列表 cont.,GB924 Service Model Framework(服务模型框架) GB930 NGOSS Executive (执行力) GB933 Logical Model mapping TMF053 TNA (Technology Neutral Architecture 技术中立架构 组件交互及接口架构 ) TMF053M NGOSS Meta Model(元模型) T

6、MF050 重点关心系统部署和遵从性架构,8,SID 概念集合图,9,资源服务业务流程业务流程、产品再造 运营稳定力运营效力运营适应力 离散、分割的集成、集群的虚拟、联合的,OSS/BSS 演进,10,OSS/BSS 演进 cont.,11,上海电信,12,北京移动OCRM,13,北京移动OCRM cont.,ON Demand,局数据,CBOSS,Comptel,税控,III期加入,14,电信MR(市场营销再造),15,CTZJ BSS 拓扑图,省集中计费系统,省集中CRM系统,本地网遗留计费系统,97系统,C2,C3,16,CTZJ总体应用系统架构,注: 红色虚线范围内为与本次改造工程相关

7、的部份,17,浙江电信BSS系统整合改造工程缘由,由面向生产、企业内部的业务流程及系统 面向市场/客户的的业务流程及系统 以产品为中心的系统架构 以客户为中心的系统架构 各地市分离的97系统,计费系统及相关营销支撑系统 全省集成的CRM及融合计费系统及相关业务流程 客户关系管理相关的信息零散地分布在多个独立的系统 以省集中的CRM系统及EAI集成架构整各成一个完成的客户关系信息 藉由构建一个省集中的CRM系统及数据仓库系统, 提供省公司及集团公司一个透明和及時的业务分析及管理的管道及工具 将企业的客户(包括最终客户、代理代销商和合作伙伴)作为最重要的企业资源,深入分析和挖掘客户数据,应用于电信

8、企业的市场营销、销售、服务与技术支持等与客户相关的领域 全省客户结构/产品结构和资费表/CRM业务流程的统一及标准化 CRM系统的建设以中国电信集团公司ITSP规划为宏观指导原则,逐渐朝向未来集团总部MBOSS的体系架构靠拢,18,提纲,TMF 模型及国内电信系统发展介绍 Siebel系统及其在电信行业的应用情况 Siebel实施流程 权限模型和实现 订单,产品模型 配置开发流程 参考,19,Siebel 公司成立于1993年,由Tomas Siebel在美国加利福利亚创立。公司成立至今,由原有12人快速发展到现有的8000余人,在全球34个国家设有136个分支机构,2005年底2006年初

9、Oracle公司以58亿美元收购Siebel系统公司 Siebel是CRM理念与技术应用的最初实践者,为后来不断涌现的CRM软件厂商提供了业界的标准。近十年来,Siebel的CRM产品一直在功能,技术以及市场份额上处于绝对的领先地位。Siebel的CRM系统在CRM三个关键领域,即销售,营销及服务三者之间的数据/流程整合度最高,各种应用界面最为统一 近期,Oracle将发布支持Linux系统的Siebel 8,Siebel产品的体系和架构,20,Siebel In China,21,Siebel 理念,客户为中心架构(Customer-Centric) One-stop Service / A

10、ppointment of Visiting Customer Premises 预订单、订单跟踪 客户服务 FAB 缩短时间 SLA (服务级别协议)enabled 完善的价格计划,市场营销,销售,订单,服务和故障处理流程 综合库存管理 多领域端对端视图 统一客户信息 统一客户服务配置信息 业务与流程分离 工作流引擎 多系统松耦合,22,Siebel 功能地图,Siebel,23,Siebel 系统架构,24,Web场景再现,Template used is based on the view requested as specified by operation,Object Manage

11、r retrieves data from Siebel database or external application,Siebel Templates,SWE builds HTML page with data and template tags which is passed via the Web server to the browser,呼出,呼入,Web Server,Siebel Web Server Extension,Siebel Data,Data Manager,Browser generates HTTP request,Web server recognizes

12、 that URL contains a Siebel request and passes it to the Siebel Web Engine (SWE),SWE requests retrieved data from Object Manager,1,2,3,4,5,6,25,Enterprise Server,Siebel Server,Siebel Server,Component,逻辑服务架构概览,Enterprise Server: Group of Siebel Servers that access the same Database Server,Database Se

13、rver: Predefined tables and columns that store Siebel data,File System: Directory that stores compressed files used by Siebel applications,Database Server,Siebel File System,Gateway Server,Siebel Server: Runs one or more components that supply services to clients,Gateway Server: Provides access to a

14、nd distributes load for Siebel Servers,Web Server: Provides access to Siebel clients, processing requests using Siebel Web Server Extension,Object Manager (Includes SWE),26,Siebel 服务列表,Siebel Communication Server (CTIetc.) Provides capabilities for multi channel customer interactions (includes e-mai

15、l, fax and CTI). Handles both inbound and outbound requests (eg- outbound fax, inbound telephone). Infrastructure for universal queuing of multiple channel types. eConfigurator and ePricer Using 3rd party constraints engine Makes sure that the customer selects all of the components that are required

16、 for the product and selects components that are compatible with each other. eBusiness Application Integration (EAI) Provides infrastructure for integrating Siebel with other enterprise applications. Includes protocols such as FTP, MSMQ and HTTP. Centralized around XML data transfer Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) Utility for batch inserts, updates, merges, and deletes to and from the Siebel database. Siebels recommended method for im



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