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1、The Development of the English Vocabulary,Lexicology,Session 2,Major Topics,Review chapter 1 ; A brief introduction to the Indo-European family; Three phases of the English language development; General characteristics of the English language ; Foreign elements in the English vocabulary ;,I. Review

2、Chapter 1,Definition of a word; Characteristics of the basic word stock,1. Definition of a Word-1,Generally speaking, the definition of a word will cover the following points: A minimal free form of a language ; A sound unit; A meaning unit; A grammatical unit ;,A word may be defined as one of the f

3、undamental units of speeh or writing and as having a minimum free form. It is a unity of sound and meaning, capable of performing a given syntactical function.,1. Definition of a Word-2,2. Classification by Use Frequency-1,Features of the basic word stock: All national character; pp5-6 Stability;p6

4、Productivity; p6 Polysemy;p7 Collocability; p7,2. Classification by Use Frequency-2,All national character: They belong to all the people who speak the language, not to a limited group. They are known to all speakers.,2. Classification by Use Frequency-3,Stability: They are likely to remain unchange

5、d.,2. Classification by Use Frequency-4,Productivity: They are active in forming new words.,2. Classification by Use Frequency-5,polysemy: Most are polysemous.,2. Classification by Use Frequency-6,collocability: They are likely to combine with other words to form habitual expressions and phrases.,II

6、. The Indo-European family-1,A language family: A number of languages from different geographical areas have a common ancestor, thus forming a language family. All members of a language family share similarity in their basic word stock and grammar. The common ancestor of a family is known as its “pr

7、otolanguage”,or parent language(原始语).,II. The Indo-European family-2,Branches of a language family: Language families can be subdivided into smaller units, conventionally referred to as “branches”, because the history of a language family is often represented as a “tree” diagram.,II. The Indo-Europe

8、an family-3,The Indo-European family-1: It is made up of most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India.,II. The Indo-European family-4,The Indo-European family-2: The Indo-European language family fall into several pricipal groups/branches(语族/语支):,II. The Indo-European family-5,1) Indo-Iranian

9、group(印度-伊朗语族): Persian (伊朗的波斯语), Sanskrit(印度的梵语), Hindi (印地语),Urdu(乌尔都语), Bengali(孟加拉语) and the language of the Gypsies(吉普赛人); 2) Armenian group (亚美尼亚语族): Armenian; 3) Slavic group(斯拉夫语族): Russian and Polish; 4) Hellenic group(古希腊语族): The ancestor of Greek.; 5) Italic group(意大利语族): Latin and Romanc

10、e languages (罗曼语言); Romance languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, and Ro(u)manian(罗马尼亚语言). 6) Celtic group(凯尔特语族): Gaelic(盖尔语),Welsh(威尔士语) and Breton(布里塔尼语); 7) Albanian group (阿尔巴尼亚语族): Albanian; 8) Germanic group(日耳曼语族):English, German, Dutch, Yiddish(依地语),and the Scandinavian languages.

11、,III. Three Phases of the English Language-1,the Old English period(or the Anglo-Saxon period): from 450 to 1150 ; the Middle English period: from 1150 to 1500; The Modern English period: from 1500 to the present day.,III. Three Phases of the English Language-2,Origin of the OE: the Anglican dialect

12、s (the language of the Angles盎格鲁人 ); the Saxon dialects (the language of the Saxons撒克逊人 ): the Kentish dialect (the language of the Jutes朱特人 ),III. Three Phases of the English Language-3,Characteristics of the OE vocabulary: The OE vocabulary, estimated at the size of 50,000 to 60,000 words, is almo

13、st purely Germanic. Although some 85 % of it are no longer in use, those that survive all belong to the basic word stock of Modern English. Owing to the Christianising of Britain and the Vikingsinvasion the relatively few borrowings are mainly Latin and Scandinavian. Some 500 Latin words, many of wh

14、ich have to do with religious life, appear in English writings. At least 900 everyday words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern Standard English. While compounds made up of native elements were particularly prevalent, OE also made generous use of Anglo-Saxon affixes (many of them are now

15、used rarely or not at all) to form new words.,III. Three Phases of the English Language-4,the Middle English period: The Middle English period was divided into two subperiods: The first one was from the Norman Conquest(1066) to the late 12th century, when English was replaced as the officail languag

16、e by Norman French, though still used by the lower classes. The second one was from 1300 to 1500, when English gradually swallowed French and regained it official status and became the official language.,III. Three Phases of the English Language-5,Characteristics of the ME vocabulary: Changes in ME were more extensive and foundamental than at any time before or since. Together, with a simplification of the sound system and the grammar (the general reduction of inflections) that have changed Eng



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