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1、21 世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册Unit Six【语篇赏析】还记得你上初中、高中时是如何形容那些刻苦学习和成绩好的学生的吗?如果曾经用了不适宜的比喻的话,这种用法现在改变了吗?为什么?那么看看 A 篇美国社会的情况吧。A 篇指出在美国社会存在着滥用 “怪人” 这些贬义词来形容好学生的现象。如果国家不尊重知识和不尊重学习成果,美国的未来是令人担忧的。读 B 篇前想一想,你会因为别人去“必胜客” “日式料理”而去吃比萨饼,尝鳗鱼和寿司吗?你看到别人穿牛仔裤,咀嚼口香糖,也会套上一条“CK”即使你穿着实在不会令人恭维吗?我们生活中的时尚和趋势不断改变,为什么会有这么多的人追逐时尚呢?读一读 B 篇

2、,你可能会在文中找到你的影子。B 篇告诉我们趋势和时尚存在于生活的方方面面,人们,尤其是年青人很愿意引领时尚。C 篇提醒我们不要放弃真实的自我而为出名而从众。你同意作者的观点吗?Text A Nerds and Geeks【重点词汇】 重点单词shock, reveal, dedicate, prestigious, admit, pursue, prefer, conform, deprive, adequate, acquire, tease, rival, average, compete, largely, major, portion, cultivate, adapt, exten

3、t, insult重点短语be dedicated to, idle away, not least of all, be held up as, lie with, do away with, stand a chance1. shock : vt. cause unpleasant or angry surprise to (sb.) 使震惊 n.震惊 People are really shocked. An electric shock can kill you.2. reveal: vt. show 揭示,揭露;暴露;(上帝)启示 He revealed that he had be

4、en in prison before. The pianist revealed herself as a musical talent. veil: 遮盖;棉纱 veiled: a. 带棉纱的,隐蔽的veiling: n. 罩以面纱 unveiled: a. 除去面纱,揭开面纱的revealable: a. 可展现的 revealer: n. 展示者revealing: a. 露出的;启发性的,意义深远的revealment: n. 泄露3. dedicate: vt. give, devote 献(身) , (时间,精力等)用于 Martin Luther King dedicated

5、his life to Civil Rights Movement. The volunteers dedicated themselves to the charity work.4. prestigious: a. famous, admired and respected 有威望的,有声望的 Harvard is a highly prestigious educational institution. A prestigious Peace Prize is presented at Oslo University.5. admit: vt. state or agree 承认(事实、

6、错误等) You must admit that you are wrong. Alice admitted feeling hurt by what I had said.admit to 承认 He admitted to a liking of rock and roll.admit of 有的可能21 世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 This work admits of no delay. 这个工作刻不容缓。6. pursue: vt. make continual effort to gain (sth.) 追求,寻求 Students should pursue their own

7、 interests. He plans to pursue a career in politics.7. prefer: vt. choose one rather than another; like better 宁可,宁愿;更喜欢 I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer to stay at home rather than go outside. 8. conform: vi. follow standards, rules, etc; comply 遵从,顺从 All the new products must conform to the intern

8、ational safety standard. Students can be expelled (开除) for refusing to conform to the rules of school.9. deprive: vt. take away from 夺去,剥夺;使丧失 Many Children have been deprived of a normal home life. She deprived lots of pleasure of meeting new friends.10. adequate: a. enough 足够的 The company has to p

9、rovide an adequate explanation for its actions. The menu is adequate to satisfy all the people.enough: 指满足某种物质数量的需要adequate: 指数量和质量达到一定要求, 强调没有多余.abundant: 指数量多 ,充足有余.sufficient: 指满足物质和精神的需要.11. acquire: vt. get or obtain 取得,获得;学到 She has acquired a e-mail address on the web. He spent several years

10、acquiring the skills.12. tease: vt. laugh, make fun of 取笑,戏弄 Dont get upset. I was teasing. My sister-in-law used to tease my hair.13. rival: n. a person, a group or a organization with whom one competes 对手,竞争者 He finished 25 seconds ahead of his main rival. The two students rivals each other in stu

11、dy.14. average: a. usual, ordinary 平常的 In an average week, I drive about 200 miles. The average inflation is under 2.8% in this country.15. compete: try to win sth. in competition with someone else vi. 竞争 You will compete with others for a prize. The prize was open to all, but few pete with/against:

12、 后接人,表示与某人竞争compete in: 在某方面竞争16. largely: ad. to a great degree; in great quantity 主要地;大量地 Its largely a matter of conjecture. She donated largely to the Social Welfare Institution.chiefly 强调质,largely 强调量 Bread is chiefly made of flour. 面包的成分主要是面粉17. major: a. greater 较大的,较多的,较重要的 The major part of

13、 the town was ruined.21 世纪大学英语自学教程 第一册 This is a major question.18. portion: n. a part of sth. larger 一部分,一份 A portion of the manuscript is illegible. Please give me a portion of pudding.portion: 指某物所占的比例,份额part: 指部分,无比例的含义section: 指通过切割和分离而形成的部分share: 指分担,分享的部分,侧重共性19. cultivate: vt. improve, devel

14、op 培养,培育 I hope you will cultivate a taste for music. You must cultivate your mind.20. adapt: vi. (to)change so to make suitable for new needs, different conditions, etc 适应 You should adapt to the lifestyle here. When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself to new customs.21. extent: n.

15、 degree 程度,限度 I agree with you to a certain extent. The extent of a judges power is limited by law.22. insult: vt. speak or act in a way that hurts the feeling or dignity of sb. 侮辱n. remark or action that insults 侮辱 The rebels insulted the flag by throwing mud on it. To call hard-working students nerd is an insult.23. be dedicated to: be devoted to 致力于,献身于 The whole lives of the old people were dedicated to Gods service. She is dedicate


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