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1、第一课Seeing this style really made me curious. So one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “I dont get it! You cant be a positive person all the time. How do you do it?”Jerry replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or

2、you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the pos

3、itive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.”“Hey, its not that easy,” I protested.“Yes it is,” Jerry said. “Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You cho

4、ose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line: its your choice how you live life.”看到他这种风格确实令我感到好奇。于是有一天我便走到杰里面前 问他:“我不明白!你不可能一直都是一个积极乐观的人吧。你是怎么做到的? ”杰里回答说:“每天早上醒来后我都对自己说:杰里,今天你有两种选择。你可以选择好心情,也可以选择坏心情。 我选择好心情。每当坏事发生时,我可以 选择 成为受害者,也可以 选择从中吸取教训。我选择从中吸取教训。每当有人向我抱怨 时,我可以 选择接受他 们的抱怨,也可以给他们指出生活积极的一面。我选择

5、生活积极的一面。 ”“嗨,这可没那么容易吧, ”我提出了异 议。“就这么容易, ”杰里说道。 “生活全在于选择。当你去除一切 乌七八糟的东西之后,每种 处境都是一种选择。你选择如何去应付种种处 境。你 选择人们影响你心情的方式。你选择心情好还是心情不好。关键是:如何生活是你自己的选择。 ”第二课According to Churchill, victory comes only to those who work long and hard, who are willing to pay the price in blood, sweat, and tears. Hard work is al

6、so the basic building block of every kind of achievement: Without it, everything else is pointless. You can start with a dream or an idea or a goal, but before any of your hopes can be realized, you truly must deserve your success. This may sound old-fashioned in this age of instant gratification, b

7、ut from the Sistine Chapel to the first transcontinental railroad to todays space shuttle, theres no mystery as to how these things of wonder were created. They were created by people who worked incredibly hard over a long period of time.丘吉尔认为,胜利只属于那些 长期辛苦工作的人,那些愿意付出血汗和泪水代价的人。辛苦的工作 还是一切成功的基石:没有它,别 的

8、一切都是毫无意义的。你可以由一个梦想、一个想法或一个目 标开始,但在任何希望实现之前,你真的必 须配得上成功。 这在今天 这个追求瞬间满足的时代也许显得陈腐老套,但是从西斯廷教堂到第一条横贯大陆铁路,直至今天的航天飞机, 这些奇迹的创造都毫无奥秘可言。它们都是由异常辛勤工作的人们通过长期的努力创造出来的。第三课Many years later, after I graduated from Harvard with honors and became a lawyer and the CEO of my own company, my mother reflected that, when I

9、 was a child, no one would have predicted a successful future no one except a mother, that is. My parents were crucial in helping me through a nightmare that engulfs so many children, especially young Black boys. As I was on the brink of being condemned as a problem child, they intervened so I would

10、 have a chance. And I have been blessed with opportunities. After college, I worked in politics, becoming chief of staff and campaign manager for a Florida legislator. I attended Stanford Law School and, after some years at a leading consulting firm, founded a company with my sister, Carolyn, and my

11、 best friend, Jeff Livingston. Our company, Achieva, offers innovative software, books and workshops to help school districts across the country prepare their students for college.多年之后, 在我以优异的成绩 从哈佛毕业, 当了律师以及我自己公司的 执行总裁后,母 亲回忆说, 在我小的时候, 没有人 确切地说 是除了一位母亲外会预言我有成功的一天。在帮我走出一场会吞噬无数孩子,尤其是黑人男孩的噩梦中, 父母起了至关重

12、要的作用。在我行将被宣判为问题儿童时, 他们介入了, 从而使我有了一次机会。我有幸 获得了很多次机会。大学毕业后, 我在政界工作, 成为一位佛罗里达州议员的参谋班子负责人和竞选总管。我曾就 读于斯坦福大学法学院 , 在一家著名的咨询公司供职几年后,又与我的姐姐卡罗琳和好友杰夫利文斯敦创建了自己的公司。我们的公司Achieva, 提供新颖的软件、书籍并开办讲习班, 旨在帮助全国的学区 为它们的学生 进入大学提供指导。One reason I started Achieva is that I realized how critical a second (or even third) chanc

13、e could be in a young persons life. The indelible memory of being counted out, then helped back in, inspired me to help others. The early lessons I learned about overcoming obstacles also gave me the confidence to chart my own course.我创建 Achieva 的一个原因是, 我意识到在一个年轻人的一生中,第二次(甚至是第三次) 机会是何等重要。我被开除、而后又被帮着

14、送回学校这一不可磨灭的记忆激励着我去帮助别人。我早年学到的克服重重障碍的经验教训也给了我规划自己人生旅程的信心。第四课Instead he fought for nine years, spending much of that time using his celebrity status to give speeches, awards and to raise awareness of issues important to paraplegics. Through the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, he worked non-sto

15、p to fund research that might someday yield a cure for paralysis and to help support others with disabilities who may have limited resources.但是他却没有这么做,而是奋 斗了整整 9 年,花了 许多时间 利用自己的名人身份,作演讲,颁奖,以及让人们更多地了解对截瘫患者非常重要的一些问题。通过克里斯托弗里夫瘫痪基金会,他不停地 资助或许有一天会拿出一种治愈瘫痪的疗法的科学研究,帮助支持财力可能有限的其他残疾者。Reading about his experi

16、ences after his accident made me appreciate my ability to walk, run, feel, use the restroom, even to simply breathe things we all take for granted. But it has also made me realize that in this world of cynics, corruption and evil, there are still people out there who are beacons of hope in an otherwise dreary world.读过他在遭遇事故后的种种经历,我 为自己还能够走路、奔跑、感觉、上厕所,甚至 仅仅为了还能够呼吸,而心存感激这些都是我 们认为理所当然的事。但它还促使我认识到,在这个充满着愤世嫉俗者、腐败和邪恶的世界上,仍然有像希望之灯塔一样矗立的人,要是没有他们,这个世界就太沉闷了。德邦工作室第五课After a


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