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1、,Translation of English Idioms,英语习语的翻译,CONTENTS,The definition of idioms,The techniques of translating idioms,The comparison & contrast between English idioms and Chinese idioms,Practice,1,The Definition of Idioms,The Definition of Idioms,A speech form or an expression of a given language that is pe

2、culiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as in keep tabs on,What is Idiom?,2,The comparison & contrast between English idioms and Chinese idioms,The comparison & contrast,Barking dogs do not bite heart to heart Like father, like son,1.英语习语与

3、汉语习语形义完全相同,吠犬不咬人 心心相印 有其父必有其子,The comparison & contrast,as strong as a horse a lion in the way kill the goose to get the eggs,2.英语习语和汉语习语形义部分相同,力大如牛 拦路虎 杀鸡取卵,The comparison & contrast,pull ones leg a walking skeleton eat ones words,3.英语习语与汉语习语看似相同,实则不相同,欺骗或戏弄某人 骨瘦如柴的人 承认说错;收回前言,The comparison & cont

4、rast,childs play soft soap oil and vinegar,4.英语习语在汉语中找不到相对应的习语,非常容易做的事 奉承;讨好的言行举止 截然不同的东西,3,The techniques of translating idioms,The Techniques of Translating Idioms,直译法,直译加注法,意译法,套译法,The Techniques of Translating Idioms,既保持原文内容,又保持原文形式。,1.直译法(对等翻译法),strike while the iron is hot Example is better th

5、an precept. under ones nose armed to the teeth packed like sardines,趁热打铁 身教胜于言传 在某人鼻子底下 武装到牙齿 挤得象沙丁鱼罐头,The Techniques of Translating Idioms,I ask you before you play your last card and destroy me, to consider where you will be without me. 在你们还没有摊出最后一张牌来毁我之前,我请你们好好想想,没有我,你们的地位会怎样。 Johnson obviously k

6、nows this street like the back of his hand. 显然约翰逊对这条街了如指掌。,1.直译法(对等翻译法),The Techniques of Translating Idioms,直译加注指在直译的基础上对文化信息作必要的补充和解释。,2.直译加注法(形象意义兼顾法),The Techniques of Translating Idioms,This was a rag to the bull. 这话简直是朝着公牛摇晃红布,火上浇油。 While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to a

7、dd somewhat to his excellent article. 我想给他的杰作稍加几笔,尽管这也许是为百合花上色,费力不讨好。,2.直译加注法(形象意义兼顾法),The Techniques of Translating Idioms,在直译和加注无法翻译原文习语时可考虑采用释义法,牺牲原文比喻形象,只保留其意义。,3.释义法(意译改造法),The Techniques of Translating Idioms,She found herself to be a fifth wheel in the family. 她感到自己成了这个家里多余的人。 Among so many w

8、ell-dressed and cultured people the country girl felt like a fish out of water. 在众多穿着体面而又有教养的人群里,这位乡下姑娘感到很不自在。,3.释义法(意译改造法),The Techniques of Translating Idioms,在翻译时,用本国的语言词汇套用,既不音译,也不用新词意译。,4.套译法,The Techniques of Translating Idioms,I didnt tell George when he came home. Hed have laughed his head o

9、ff. 乔治回家时我没敢告诉他, 否则他会笑掉大牙的。 Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 在这节课里学习那节课的内容无异于拆东墙补西墙。,4.套译法,4,Practice,Practice,Jack of all trades to take French leave teach fish to swim to look for a needle in a haystack A stitch in time saves nine.,杂而不精

10、的人(万事通) 不辞而别 班门弄斧 海底捞针 及时缝一针,可以省九针;小洞不补,大洞吃苦。,Exercise: translate the following English idioms into Chinese,Practice,6. He just had forty winks. His wife held the purse string. You should keep your nose out of here. Dont you see the writing on the wall? Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.,他刚迷糊了一会儿。 他的妻子掌握经济大权。 你别多管闲事。 难道你不知道灾难即将来临吗? 俗话说,壁橱里藏骷髅,见不得人的事儿家家有。,THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION,


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