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1、Matching,1.Beowulf 2.Song of Roland 3.The Canterbury Tales 4.The Divine Comedy France Anglo-Saxon Italy England,Keys,1.Beowulf -Anglo-Saxon 2.Song of Roland -France 3.The Canterbury Tales -England 4.The Divine Comedy -Italy,Three Words - Features of the Middle Ages,Democracy Feudalism King Church Wa

2、r Chivalry,Division Four,Renaissance and Reformation 文艺复兴与宗教改革,General Introduction,14th-mid 17th century Renaissance=revival Ancient Greek and Roman cultureur Humanist thinkers and scholars Rising bourgeoisie Feudalist Europe and Roman church,Renaissance in Italy,Historical background Geographical

3、position Urban economy Wars between cities, between King and Pope City-states by princes Florence-golden city,Greatness of man Bourgeoisie,The Rise of Humanism,New Literature,Giovanni Boccaccio 乔万尼薄伽丘 Decameron 十日谈 Francesco Petrarch 弗朗西斯科彼特拉克 Canzoniers 歌集 Sonnet 十四行诗,Renaissance Art,Features: 1. B

4、reak away form church 2. Themes of paintings changed 3. Study Roman and Greek temples 4. Introduced scientific theories,High Renaissance Artists,Leonardo da Vinci 列奥那多达芬奇 Last Supper Mona Lisa,Last Supper,Mona Lisa,Michelangelo Buonarroti 米开朗基罗 Raphael 拉斐尔 Titian 提香,Sistine Chapel,Virgin Mary,Titian

5、s work,Decline of the Italian Renaissance,Feuds of families Conflicts of classes Rivalry between city-states Lost supremacy in world trade Church reformation Italian wars,Reformation and Counter-Reformation,Purpose: Aim at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it

6、 with the absolute authority of the Bible.,Martin Luther,1517, Germany Wittenberg University 95 theses Men are redeemed by faith and not by the purchase of indulgences.,Calvinism,France John Calvin Reject the papal authorities. Stress the absolute authority of the Gods will. Capitalist spirit.,Reformation in England,Henry VIII Act of Supremacy Act of Succession Church of England,Renaissance in Other Countries,France : Rabelais拉伯雷 - Gargantua and Pantagruel巨人传 Pleiade 七星诗社 Montaigne 蒙田 Essais 随笔集,Spain - Cervantes 塞万提斯 Don Quixote堂吉诃德 England: Thomas More William Shakespeare,


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