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1、Task 1 (背3 + 写1),总体结构是:总分总 总体介绍 + 分段描述 + 总体概括 (通常是45段) ;,Task 1 Bar Charts/Column Graphs,首段:一般2句话/1句话:(主题+总体趋势) Sentence 1: should define what the graph is about, i.e. the date, location, what is being described, etc. 要说出图表的主要内容是关于什么; Sentence 2: to sum up the overall trend (optional) 总体趋势; 中间段:主要描述

2、具体趋势、规律 + 最大最小/最多最少/最好最差等数据(不用事无巨细,只描述重要细节,每种类型具体语言会有所变化); 末段:总结概括(换一种方式来概括大体趋势,根据情况可省 略); 注意:只描述,不解释 describe the data, do not explain it,Page 8 Model Answer,和铁路相比,电力工业在二十年代仍然很年轻。 与上年相比,水质有所下降。,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,Compared to the railroads, the electrical industry was still young. 和铁

3、路相比,电力工业在二十年代仍然很年轻。 Compared with the previous year, the pollution of the waters is more serious. 与上年相比,水质有所下降。,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,这种差距正在拉大 如果差距越拉越大 南北发展差距进一步拉大 南北贫富差距进一步拉大 贫富差距拉大,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,this gap is widening 这种差距正在拉大 if the gap becomes too big, 如果差距越拉越大 th

4、e gap between the development in the South and North becomes wider and wider 南北发展差距进一步拉大, The wealth gap between the North and the South is being enlarged 南北贫富差距进一步拉大 The gap between the rich and poor has increased rapidly 贫富差距拉大,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,如今在英国,手机短信的发送量达到了每天430万条,比一年前增加了一倍多

5、。 2004年美国12大报纸出版商的平均利润率为21%,这一数字比财富500强公司的平均利润率高出一倍多。,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,Britons now send 43 million text messages every day, more than double a year ago. 如今在英国,手机短信的发送量达到了每天430万条,比一年前增加了一倍多。 The average profit margin for Americas 12 biggest newspaper publishers in 2004 was 21%, more

6、 than double the average of the Fortune500 companies. 2004年美国12大报纸出版商的平均利润率为21%,这一数字比财富500强公司的平均利润率高出一倍多。,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,This annual number saw a recent jump in 2004 and 2005, which may or may not be related to the December 2004 tsunami in Indonesia and the destruction caused

7、in the southern U.S. by Hurricane Katrina during the summer of 2005.,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,继续推进社会进步 有助于的进步或成长 促进社会进步,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,It will continue to promote social progress 继续推进社会进步 To contribute to the progress or growth of 推进有助于的进步或成长 foster social progres

8、s 促进社会进步,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,他的言行极不一致。 英文版本与中文版本没有出现不一致的地方。,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,There is a great inconsistency between what he said and what he did. 他的言行极不一致。 There is not any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions. 英文版本与中文版本没有出现不一致的地方。,Page 9 Samp

9、le Answer 1 Language Focus,他能在体育和学习方面胜过他的朋友。 中国钢铁产量将比需求量高出6300万吨。 到2020年时,原油的需求量将超过产量。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,He can outstrip his friend both in sports and in studies. 他能在体育和学习方面胜过他的朋友。 By 2010 steel production in China will outstrip demand by 63 million tones. 到2010年,中国钢铁产量将比需求量高出630

10、0万吨。 Demand for crude oil will outstrip production by 2020. 到2020年时,原油的需求量将超过产量。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,声音在水中的速度是在空气中的速度的4倍多。 专业卫生技术人员389.8万人,增加6.7倍。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,The velocity of sound in water is more than four times that in air . 声音在水中的速度是在空气中的速度的4倍多。 the nu

11、mber of professional health workers reached 3.898 million, 7.7 times that of 1949. 专业卫生技术人员389.8万人,增加6.7倍。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内 这本词典连邮费共一百元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,Price $ 14.90, postage included 价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内 This dictionary is 100 yuan, postage inclu

12、ded. 这本词典连邮费共一百元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,这样的价格接近于垄断价格。 他今年的收入接近八千美元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,Such pricing come close to monopoly pricing. 这样的价格接近于垄断价格。 His income this year approximates to 8,000 dollars. 他今年的收入接近八千美元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,This years profits we

13、re marginally higher than last years. 今年的利润比去年稍微高些。 A dime is equal to/equals to 10 cents 一角的硬币相当于十美分。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,自由党的竞选开支远远超过了A党派。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,A party was heavily outspent by the Liberals in election. 自由党的竞选开支远远超过了A党派。,Page 12 Suggested A

14、nswer 1 Language Focus,我们生产的产品品种繁多,种类齐全。 有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。 时间为几小时至1-2天。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,We produce/provide a wide variety of products including/ranging from to. 我们生产的产品品种繁多,种类齐全。 There are two hundred boys ranging from seven to fourteen in age. 有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。 periods ran

15、ging from a few hours to 1 to 2 days 时间为几小时至1-2天。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,货币兑换率是经常改变的。 极微小的压力变化 在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. 货币兑换率是经常改变的。 a very slight variation in pressure 极微小的压力变化 There will

16、 be variation in price from store to store for the product. 在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样。,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,我看不出他们有什么大的差别。 她的处境与我们的有很大的差别吗? 一个很大的区别 这对我会大不一样。,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,I cant see much difference in them. 我看不出他们有什么大的差别。 Is there a very big difference between her situation and ours. 她的处境与我们的有很大的差别吗? one major difference一个很大的区别 This will make a great difference to me. 这对我会大不一样。,Page 19 Exercise



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