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1、期末专项练习-之词汇、句子、情景交际词汇部分 一、选词填空。 ow, ou, cl, oa, fr, pl, or, pr, wh, er1. _o(谁) 2. teach_(老师)3. b_t(船) 4. _uit(水果)5. yell_(黄色) 6. _ass(课)7. m_th(嘴) 8._ane(飞机)9. _etty(漂亮) 10.sh_t(矮)二、找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. meal B. noodles C. good( ) 2. A. you B. young C. they( ) 3. A. cook B. book C. look( )4. A. school B

2、. science C. small( ) 5. A. healthy B. high C. hill三、根据要求写词语。1. two (同音词)_ 2.are not(缩写形式)_3. teach(变名词)_ 4. potato(复数形式)_5. big(反义词)_ 6. old(反义词) _7. Saturday(缩写)_ 8. short(反义词)_9. fun(形容词)_ 10. in front of(反义词)_四、英汉互译。1.cartoon_ 2. nature park _3.finish _ 4. email _5. beside _ 6. 做作业_7.严格的_ 8. 新鲜的

3、_9. 午餐_ 10. 练武术_五、下面I栏和II栏中哪个搭配更合适,把II栏序号填在题前括号内。I II( )1. go A. English( ) 2. make B. a try( ) 3. have C. books( ) 4. draw D. the classroom( ) 5. read E. boating( ) 6. clean F. cartoons( ) 7. do G. a puppet( ) 8. speak H. homework( ) 9. wash I. the basketball( ) 10. play J. the clothes六、把下列汉语与其对应的英

4、语连线。 1. 森林 A. cloud2. 湖 B. bridge 3. 云 C. house4. 房子 D. forest 5. 桥 E. lake七、根据英文解释写出单词。 1. the first day of week _ 2. a room of sleeping _ 3. fathers father _ 4. so many trees _ 5. fathers mother _八、将下列单词分类。 funny forest green beans do homework cabbage watch TV grapes quiet river shy ice cream cook

5、 the meals bridge kind wash the clothes lake 食品:_ 性格:_ 动作:_ 景物:_九、根据句意填入适当的单词。 1._ day is it today? 2. _ is your English teacher? 3. _ there any trees in your village? 4. The picture is _ my bed. 5. I can _ the clothes. 6. Whos that lady? _ is Miss White. 7. What can you _ for the party? 8. What do

6、you _ for lunch today? 9. There _ a bed in my room. 10. Whats your mother _? She is short and pretty.十、根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. I dont like _ (三明治).2. Can you play _(钢琴)?3. The ball is _ (在下面) the table.4. There are many _(植物) in the nature park.5. My father can _(画) very well.句子部分一、连词成句。1. day, what, is, tod

7、ay, it (?) _2. on, its, floor, the, third (.) _3. are, any, there, bridges, your, in, village (?) _4. eat, what, you, would, to, like (?) _5. on, Thursday, what, do, have, you (?) _二、改错。 ( ) 1. Im very health. _ A B C ( ) 2. I have me room now. _ A B C ( ) 3. There are blue flower. _ A B C ( ) 4. Wh

8、at is the chair? Its near the table. _ A B C ( ) 5. I have some tomato four lunch. _ A B C三、将下列图片的序号填在相应句子前边的括号内。 A B C D E( )1. We have English on Monday. ( ) 2. The dog is funny. ( ) 3. The boy likes candy very much. ( ) 4. Our art teacher is young and kind. ( ) 5. Vegetables are healthy for us.四、

9、根据例句、横线上和括号里的提示造句。 例句:What can you do? I can cook the meals.1. (do the dishes) _? She can _.2. (draw) _? They can _.3. (sing) _? He can _.4. (wash the clothes) _? My sister can _.5. (play football) _? Tom can _.五、句型转换。1. The girl is very pretty. (就划线部分提问) _ the girl _?2. Mary can clean her bedroom. (就划线部分提问) _ _ Mary _?


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