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1、六年级上英语期末模拟测试卷9 1请正确抄写句子,并圈出其中的元音字母。(3分)Let us go skating. 2Read and choose(读一读, 选一选,只填代号)(5分)3Read and choose(根据图意选择短语,将代号填入图下括号中)(5分)4 _ can I go to Shanghai? You can go by plane.A.What B.Where C.How 5There are three lights: _ .A.red, yellow and green B.red, blue and greenC.red, orange and green6In

2、 China, drivers drive on the _ side of the road.A.left B.right C.two7I am going to _ my grandparents next week.A.visit B.visits C.visiting8I want to buy some books.So I can go to the _ .A.bookstore B.shoe store C.pet shop9Amys mother is _actress.Her father is _ policeman.A.a , an, B.a, a C.an, a 10I

3、t _ from the clouds.A.come B.comes C.coming11Where does he work?A.His hobby is painting.B.He works in a car company.C.He is a singer.12Its late.Lets go _ together.A.to home B.home C.school 13Toms mother teaches English.What does his mother do?A.She is a policewoman.B.She is a teacher.C.She goes to w

4、ork by car.14Put the words in right order (连词成句) (8分)(1)do How you to go school ( ? ) (2)comes the It from clouds ( .) (3)to get can the I Zhongshan How Park ( ? ) (4)at cinema Turn the left ( .) 15Read and find (读一读,找答语) (5分)16按单词归类,填序号 (4分)(1)bus (2)East (3)teacher (4)car (5)North(6)hotel (7)farme

5、r (8)train (9)park (10)plane(11)left (12)hospital (13)cinema (14)nurse (15)doctor 交通工具: 方位: 职业: 场所: 17选择合适的句子,补全对话(5分)A How about you? B Where is the cinema? C Do you go on foot? D Where are you going this weekend? E How can you get there? F Can you go on foot? G What do you usually do on the weeken

6、d?(1)A: ? B: Im going to the cinema.(2)A: ? B: Its next to the science museum.(3)A: ? B: I can get there by the No.15 bus.(4)A: Thank you very much. B: _?(5)A: Im going to the bookstore. B: _?A: Yes, I can go on foot.Its not far.18阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,判断对错。(5分)Amy and Tom are going to have a busy day next

7、 Sunday.In the morning, Tom is going to visit his aunt and Amy is going to buy a cat in the pet shop.Tom is going to have lunch with his aunt.After lunch, Amy is going to borrow some magazines and comic books in the library.Tom is going to buy a dictionary and a new CD in the bookstore.Finally, Amy

8、and Tom are going buy some apples and go home by subway.(1)Tom is going to visit his aunt on Sunday.(2)Amy is going to buy the cat in the bike shop.(3)Tom is going to have lunch with his uncle.(4)Tom is going to buy a new CD in the bookstore(5)Amy and Tom are going to be busy next Sunday.19阅读理解,选择正确

9、的选项。(5分)I have a pen pal.Her name is Tina.She is thirteen.She is from Australia.She lives in the country.She is tall and strong.She likes playing chess, basketball and computer games.Basketball is her favourite sport.She plays after school every day.Usually she goes to school by bike.She will go by

10、car when he gets up late.(1)Whos Tina?A.She is my pen pal. B.Shes my classmate.(2)Where is she from?A.America B.Australia(3)What does she do after school?A.She plays chess. B.She plays basketball.(4)What is Tina like?A.Strong and tall. B.Quiet and tall.(5)Does Tina usually go to school by bike?A.Yes

11、, she does. B.No, she goes by car.20根据所给信息写五句以上的连贯的话语。(不少于五句话) (10分) 参考答案1元音字母有:e u o a i【解析】2(1)D (2)A (3)B (4)E (5)C【解析】3(1)F(2)C(3)E(4)D(5)A【解析】(1)F,由图可知是“医院”,故选go to the hospital(2)C,由图可知是“清洁工”,故选a cleaner(3)E,由图可知是“拉小提琴”,故选play the violin(4)D,由图可知是“雨”,故选rain(5)A, 由图可知是“看杂志”,故选read a maazine4C【解

12、析】由答语You can go by plane.你可以乘飞机去。可知回答的是出行方式,应问how .5A【解析】三种交通灯的颜色是:红黄绿,故选。6B【解析】在中国,司机驾驶在公路的右边。即right side。故选。7A【解析】词组visit grandparents 看望祖父母,动词visit用在be going to 后面时用原形,故选A。8A【解析】由前一句I want to buy some books.我想买些书。可知应去书店,即bookstore,故选A。9C【解析】actress首字母为元音,前面用不定冠词an,policeman首字母为辅音,前面用不定冠词a,故选C。10B【解析】该句为一般现在时,人称为it,动词com



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