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1、七下单项选择专项练习练习1 ( )1._ do you usually come to school?By bike.A. HowB. WhatC. How oftenD. When( )2.May I borrow some English newspapers? _A. Of course not. B. Of course.C. Thanks a lot. D. Sorry, I dont know.( )3.Hi, Jane. What time do you get up _ weekdays?I usually get up _ about six oclock.A. in; at

2、B. on; atC. at; atD. on; on( )4. Its 8 oclock. My mother is reading a book. My sister and I _.A. is doing my homeworkB. am doing my homeworkC. is doing our homeworkD. are doing our homework( )5.Excuse me, Maria. Can I use your bike?Sure. Here you are. But you must return it _ time.A. inB. atC. on D.

3、 to( )6. Mrs. White _ her wallet now, but she cant _ it.A. is looking for; findB. finds; look forC. is looking for; findsD. looks for; finding( )7.What _ Yu Ping usually _ in her free time?She usually goes to the library.A. do; doB. is; doingC. does; doesD. does; do( )8. My brother usually _ his cla

4、ssroom after school. But now he _ basketball.A. cleans; playsB. is cleaning; playsC. cleans; is playingD. is cleaning; is playing( )9._ do you go to the zoo with your brother?Three times a month.A. How longB. How oftenC. How oldD. How much( )10. Mr. Wang _ gets up early. So he is _ late for work.A.

5、always; always B. never; neverC. always; oftenD. always; never( )11.Its time _ lunch.OK. Lets _.A. for; goB. for; goingC. to; goingD. to; go( )12. _ is it today?Its Tuesday.A. What classB. What timeC. What monthD. What day( )13.How long can I keep the books? _A. Three. B. Three times.C. Three days.

6、D. Very often.( )14._ do you _ the book?Its very interesting.A. What; likeB. What; think ofC. How; thinkD. How; think of( )15. I dont like physics _ its too difficult for me.A. and B. soC. becauseD. but练习2( )1._ in your wallet, Madam?Some money and my ID card.A. Where isB. What isC. What areD. Where

7、 are( )2.Lily, would you like me _ you?Yes, thanks.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. help at( )3.Are there _ boats in the river?Yes, there are.A. muchB. someC. anyD. little( )4._ milk is there in the bottle? Little.A. How manyB. HowC. How muchD. What( )5. You cant turn left when you see the sign _.A. B.

8、 C. D. ( )6._ late for class next time.Im sorry.A. BeB. NotC. DontD. Dont be( )7. There _ a ticket, a lamp and some keys on the table.A. areB. isC. haveD. has( )8.You must _ those trees and flowers in the garden.OK, Miss Gao.A. look forB. look afterC. look likeD. look at( )9. The Reads live _ the en

9、d _ Zhonghua Road.A. at; ofB. in; ofC. at; toD. in; to( )10. There are many students _ in the apartment.A. liveB. livesC. livingD. lived( )11.Where are my keys, Dad? I cant find them.Look! Theyre under the table. You must _.A. put it awayB. put away itC. put them awayD. put away them( )12. Excuse me

10、, can you tell me _ Xinhua Bookstore?A. the way toB. the wayC. the road toD. the road( )13.Can you see many apples _ the tree?No, there are a few birds _ it.A. in; inB. on; onC. in; onD. on; in( )14.Excuse me, _ is Zhongshan Park from here?Its about seven kilometers.A. how longB. how oftenC. how far

11、D. how much( )15. There is a beautiful garden _ Kangkangs house.A. in the front ofB. in the frontC. in frontD. in front of练习3( )1. _ is your mothers birthday?April 8th.A. HowB. WhenC. WhoD. What( )2. Do you enjoy _ music?Of course I do.A. listeningB. listen toC. listening toD. to listen to( )3. Ther

12、e are _ floors in my house and my bedroom is on the _ floor.A. four; twoB. fourth; secondC. four; secondD. fourth; two( )4. _ is it?Its a circle.A. What kindB. What colorC. What timeD. What shape( )5. Tom was born _ London _ May 1st, 1989.A. in; inB. in; onC. on; inD. on; on( )6. She couldnt sing En

13、glish songs _.A. for two yearsB. in two yearsC. two years agoD. over two years( )7. Jane, where is the gym, please? _A. Thank you very much.B. I dont know, either.C. This way, please. D. Oh, what did you say?( )8. Did you buy a birthday cake yesterday?No, I didnt. I _ one_ hand.A. make; withB. make;

14、 byC. made; byD. made; with( )9. _ was the tea party last week?It was very nice.A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Where( )10. Alice likes playing _ piano and she also likes playing _ soccer.A. the; theB. /; /C. /; theD. the; /( )11. Who went to the park with you yesterday? Li Lei _.A. doesB. didC. wasD. do( )12. There is _ with


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