透过电影看文化 双色印刷 教学课件 ppt 作者 陈红 unit3

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1、通过电影看文化 Unit 3. For The Donkey Or The Elephant? 驴象庄园: 这个地方有点乱,Every four years, Americans participate in a unique and exciting ritual - selecting the nations president and vice president. Beginning early in a presidential election year, people who would like to “run” for the office of president try

2、to win delegates to their partys national political convention. Delegates are chosen from each state. Some are selected at state caucuses and others by party conventions. But most are chosen by primary elections.,Selecting the candidates,通过电影看文化,The summer before the election, each of the two major

3、political parties - the Democrats and the Republicans -holds a national convention lasting about four days. At these conventions, delegates select the people who will be candidates for president and vice president. The number of delegates from each state is determined by its population and its suppo

4、rt for that party in previous elections.,Selecting the candidates,通过电影看文化,Convention business usually begins with the creation and acceptance of the partys platform. The next order of business is the nomination of prospective presidential candidates. A speaker nominates each nominee, telling that pe

5、rsons strengths and accomplishments. Each nominating speech is followed by a long, noisy demonstration. Bands play, and thousands of delegates wave flags and signs, sing, yell and clap.,Selecting the candidates,通过电影看文化,After the nominations, the delegates get down to the serious work of choosing the

6、ir partys presidential candidate. What the delegates consider the most important quality of the candidate is the ability to win the election and also a nominees integrity, philosophy, and talent for leadership. After the presidential candidate is selected, his/her running mate is chosen. At the conv

7、ention, the two candidates are formally nominated, elected as the partys candidates, and cheered greatly before and after they give their acceptance speeches.,Selecting the candidates,通过电影看文化,Campaigning for the general election traditionally begins on Labor Day in early September. From that time un

8、til Election Day, in early November, voters are bombarded from all sides - by radio, television, newspapers, and personal communications - with political materials. Each candidate tries to convince a majority of the American voters that he is best qualified to lead the country for the next 4 years.

9、Since the candidate has only 2 months in which to do this, he must campaign very hard, day and night.,The campaign,通过电影看文化,Campaigning is extremely expensive, and a candidate must receive a majority of the electoral votes to be elected; therefore, only the candidates of the two major parties can exp

10、ect to win.,The campaign,通过电影看文化,On the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, voters cast their ballots for president and vice president, who are voted as a team. The entire House of Representatives, one-third of the Senate, and many state and local officials are also elected. Thanks to th

11、e voting machines and computers, Americans usually know most the winners by late evening.,The election,通过电影看文化,The President and Vice president are not actually chosen by how many people vote for them; instead, they are chosen by electoral votes. Altogether, there are 538 electoral votes; it takes 2

12、70 to win. When citizens cast votes for presidential candidates, they are selecting their states electors, who, as a group, are called the Electoral College. The number of electors for each state is equal to the total number of representatives and senators who represent that state in Congress.,The e

13、lection,通过电影看文化,NOTES State caucuses 各州政党基层会议 a meeting of the local members of a political party especially to select delegates to a convention or register preferences for candidates running for office.,通过电影看文化,Primary elections 总统初选 one of the first steps in the process of electing the US Presiden

14、t. They provide a method for U.S. Political parties to nominate and unite behind one popularly chosen candidate for the Presidency.,通过电影看文化,Platform政纲 also known as Manifesto, list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public for the purpose of having s

15、aid partys candidates voted into office.,通过电影看文化,Labor Day劳工节 national holiday observed in the US on the first Monday in September in honor of working people .,通过电影看文化,Election Day选举日 the day set by law for the general elections of public officials. It occurs on the Tuesday after the first Monday in

16、 November, which is usually also the first Tuesday in November. The earliest possible date is November 2 and the latest possible date is November 8.,通过电影看文化,Electoral votes选举团票 vote by the Electoral College(选举团) that chooses the President and Vice President of the US at the conclusion of each presidential election.,通过电影看文化,House of Representatives (美国)众议院 one of the two Houses of the United States Congress, the bicameral legislature which also includes the Senate. The major



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