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1、2019北京通州区初三一模英 语2019年4月学校班级姓名考生须知1.本试卷共10页,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级和姓名。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1. That boy is from England.name is TomA. HerB. YourC. HisD. Its2. -Whe

2、n do you usually get upthe morning, Lily?-I usually get up at 6 oclock.A. inB. atC. ofD. on3. He wants to see the movie The Wandering Earth,hes too busy these days.A. soB. andC.orD. but4.- balls are there on the floor-There are fifty.A. How longB. How muchC. How manyD. How far5. -Which city do you l

3、ike,Beijing or Guangzhou?-Beijing. I think Guangzhou is too hot.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best6. -Mom, must I clean the room right now?-No, you.You can clean it laterA. needntB. wouldntC. mustntD. shouldnt7. -Where are the kids?-Theybasketball on the playground now.A. playB. playedC. will playD.

4、 are playing8. Marys aunt is a doctor. Shein a hospital.A. worksB. workedC. has workedD. Was working9. The boy a picture when his father came into his roomA. drewB. will drawC. was drawingD. has drawn10. Mrs. Li is very kind.Shethese poor children since 2010.A. helpsB.has helpedC. helpedD. is helpin

5、g11. Many tall buildingsnear our school last year.A. buildB. are builtC. builtD. were built12. -Do you knowtomorrow?-Yes. The Grand Canal Forest ParkA.where Mr. Green wentB.where Mr. Green will goC.where did Mr. Green goD.where will Mr. Green go二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中

6、,选择最佳选项。Old Science in Practice Win Your Dream Holiday! was a competition for students who were interested in science. Students needed to think of an unusual method of measuring (计算) the height of Eiffel Tower. The first prize was a trip to Paris to check their method in practice. Lots of students s

7、ent their applications (申请). The 13 were the students from Grade 8, No. 16 Middle School. The idea just came into my head. Actually, it was a 2,600-year-old idea! 1 14 our history lesson about ancient Egypt. Our teacher 15 the method that was used to measure the height of the Pyramid (金字塔) of Cheops

8、 and I thought we could do the same, said one of the students, Peter Schmidt. The other students thought the idea could work and together they 16 it and applied for the competition. Peter was their team leader and the team won their holiday. After they arrived in Paris, they travelled around the cit

9、y. On their second day they had to 17 that they had the right to win and that their method worked. They were divided into three groups. Each group had a certain 18 and special equipment (装备). Using the mathematical formula (数学公式) they got to work. We werent sure whether we would do it until the end

10、of the task. I was so 19 and hoped we wouldnt make a mistake, said Alex, one of the happy winners. Neither traffic nor joggers (慢跑者) could stop them from doing the task 20 . They got 318. 8 metres and the real height of the tower is 324 metres! An exciting result !13. A. leadersB. volunteersC. winne

11、rsD. organizers14. A. enjoyedB. introducedC. missedD. remembered15. A. describedB. foundC. inventedD. improved16. A. heardB. developedC. spreadD. chose17. A. explainB. decideC . agreeD. prove18. A. ideaB. suggestionC. taskD. dream19. A. surprisedB.nervousC. happyD. confused20. A. directlyB. secretly

12、C. perfectlyD. slowly阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)AWhat are talented kids like? They are children with a special talent and they work hard.Name Kati VargaAge 13Country HungaryTalent chessI started playing chess when I was five years old. I took part in my first c

13、ompetition when I was in Grade Two. Today, I have more than a hundred medals (奖牌) in my room. One day, Id like to be the best in the world. I know Im on my wayName Asif MalikAge 12Country IndiaTalent paintingI started painting when I was only four years old. At first I painted trees and flowers. Now

14、 I paint portraits (肖像) of my family. Ive already sold some of my paintings. I have a website and all my paintings are on it. Im going to an art school in Paris when Im older.Name Lee Sang-miAge 13Country South KoreaTalent pianoMy mother is very musical, and plays the piano beautifully. One day I wa

15、s listening to her andsuddenly I knew I wanted to try. I loved it! I started lessons at the music institute when I was six, and soon I performed and won competitions all over the country. Id like to tour around done day. the worldName Josh BrownAge 14Country BritainTalent cookingI started cooking when my



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