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1、英语句子改错题目30套英语句子改错英语句子改错题目(一):在下面的句子,每句仅有一个错误,在错的地方作出标记,并将改正后的词写在句后的横线上。1、Have you gone to America before?2、Is there new anything in this talk?3、Neither Ann nor I are a League member。4、We are surprise that he lost the game。5、Most great artists like making own train。6、Hurry up,and you wont catch the t

2、rain。7、I think this song is most popular of all。8、Mr Hu got up until ten oclock yesterday。9、What a interesting book !Do you like it ?10、This story is not so longer as that one。11、Its a long time since we have met last。12、Whats wrong with you ?You look unhappily。13、Mrs Smith found that difficult to s

3、tudy English well。14、There is little water in the glass, isnt there ?15、The boys were playing with fire when he es in。16、The traffic accident was happened around the corner last week。17、Please show we the picture that you drew yesterday。18、Mr Li wants the students do their homework by themselves。答案:

4、1、gonebeen 2、new anythinganything new 3、aream 4。surprisesurprised 5、owntheir own6、andor 7、mostthe most 8。gotdidnt get或untilat 9、aan 10、longerlong11、have metmet 12、unhappilyunhappy 13、thatit 14、isntis 15、escame16、was happenedhappened 17、weus 18、doto do英语句子改错题目(二):、下列各题有一处是错的,请将出并将改正后的词写在句后的括号内。1、Ther

5、e is going to have much beef on the plate.( )2、I dont think his dress is dearer than Kate.( )3、I cant hear you、Could you speak it louder ? ( )4、Its kind for you to help me to do the cleaning.( )5、Mr Black, a good friend of me, likes drawing horses.( )6、Dont stay at home、You had better to go out for

6、a walk, ( )7、In the girls 100-metre race, Lily from Class 1 ran very fastly.( )8、There is a people in the room、But nobody knows who it is.( )9、We will hold a sports meeting next Monday if it wont rain.( )10、The boy called Tom was born in the morning of May 2nd, 1990.( )11、Mother asked me if the Blac

7、ks were going to move here long before。12。Today is September the tenth、Happy Teachers Day to you、Thank you for teach us so well.( )13、Jim is much cleverer than any other students in Grade 3, but he doesnt work hard.( )14、Look !Two hundreds students are watching a football match on the playground.( )

8、答案:1、havebe 2、KateKates 3、it去掉 4。forof 5、memine6、to gogo 7、fastlyfast 8、a peopleaperson 9、wontdoesnt 10、in on11、long beforebefore long 12、teachteaching 13、studentsstudent 14、hundredshundred英语句子改错题目(三):题1 You cant get across when the lights are green。简析 :此题语法上并没有错,只是不贴合事实,应将D项的 green改为red,才贴合“红灯停,绿灯行

9、”的交通规则。题2 Lily has reached home three hours ago。简析 :可将 has reached改为reached,即一般过去时。另一种改法是将句尾的three hours ago去掉,因涉及到不止一个选项,故在此题中不能这么改。题3 Dont get into the gate before they tell you do that。简析 :tell后接不定式作宾语补足语,即tell sb、to do sth,其中的to不可省略。英语句子改错题目(四):1、名词单、复数与其修饰词或上下文坚持一致名词的单、复数与其修饰词语或上下文不一致也是中考常设的改错题

10、。做这类题目时要注意名词是否与其修饰语一致。如:(1) The animals are useful to the desert people in many way.(重庆市中考题)说明名词way改为ways,与前面的修饰词many一致。(2) As he explored the sea, he took pictures and videos of many thing that people had never seen before.(杭州市中考题)说明thing改为things,与前面的修饰词many一致。有的名词一般不用复数形式,但受到某些量词,如many, several, a

11、 number of, a variety of等修饰时,要变成复数形式。(3) They were given kinds of breakfast, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.(镇江市中考题) 说明修饰语kinds of常修饰复数名词,所以breakfast应改为breakfasts。表示事物类别时,名词用复数形式。(4) School child walked with their shirts, coats and anything else they could find pulled up over their nose.

12、(苏州市中考题)说明child改为children,表示名词类别“学生”;nose改成noses,与限定词their坚持一致。(5) The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over disease.(广元市中考题) 说明disease改为diseases,表示名词类别“疾病”。2、主谓一致句子的主语和谓语在人称和数上不一致是改错题型中最为常见的。如:(1) This were because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe

13、 under water for a long time.(杭州市中考题)说明指示代词this作主语,谓语动词用单数,所以将were改为was。(2) The desert people is friendly.(重庆市中考题)说明people作主语时,谓语动词必须用复数,所以将is改为are。3、代词与其修饰的名词或其先行词坚持一致(1) Too many trees have been cut this years.(苏州市中考题)说明this改为these, 与后面的复数名词years坚持一致。(2) They use camels for carrying water, food, t

14、ents and another things.(重庆市中考题)说明another改为other, 因为another常修饰单数可数名词。代词的主要功能是指代前面出现过的名词、词组或一个意群,所以代词必须要同它所指代的词在单复数、格或人称上坚持一致,这是代词改错的核心。(3) He bought a ship and used them to explore under the sea.(杭州市中考题)说明them改为it,指代前面的单数名词a ship。4。冠词关于英语冠词的用法,从“短文改错”题的角度来看,可能从以下几个方面出题:A、不定冠词a和an的互改;B、不定冠词a或an与定冠词th

15、e的互改;C、根据需要添加或删掉冠词。题如:(1)I have a Australian friend、Her name is Ann Bryer、(aan, 1999年盐城市)(2)A ten best stories will win a nice present for Mom、(AThe, 2001年苏州市)(3)If it takes you five hours to get home from work, you?ll spend same time on your way to the factory、(samethe same, 2001年无锡市)六、易混词错误1、混淆词性的错误词性错误主要表此刻形容词、名词、副词的误用上。考生做这类改错题,要根据词在句中所处的位置来确定其词性是否正确。一般说来,形



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