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1、 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的研究成 果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果,也不包含获得 西南政法大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材 料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表 示了谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 西南政法大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。特授 权 西南政法大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,并采 用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅

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3、现象在各国的历史发展中,都是一种跨文化存在的普遍现象。随着时 代的发展,以及西方各国人权运动的此起彼伏,世界范围内对同性恋倾向现象都呈现 出一种包容和接受的态度,对该群体各方面权利的保护也得到了多数人的认同。同性 恋倾向者间的相恋或结合,以其个人的感情和性爱需求为基础,从而自然衍生出了对 于婚姻和家庭的渴望。此种诉求,在欧美一些国家得到了认同,并进行了不少立法规 制层面的探索。一些值得借鉴与参考的模式由此产生,为我国同性结合立法规制在付 诸实践前的理论探究提供了资料。结合我国具体国情,同性结合立法规制有现实的必 要性与可行性。本文在对现有研究成果梳理的基础上,对同性结合立法规制应遵循的 立法原

4、则、“两步走”立法路径、具体立法模式等,试进行提炼与论证,以期抛砖引 玉,为我国同性结合立法规制的不断探究献上点滴力量。 本文第一部分,以一场同性婚礼案例引出问题:即在世界范围内所形成的为同性 结合立法的趋势中,欧美已有一定的立法实践,而我国在此领域尚属空白,进而展开 全文。 第二部分,重点对同性结合进行概述。首先,对同性结合与同性婚姻的涵义予以 辨析,了解二者的不同,以明确本文所探究的论题为同性结合立法规制。其次,对同 性恋倾向者的生存现状及成因进行分析,认识到同性结合是一种在各国历史发展中普 遍存在的现象,我国也不例外。同性恋倾向是受基因组成、家庭教育和生活环境等方 面影响而形成的。同性恋

5、倾向者在我国的数量不可小视,却未被社会大众完全理解与 接受。故多数同性恋倾向者不容乐观的生存现状和部分同性恋倾向者的婚姻诉求,呼 唤我国立法的关注。 第三部分,从法律角度、社会角度和其他角度对同性结合立法规制的必要性与可 行性进行论述。对同性结合进行立法规制,是法律体系得以完善,法的价值、法治精 神得以贯彻的迫切需求;是改善同性恋倾向群体生存现状,促进社会和谐的迫切需 求;是有效防控艾滋病传播的需要;是实现文化多元化发展的需求。而现有的立法实 1 西南政法大学硕士学位论文 践和我国的立法及理论探索以及社会公众对同性恋倾向现象趋向宽容的态度等,均为 我国同性结合立法规制奠定了基础,使其具有可行性

6、。 第四部分,对欧美等国及其他地区现有的婚姻式立法模式、伴侣式立法模式、民 事结合式立法模式及分散式立法模式等进行简介与评析。在知悉这些立法模式的基础 之上,辨析其各自利弊。 第五部分,对我国同性结合立法规制进行思考与探索。在为我国同性结合立法规 制提出本土化原则、公众认可原则和非婚姻化原则的基础之上,提出“两步走”立法 路径:第一步,即针对同性恋倾向群体制定同性恋倾向者保护条例;在第一阶段 的单行法制定并颁行后,时机成熟之时,制定中华人民共和国伴侣法。旨在在全 社会认可法律对同性恋倾向者的保护之基础上,结合我国国情循序渐进,实现以伴侣 式立法模式对同性结合的立法规制。 关键词:同性恋倾向;同

7、性结合立法;立法规制原则;伴侣式立法模式 2 同性结合立法规制探究 Abstract The homosexuality,as a transcultural phenomenon,universally exists in the history of many countries.Along with the development of the world,as well as the development of the International Campaign for Human Rights which is especially in the western countrie

8、s, more and more people in the world have been accepting the homosexuals,and the legal protection for the rights of the homosexuals is also be approved.The demanding of the individual emotion and sexual desire of human is the basic of the love or symbiosis between the homosexuals,thus the appeal of

9、the same-sex marriage and that of the family that established by homosexuals from the homosexuals comes into being.The appeal above-mentioned is approved in some European countries and in some states in U.S.,and there are some kinds of exploration of legislation rules and regulations in those countr

10、ies. Some legislative models are created, providing some reference for China,especially for our theoretical exploration in this field.It is necessary and practicable to make laws for the homosexual contract in terms of the current social situations in China. Based on the present research,this articl

11、e explores the principle of legislation for homosexual contract 、 “two-step strategy” legislation way 、 the specific legislation pattern and so on, in order to throw a sprat to catch a whale,and make a contribution to the exploration of the legislation for the homosexual contract in China. The first

12、 part of this paper introduces a homosexual contract case and put forward a question.That is,all over the world,the trend of the legislation for homosexual contract has been coming into formation,European and American countries already had some legislation practice,however,in China this field is sti

13、ll in the blank,and then the full text begins. The second part,focuses on the summarization for the homosexual union.First of all,the part makes a distinction between homosexual union and homosexual marriage, and makes the difference understood,in order to make clear the inquiry of homosexual topic

14、for legislation regulating.Second,what should be recognized is that homosexual union is a common phenomenon in the development of all countries through the analysis of survival present situation and cause of formation for the homosexuals,and our country is no exception.Homosexual orientation caused

15、and influnced by genetic composition,family education and living environment and so on. The people who has homosexual orientation in our country is not underestimated,but is not understood and accepted completely.So their 3 西南政法大学硕士学位论文 pessimistic living situation and appeal for homosexual marriage

16、 call for the attention of our countrys legislation. The third part discusses the necessity and feasibility from the legal perspective,social perspective and other perspective about homosexual legislation regulating.Regulating on homosexual union,is the urgent needs for perfecting the law system,and carrying out the law value,the law spirit;is the urgent needs for improving the homosexual community survival present situation and promoting the social harmony;is the urgent needs for ef


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