商务英语口译教程 教学课件 ppt 作者 李鸿杰 王建华 主编 Unit 6 Agency

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《商务英语口译教程 教学课件 ppt 作者 李鸿杰 王建华 主编 Unit 6 Agency》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语口译教程 教学课件 ppt 作者 李鸿杰 王建华 主编 Unit 6 Agency(65页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part Three Businessn Negotiation 商务谈判,商务英语口译教程,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,This unit includes some general conversations with relation to the agency, such as applying to be a sole agent of slippers, declining an application for sole agent , extension of sole agent ,offering to act as a selling agent, and s

2、ole agency of cosmetics and how to make some small talks with the customer . The learner can learn it according to each situation easily and then can easily handle every situation when it happens.,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aim: Through the study of this unit, the st

3、udenst will learn how to talk properly and be considerate when acting as an agent 2. Skill aim: Students will be able to make their conversations according to the given situations. Core Skills: 1. Applying to be a sole agent 2. Declining an application for a sole agent 4. Offering to act as a sellin

4、g agent,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,Background Knowledge In international trade, a great deal of transactions can be conducted by all kinds of agencies. When a company wants to develop foreign market, it usually resorts to representative to sell products using the companys agent. One of the most

5、 important reasons to commit foreign agents is that they know the local situation and are familiar with the market environment that the company will manage in the future. In the course of developing foreign trade, agents and middlemen play an important role, because they know which kind of commoditi

6、es can fit the district needs and the market can afford the price. The reward that an agent have earned is commission. An agency can be divided into the following according to how much right of principal: 1. General Agency; 2. The Exclusive Agency or Sole Agency; 3. Commission Agency.,Part Three,小飞守

7、角制作,Unit 6 Agency,在国际贸易中,大量的交易可以用各种代理方式进行。当一家公司想发展国外市场时,便经常借助于代表该公司的代理商去推销产品。委托代理商的一个重要原因是他们了解当地情况,熟悉将来经营所处的市场环境。在发展对外贸易中,代理商和中间商往往起着重要的作用,因为他们知道什么商品适合该地区的需要以及该市场所能承受的价格水平。代理人赚取的报酬就是佣金。代理按照委托人授权的大小,通常分为下列几种:1)总代理;2)独家代理;3)佣金代理。,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,Section One Situational Dialogue Directi

8、ons: Students must be able to recite these dialogues fluently and understand them. Dialogue One Agency Mr. Wilson comes to meet Li Hua for agency of the products of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation. L: Good morning, Mr. Wilson. W: Good morning, Mr. Li. L: You are welcome to be here again to our compan

9、y. W: Thank you . I am a regular visitor, and we are close friends. L: Thats right, and so lets get down to business at once without any formalities. Right?,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,W: Right. Well, Mr. Li. Look , I have a good news for you this time. Your T-shirts can find a ready market in t

10、he eastern part of our country. L: Really? That makes me dance, I think. W: You should be very happy about it. We ve been busy promoting the sale of your T-shirts. Plenty of advertisements have been made both in newspaper and on TV programs. Our salesmen have worked hard to push sale of your product

11、s here, there and everywhere. And you know, all these have cost us a lot. L: Oh, I appreciate it very much. W:I am here today to apply for the sole agent of your product in our local market. Whats your opinion about it?,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,L: Let me think. You worked hard enough last yea

12、r to promote the sale of our products. I know it. But the problem is that your turnover last year was only 50,000 shirts. This makes it difficult for us to appoint you as our sole agent for such small quantity. W: But , this year we can buy an extra of 20,000 shirts. Im quite sure about that. L:You

13、know, Mr. Wilson., our price is the lowest among all the similar products, and nowadays it is very easy to find agents for our T-shirts, and it is easy for them to reach prospective customers.,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,W:Yes, you are right. But our promotion of the sale of your T-shirts has pr

14、oved more than successful, and there are only few T-shirts unsold. And whats more, I believe there is greater potential in our market than in many other places. Well , this time Ill place an order for additional 50,000 shirts, making the total of 100,000 shirts. What would you say about it? L: That

15、looks good. Ill report the matter to the general manager immediately, and well consider appointing you as our sole agent for our T-shirts for the next two years in your local market. W: Thats very kind of you, Mr. Li.,Part Three,小飞守角制作,Unit 6 Agency,L: But, before that, you should submit us a quarte

16、rly report on your local market situation. W: All right, I will do that this afternoon and hand it in tomorrow morning. Well , when can we expect to sign the agency agreement? L:In two days, I suppose. We need a negotiation on some details before reaching the final agreement. But I think you can take it easy because they are just some formalities that we often have to go through. Is that O.K. for you? W: Yes, I cant agree with you more.,Part Three,小飞守角



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