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1、致谢时光荏苒,两年半的研究生生活已悄然接近尾声,从初来工大时的懵懂无知、初见导师时的拘谨、同学舍友间的相觑无言,到现在的踏实自信、与导师亦师亦友、同学舍友间情同手足,是辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院悠久而富有渊博的学术底蕴改变了我。自 2007年 9月师从王佩贤教授,记得第一次见导师时的紧张被导师的开胸畅谈所释怀后,原本“教授”严厉而寡言的形象在自己的心中荡然无存,导师无论是工作和生活对学生都平易近人。凡向导师提出疑惑,导师都能尽可能从理论、实践给予恰当解释,而无夸夸其谈使人费解之言,从导师身上学来的不仅是学问,更是对待学问的态度踏实诚肯。还记得参加工程实践时,由于自己的粗心大意而导致作业


3、,虽然离多聚少,但彼此间的牵挂让我们天涯若比邻。衷心的感谢每位关心和帮助过我的人!摘要在网络通讯技术的进步、 GPS接收机生产工艺的提高和成本的降低、影响GPS测量精度的误差数学模型的日趋成熟等因素的作用下,使得 RTK作业的精度和距离有了较大的提高。已成为研究和应用热点的 CORS系统,由于建立及维护费用高、建设周期长、误差模型不成熟等缺陷,使得它并不适合中小城市对信息化建设的需要。相对于单基站 CORS系统 RTK作业标称五十公里范围内实现厘米级定位精度而言,它更适合于中小城市的发展,并已取得广泛的关注和应用。论文研究基于影响 GPS定位精度的因素,对误差的处理方法进行了总结。对更适合于

4、GPS定位的地心坐标系向我国的参心坐标系转换的数学模型,用实测数据进行了探讨,对已知点的数目和点位的分布影响求解模型参数的内符合精度和外符合精度进行了分析并得出有益的结论。对单基站 CORS系统 RTK测量数据的后处理方法进行了讨论,提出用极大验后滤波处理测量数据,并编程实现了该数学处理方法。关键词:单基站 CORS; RTK测量精度;坐标系统转换;测量数据处理-I-AbstractThe development of communication technology、 the improvement of GPS receiverproduction process and the redu

5、ction of cost、 mathematical mode which has impact onGPS survey accuracy becomes more accurate RTK survey has been improved at theaccuracy and distance in the influence of these factors Even if Continuously OperatingReference System is the focus of current research and application ,high funding fores

6、tablishment and maintenance、 long period to set up、 not excellent error model andothers drawbacks make it not fit for the need of small and medium-sized citiesinformation technologyThen,Continuously Operating Reference Station which nominalpositioning accuracy has achieved centimeter degree in fifty

7、 kilometers distance on thecondition of RTK method is more fit for the development of small and medium-sizedcities ,and it has been concerned and applied widelyArticles research bases on influence factors of GPS positioning accuracy ,andconclusions of process methods for error have been drawn in art

8、icle Not only has beencoordinate transformation model which is proper for transformation of GPSs geocentriccoordinate to our nations reference-ellipsoid-centric coordinate discussed on the basisof survey data ,but influence factors of number and position of known data have whatinfluences on calculat

9、ion models parameters have been analyzed on the standard ofrepeatability and external reliability At last,process survey data of ContinuouslyOperating Reference Station which is on the condition of RTK method has beendiscussed, and puts forward advice that process data with the method of maximum apo

10、steriori filtering ,achieves this mathematical method through computer programKey Words:Continuously Operating Reference Station;Survey accuracy of RTK;Transformation coordinate system; Process survey data- II -目录摘要 . IAbstract . II1.2.3.4.绪论 . 11.1研究目的与意义 .11.2国内外研究现状 .21.3论文的主要工作和研究内容 .3RTK相关理论 . 52.1 GPS定位基本原理 .52.1.1 GPS系统的组成 . 52.1.2 GPS定位理论 . 72.2差分 GPS与 RTK .10单基站 CORS-RTK精度分析 . 123.1 CORS相关理论 .123.2单基站 CORS-RTK较之传统 RTK的优势 .133.3测量精度的影响因素分析 .14



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