汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘海雄 Unit 10

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《汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘海雄 Unit 10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘海雄 Unit 10(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part Automobile Chassis,Unit 10,Text,Manual Transmission in Automobile,Figure10.1 The Most Common Five-speed Layout Found in the USA and the UK,Maintenance of Manual Transmissions,Fig 10.2 Manual Transmission and Automobile Clutch,New Words and Phrases,clutch klt n.机 离合器,离合器踏板 gear gi n. 齿轮,传动装置,(汽车

2、) 排挡 mountmaunt vt 架置. motorcycle mutsaikl n. 摩托车 sequential sikwenl a. 连续的,相继的 engage ingeid vt. 使从事,使(齿轮等)齿合 rear ri n. 后部 neutral nju: trl n. 机 空挡 U maintenance meintinns n. U 维持 保持 friction frikn n. 摩擦,摩擦力 U,modulate mdjuleit n. 调整,控制,缓和 torque t: k n. 机 转矩,力矩,扭矩 rectify rektifai vt. 矫正,改正 whine

3、 hwain n. (机器等)嘎嘎响 additivedative n 添加剂,添加物 gear ratio 齿数比,传动比 extra urban 郊区 downshifting 抵挡 molybdenum disulfide 二硫化钼 helical gear 斜齿轮,spur gears 直齿轮 wear 磨损,用旧 aggressive driving 疲劳驾驶 gear oil 齿轮油 sliding gear 滑动摩擦 helical gear 斜齿轮 spur gear 直齿轮 Honda 本田汽车,Notes,1 Most automobile manual transmiss

4、ions allow the driver to select any gear at any time, but some, such as those commonly mounted on motorcycles and some types of racing cars, only allow the driver to select the next-highest or next-lowest gear ratio. 大多数汽车手动变速器允许司机随意选择任何档位,但某些手动变速器,如那些一般装在摩托车和某些种类的赛车上,就只允许司机选择相临档位的齿数比。 2 Transmissio

5、ns that employ clutch packs but allow the driver to manually select the current gear are called semiautomatic transmissions. 具有离合器但又允许司机手动选择档位的变速器叫做半自动变速器。,3 Other types of transmission in mainstream automotive use are the automatic transmission, semi-automatic transmission, and the continuously var

6、iable transmission. 主流汽车上使用的其他类型变速器有自动变速器、半自动变速器和无极变速器。 4 The layout is reasonably intuitive because it starts at the upper left and works top to bottom, left to right, with reverse far sway and toward the rear of the car. 这种布局显然是合理的,因为该布局从左上角开始,自上而下,自左而右,退档布置在汽车后部,不易误操作。,5 Gear oil has a characteri

7、stic aroma, due to the addition of molybdenum disulfide compounds, to lubricate the large degree of sliding friction seen by the teeth due to their helical gear cut, which in turn is done to eliminate the characteristic whine of straight cut spur gears. 齿轮油有芳香气味,是由于其中添加了二氧化钼。二氧化钼用来减弱斜齿轮齿合时的强烈的滑动摩擦,进

8、而减小直齿齿合时产生的嘎嘎响。,Exercises,. Mark the following statements with T(true) or F(false) according to the text. 1. All manual transmissions feature a driver-operated and a movable gear selector. 2. Transmissions in mainstream automotive use are the manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, semi-autom

9、otive transmissions and the continuously variable transmissions. 3. Manual transmissions typically use fuel more economically than automatics. 4. Clutches wear easily in everyday use. 5. Gear oil has a characteristic aroma because of the addition of molybdenum disulfide compounds. 6. Honda has used

10、molybdenum disulfide of additive in their gear lube for long.,. Translate the following phrases into Chinese. gear ratio racing car extra urban downshifting forward gear neutral position sliding friction spur gear automatic transmission continuously variable transmission,Translating Skills,科技英语翻译方法与

11、技巧 专业英语词汇的翻译技巧 1.确实吃透原文 1) I have done reading. (do =complete) 我已读完了。 2) Do the beef thoroughly. (do=cook) 把牛肉炖透。 3) He did Shakespeare into Japanese. (do=translate) 他将莎士比亚著作译成日文。 4) This hotel will do you very nicely. (do=meet the needs of) 这家旅馆会很好地招待你们。,2. 正确选择译词 1) The next day I packed my bag an

12、d took dry-eyed leave of the Morplons. 这里的“dry-eyed”可译为“冷静的”或“神态自若的”。 2) The State Department has taken a very dry-eyed view of the Soviet peace offensive. 这里的“dry-eyed view”就译成“冷艳观察”或“无动于衷”。 3) and Krupskava who had been dry-eyed at Lenins funeral, broke down and wept, 这里的“dry-eyed”就应该译为“强忍着眼泪”。,3.

13、 注意词的搭配 (1)主谓搭配 例如,下面句子中“cut”的用法: 1) She cut her finger on the broken glass. 她手指被破玻璃割破了。 2) A brook cuts that field. 一条小溪在田野穿流而过。 3) The cold wind cuts me to the bone. 寒风刺骨。,(2)谓语与宾语搭配 英语里一个动词可以有许多宾语与之搭配,但汉译时往往需要改变原搭配形式。 例如下列短语中“reduce”的译法: reduce the pressure 减小压力 reduce the temperature 降低温度 reduce

14、 ones weight 减轻体重 reduce ones expenditure 减少开支 reduce the scale of production 缩小生产规模 reduce to powder (粉末) 粉碎,(3)形容词和中心词的搭配 1) Franklin Roosevelt: listened with bright-eyed smiling attention 弗兰克林罗斯福满面笑容,目光炯炯,在聚精会神地听着。 这里用“bright-eyed”,“smiling”这两个形容词来修饰“attention”这个中心词,这种搭配在汉语中是说不通的,只得改变句子。 2) After

15、 an unthinking moment, I put my pen into my mouth. 想了一会想不出来什么,我就把笔含在口里。 “unthinking moment”这样的搭配在汉语中是很难见到的,只能重新安排句子结构。,(4)状语和谓语的搭配 例如:“to take immediate and effective measures”可译为“立即采取有效措施”。 虽然原文无状语,但“immediate”译成“立即”后,无法与“措施”搭配,只能与“采取”搭配,变成状语。再如: Study well,work hard,keep fit. 学习好,工作好,身体好。,4. 词义的引伸

16、 有时原文中某一词使用的词义不是其本义,而是其引伸义,翻译时须加以辨明,然后适当表达。例如: This lovely sunshine is a foretaste of summer “foretaste”的本义是“先尝”,“先试”,此处则引伸为“先兆”。 译为:那可爱的阳光是夏天即将来临的先兆。,Reading Material,Transmission Service and Maintenance (1) Drain lubricant. Some manufacturers recommend flushing the transmission before removal. This is


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