unit3-on reading

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《unit3-on reading》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit3-on reading(219页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、上海外语教育出版社 南京信息工程大学 刘杰海,新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版) 综合教程第六册(第2版)电子教案,Cover,Unit 3 On Reading,Contents page,Contents,Learning Objectives Pre-reading Activities Global Reading Detailed Reading Consolidation Activities Further Enhancement,Learning objectives,Learning Objectives,Rhetorical skill: discussion

2、on one point Key language & grammar points Writing strategies: sentences in inverted sequence Theme: enjoyment of reading,Pre-R: picture activation,Picture Activation | Pre-questions,Do you find reading enjoyable?,Pre-R: pre-questions-1,1. Reading is so important to us that almost everyone is involv

3、ed in some kind of reading sometimes. As a way of diversion, reading is usually relaxing and enjoyable. However, can reading always be an enjoyable experience? If not, when and why?,Picture Activation | Pre-questions,Open to discussion.,Pre-R: pre-questions-2,2. A good book will evoke sympathy in it

4、s readers hearts, give them some enlightenment and even may change their lives. How can we define a good book? Describe some of the books that you consider good.,Picture Activation | Pre-questions,Open to discussion.,G-R: text introduction,In this essay, the author focuses his discussion exclusively

5、 on one point: Reading should be enjoyable. With neatly knitted development the author approaches the theme from two perspectives what to read (from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3) and how to read (from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 6). According to him, both should fit the readers own fancy.,Text Introducti

6、on | Culture Notes | Author | Structure,G-R: CN-George Eliot,George Eliot (Paragraph 2) English writer, pen name of Mary Ann Evans (18191880). Her novels include Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), and Middlemarch (18711872).,Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure,G-R: CN

7、-Adam Bede,Adam Bede (Paragraph 2) Inspired by an anecdote told to George Eliot by her aunt, Adam Bede is notable for its extraordinarily realistic characters and convincing depiction of English rural life, complete with the earthy Derbyshire dialect of the title character. When it was first publish

8、ed, in 1859, the book earned praise for its nuanced and unflinching description of a young womans fall from grace and for Adams simple righteousness.,Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure,G-R: Author bio-1,W. Somerset Maugham (18741965), British novelist, one of the most popular wri

9、ters in England in the 20th century, is noted for his clarity of style and skill in storytelling. His best-known works include Of Human Bondage (1915), The Moon and Sixpence (1919), Ashenden: or, The British Agent (1928), and Cakes and Ale: or, The Skeleton in the Cupboard (1930).,Text Introduction

10、| Culture Notes | Author | Structure,G-R: Author bio-2,Reading and our life: classifications 知性阅读 (reading for information) 愉悦阅读 (pleasure reading) 疗愈阅读 (healing reading) “从书中我纾解寂寞的情绪,读天方夜谭和爱丽丝梦游仙境,并从其篇章中寻到痛苦的避难所。” 毛姆,Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure,G-R: structure-1,Text Intro

11、duction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure,Part 1,(Para 1) defines the scope of this passage,Part 2,(Para 2) specifies the readers who are eligible to read the books,Part 3,(Para 3) touches on the criterion of book selection,G-R: structure-2,Part 4,Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Stru

12、cture,(Para 4) the relationship between intellectual pleasure and the habit of reading,Part 5,(Para 5) the author continues his discussion on the habit of reading,Part 6,(Para 6) discussion of an important reading skill skipping,DR-p1a-text,ON READING W. Somerset Maugham 1. The first thing I want to

13、 insist on is that reading should be enjoyable. Of course, there are many books that we all have to read, either to pass examinations or to acquire information, from which it is impossible to extract enjoyment. We are reading them for instruction, and the best we can hope is that our need for it wil

14、l enable us to get through them without tedium. Such books we read with resignation rather than with alacrity. But that is not the sort of reading I have in mind.,Detailed Reading,DR-p1b-text,The books I shall mention in due course will help you neither to get a degree nor to earn your living. They

15、will not teach you to sail a boat or get a stalled motor to run, but they will help you to live more fully. That, however, they cannot do unless you enjoy reading them.,Detailed Reading,DR-p2a-text,2. The “you” I address is the adult whose avocations give him certain leisure and who would like to re

16、ad the books which can without loss be left unread. I do not address the bookworm. He can find his own way. I wish to deal only with the masterpieces which the consensus of opinion for a long time has accepted as supreme. We are all supposed to have read them; it is a pity that so few of us have. But there are masterpieces which are acknowledged to be such by all the best critics and to which the historians of literature devote consid


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