会展实用英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 沈金辉 unit 7

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1、Event English,Unit 7 Food & Beverage,Fun start 1) It is a group practice. Please team up with your friend. 2) Each of you tries to list 5 dishes in Chinese that are frequently showed on the menu. After doing that, let your partner give the English names. 3) Discussion: What kind of service is includ

2、ed in event food and beverage ?,Task one:,Imagine that you are going to attend a Welcome Banquet, and youd like to invite Lynn to go with you. Please follow the instruction and finish the dialogue .,J: Jack Invite Lynn to join the Welcome Banquet Name some dishes 7:00pm / business casual ,L: Lynn No

3、t sure Discuss the food with Jack Ask about the time and the dress cod ,-琳,你今晚去参加欢迎宴会吗? -我不清楚。我的报告还没写好。 -我想你不能错过今晚。他们会上很多大厨的泰式特色菜,甜点,和色拉。 -听上去很好啊。但是会不会太辣? -不要担心。其中一些味道会淡些,很好吃。 -是么,我很喜欢泰式色拉和他们的柠檬虾。 -那就别忘了带上今晚的邀请卡。 -什么时候开始?我不用特别可以穿戴么? -晚会7点开始。平常上班的服装就可以了。 -好,你六点来接我好么? -很期待与你共度好时光。,J: Lynn, are you gon

4、g to join the Welcome Banquet tonight? L: I am not sure. I havent finished my report yet. J: I dont think you want to miss tonight. They will serve all sorts of chefs specialties, desserts and salad with Thais flavor. L: Sounds great. But will the dishes be too spicy? J: No worries. Some will be lig

5、ht and delicious. L: Is that so? I am pretty much enjoyed with the Thais salad and their lemon shrimp. J: So, do remember to bring your invitation card for tonight. L: When will it start? And whats the dress code? J: Well, the party will start at 7. Business casual will be the dress code for tonight

6、. L: OK, would you be kind to pick me up at 6? J: I look forward to having a good time with you tonight.,Task two:,Now you are launching a party during the event. Please serve the foreign guest well.,S: 晚上好。欢迎参加本次派对。 C: 晚上好。 S: 可否在此签到? C: 好的。 S: 请这边走。小心台阶。 S: 随意品尝。 C: 这是什么? S: 栗子。你想试试这道菜么?这是海参,有丰富的蛋

7、白质,对人的健康很有好处。 C: 是么?那倒要试试看。 S: 现在,我们吃的是爆焖鹿肉。 C: 鹿肉?哦,那一定很美味。 S: 是啊。我也那么想。,C: 而且可以肯定里面没有那么多脂肪。哦,还有虾,非常有营养。 S: 的确。你看着很喜欢海鲜呢。 C: 为什么不呢?我可不是素食者。中式菜肴和我们的有很大的不同。 S: 是啊。 C: 你们平时都是这么吃的吗? S:当然不是。我们只有在特殊场合提供这样的餐饮,比如招待客人、家庭聚会和节日。 C: 那你们的日常食物怎么烹饪? S: 烹饪的手法也差不多,只是没有那么复杂。 C: 我们今天有太多好吃的东西了。 S: 这就是中国人的待客之道。你喜欢本次晚宴么

8、? C: 非常。谢谢你的款待。这是我吃过的最好的中式美食了。 S: 荣幸之至。,S: Good evening. Welcome to the party. C: Good evening. S: Could you please sign your name here? C: OK. S: This way please. Watch the step. S: Please help yourself to some of those. C: What is this? S: Chestnut. Would you like to try this dish? It is sea cucum

9、ber. It is very rich in protein, which is good for peoples health. C: Is it? Ill try it. S: Now, we have the Braised Venison in Casserole. C: Venison, the meat of the deer? Oh, it must be very lovely. S: Yes, I believe so.,C: And it is certain that there is not so much fat in it. Oh, its shrimp. It

10、is very nutritious. S: Yes, indeed. It seems that you like seafood. C: Yes, why not. Im not a vegetarian. You see, Chinese diet is different from ours. S: Yes, quite different. C: By the way, do you eat every day like this? S: Of course not. We only have this kind dinner on special occasions, such a

11、s hosting a guest, family gatherings and festivals. C: Then how about your daily food? S: Well, the way of cooking is nearly the same, only not so complex. C: We have got so many delicious things today. S: This is the Chinese way of receiving guests. How would you like the dinner? Is it all right fo

12、r you? C: Terrific. Thank you very much for your banquet. I like it very much. This is the best Chinese food I have ever had. S: It is our pleasure.,Task two:,You have just had a party in the convention center and now you go to the front desk to checkout. Please have a conversation with the staff me

13、mber of the convention center.,S: Staff member Open the dialogue Present the bill Fix the mistake Explain the service charge on decoration ,A: Andy Everything is great A mistake about the wine Mention the service charge on decoration See the receipt and working time sheet ,-我希望你喜欢我们今晚的活动。 -是的,办的很好。很

14、多外国朋友都非常欣赏本次活动的安排。 -这是活动的账单,总共3万6千5百元。 -我想账单有个错误。我们没有要红酒,我们喝的是德国白葡萄酒。 -对不起,我马上改过来! -为什么没人告诉过我有关于活动布置得服务费用? -哦,我来解释一下。我们增加了10%的背景布置服务费是因为这些工作直到昨天半夜才完成。额外收费收作加班费。 -我可以看下你们的收据及工作时间表么? -给您! -好吧。你们收信用卡么? -是的。谢谢你,祝您有个美好的夜晚!,S: I hope you enjoyed our performance tonight. A: Yes. Everything is great. A lot

15、of foreign guests appreciated the arrangement very much. S: Here is the bill for tonights party, and that comes to RMB,36,500. A: I think there is a mistake. We didnt order red wine. We had white wine of Germany. S: Im sorry. Let me fix that right away. A: Why didnt anyone tell me about the service

16、charge on decoration? S: Oh, let me explain. We add 10% service charge to backdrop decoration, for all the work was completed till midnight last night, and the fee was paid for overtime charge. A: Can I see your receipt and working time sheet? S: Here you are! A: Good! Do you take credit card? S: Yes, we do. Thank you and have a good night!,



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