信息管理英语实用教程含1CD 教学课件 ppt 作者 张强华 司爱侠 unit6

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1、信息管理英语实用教程,机械工业出版社,张强华 司爱侠 编著,Unit 6 Enterprise Resource Planning (1),退出,New Words,enterprise 5entEpraiz, 事业;计划, 事业心, 进取心 throwaway5WrEuE7weiadj.可抛弃的n.被扔掉的东西,被丢弃的事物 ambition Am5biFEn n.野心, 雄心 attempt E5tempt vt.尝试, 企图n.努力, 尝试, 企图 integrate 5intireit vt.整合,使成整体, 使一体化 department di5pB:tmEnt n.部,部

2、门,局, 处, 科 particularpE5tikjulEadj.特殊的, 特别的, 独特的, 详细的n.细节, 详细 warehouse 5wZEhaus n.仓库, 货栈, 大商店vt.贮入仓库 optimize 5Cptimaiz vt.使最优化, 优化 share FZEvt.分享, 均分, 共有, 分配vi.分享n.共享, 参与, 一份, 部分, 份额, 参股,New Words,approachE5prEutF n.方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路vt.接近, 动手处理vi.靠近 order 5C:dE n.定购, 定单vt.定购, 预定 payback n.回报 key ki: v

3、.键入 lounge laundV vi.闲荡, 懒洋洋地躺卧vt.虚度光阴n.懒散行为 refrain ri5frein n.重复, 叠句; 重复的话 frustrated frQstreItId adj. 失望的,失败的, 落空的 automate 5C:tEmeit v.使自动化, 自动操作 fulfillment ful5filmEnt n.履行, 实行 bill bilvt.给寄或开账单,要求付款n.账单,New Words,representative 7repri5zentEtiv n.代表, 代理人adj.典型的, 有代表性的 trucking 5trQkiN n.货车运输,

4、货车运输业 schedule 5Fedju:l n.表,一览表,时间表, 进度表;目录 employee 7emplCi5i: n.职工, 雇员, 店员 scrap skrAp n.小片, 小块;碎屑adj.零碎的, 废弃的 harsh hB:F adj. 严厉的;残酷的;无情的 inbox n.收件箱 flicker 5flikE vi.闪烁, 摇动n.闪烁, 闪光, 颤动,New Words,accountabilityE7kauntE5biliti n.应负的责任,义务, 可说明性 catch kAtF n.诡计;难人的问题;蹊跷 pain pein n.痛苦, 疼, 痛, 劳苦, 努力

5、vt.使痛苦 satisfy5sAtisfai vt.满足, 使满意, 说服, 使相信v.满意, 确保 transformational 9trAnsfEmeIFEnEl adj.转换生成的,Phrases,live up to 实践, 做到 as well as 也, 又 human resources 人力资源 run off 迅速写出 place an order 定购 have access to 有权使用;可以访问 find out 找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出 track down 追捕到,Phrases,a bolt of lightning (一道)闪电 a

6、pply to 把用于 in stock 有现货 on average 平均,Abbreviations,ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) 企业资源计划,Text,请老师播放课文听力材料,Notes,1 It attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments particular needs. 本句中,that can s

7、erve all those different departments particular needs是一个定语从句,修饰和限定a single computer system。integrate into的意思是“把并入;把容入”。,Notes,2 But ERP combines them all together into a single, integrated software program that runs off a single database so that the various departments can more easily share informat

8、ion and communicate with each other. 本句中,that runs off a single database是一个定语从句,修饰和限定a single, integrated software program。so that the various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other是一个目的状语从句,修饰主句的谓语部分combines them all together into a single, integrated software

9、 program。,Notes,3 Typically, when a customer places an order, that order begins a mostly paper-based journey from in-basket to in-basket around the company, often being keyed and re-keyed into different departments computer systems along the way. 本句中,when a customer places an order是一个时间状语从句,修饰主句的谓语b

10、egins。often being keyed and re-keyed into different departments computer systems along the way做方式状语。,Notes,4 Unless, of course, your ways of doing business are working extremely well (orders all shipped on time, productivity higher than all your competitors, customers completely satisfied), there is

11、 no reason to even consider ERP. 本句中,Unless, of course, your ways of doing business are working extremely well是一个条件状语从句,unless等于“if not”的意思是“除非,如果不”。请看下例: Unless he studies hard, he will never pass the examination. 他如果不努力学习, 就永远不能考及格。,Exercises,请做课后练习 练习参考答案请参阅本书附录,计算机英语教程,北京,人民邮电出版社:国家级十五规划教材 电脑英语掌

12、中宝,南京,东南大学出版社:获“华东地区大学出版社教材专著二等奖” 计算机专业英语教程,北京,高等教育出版社 电子商务专业英语教程,北京,高等教育出版社 电脑英语词汇通,北京,人民邮电出版社 计算机专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 电子商务专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 信息管理专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 电气工程专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 电子商务专业英语实用教程,杭州,浙江大学出版社 计算机专业英语教程,北京,科学出版社 饭店酒店管理专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 法律专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 旅游专业英语教程,北京,清华大学出版社 大学英语听说新体验(带mp3光盘),杭州,浙江大学出版社 大学英语学习指南,北京,外语教学与研究出版社 大学体验英语学与练(丛书,四册),天津,南开大学出版社 大学体验英语词汇通,天津,南开大学出版社,司爱侠其它著作,


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