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1、,每个人都有梦想 我的梦摇曳在远方 一个美轮美奂的地方 生长在德国拜仁州小镇上 白墙蓝顶的童话城堡 被誉为白雪公主曾居住的地方 城堡里没有水晶玻璃罩 有没有王子等候在旁 路德维希国王 构想出这个完美的天堂 他受着瓦格纳歌剧的影响 让福森城堡美丽中透着哀伤 他毕生挚爱着茜茜公主 却无法将心爱捧在手掌 新天鹅城堡 它伫立梦的远方 哥特式的建筑 美得令人神往发慌 有些秘密 永远破解不了 茜茜公主的芳心 究竟为谁绽放 爱情这东西 是珍宝还是困扰 城堡里 有没有古老爱情的味道,German Munich,New Swan Stone Castle,I will only introduce three

2、parts of Munich to you .,some features of Munich,Munich Munich in Germany-sur-isair North of the Alps in the South, is Germanys main economic, cultural, and transportation center of science and technology, is also one of the most prosperous cities in Europe. Munich while retaining the rustic style o

3、f the original capital city of the Kingdom of Bavaria, and was therefore known as “village of millions of people.“,Munich is capital of Bavaria of Germany . it has a population of 1.3 million, is Germanys largest city in the South, Germanys third largest city (after Berlin柏林 and Hamburg汉堡). .,1、,“百万

4、人的村庄”,Munich logo,1、Munich is Europes largest publishing center, with one of Germanys largest daily newspaper. There are many presses in it (only fewer than that in New York city). 2、Munichs economic power is the strongest among all the cities in Germany.,3、Its only 45 kilometers far from Alps.The D

5、anube (多瑙河)cross through the city. 4、Munich is the continental climate 5、The temperature in Munich changes very quickly. 6、It has a lot of water ,and often rains cats and dogs suddenly.,大陆性气候,Beautiful Scenary,Munich,Places of interest,新天鹅城堡,罗滕堡,科隆大教堂,2、,Hohe Domkirche St. Peter und Maria,New Swan S

6、tone Castle,路德维希二世 Ludwig II,His owner is Ludwig II of Bavaria .The King liked all kinds of Operas and theaters since childhood, he wrote and sang of good overcoming evil scripts and is the famous stage playwright Wagners admirer .,His owner is Ludwig II of Bavaria .It was constructed in 1869.Its th

7、e typical represent of gothic architecture .,Why does it have such a name ?,There is a romantic but miserable story .,南唐后主李煜 巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世,Similar,VS,文艺!,Famous Beers,Munchen beer is also called Munich black peer. This beers malt(麦芽的) fragrance(芬芳) is outstanding, with a slightly mellow(醇厚) feeling。,

8、Munich Beer Festival (The Munich Oktoberfest) is formerly known as “October festival ,dating back to 10.12 , 1810. Because in this festival peoples main activity is drinking beer, so people habitually called it Beer Festival.,3、,The Munich Beer Festival is held from the end of September to the begin

9、ning of October in Munich every year. The festival lasts for two weeks ,and was one of the three biggest Beer Festivals (the other two are in London and Denver). Its the most significant festival in Munich every year . This day people will dress up and parade.,Munich is a very beautiful city .In fact ,it is said that Munich is a city of beer , a city of castles , a city of churches , and a city of music . If I have the opportunity to go abroad ,I will go to Munich to feel its different beauty.,Summarise,Thank you all!,


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