商务英语理论与实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋景东situation 2 Task 3

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1、Situation2 Intercultural Communication,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies, Objectives 1. Grasp the definition of cross-cultural communication; 2. Master the cross-cultural communication strategies.,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strateg

2、ies,I Pre-reading Pair work: Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1. What are the goals of communication? 2. Have you realized the different abilities among communicators in social communication? 3. What kind of strategy have you used in communication with others? 4. After years of lea

3、rning English, do you still have any difficulty talking with English-speaking people? If you do, what is the difficulty? 5. What are the four important questions you need to consider when you communicate?,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,II Case study of the task Youll Have to Pay a Fi

4、ne Elderly individuals and immigrant families with school-aged children often rely on younger members of the family who tend to have better English skills and can better navigate and interpret the maze of the health care delivery system. This is an uncomfortable position for a non-English-speaking a

5、dult because it is an inversion of the traditional power structure of most cultures. Depending on the age of the child, the nature of the problem, and the childs linguistic abilities in both languages, communications may go seriously awry. Moreover, the mere fact that words are being spoken may give

6、 the monolingual English-speaking health care provider a false sense of security that accurate information transfer has taken place.,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,A humorous example of a monolingual English-speaking health care provider having a false sense of security in a child in

7、terpreter is found in the newspaper cartoon “Baldo,” in which a teenager has been designated to accompany a monolingual Spanish-speaking neighbor to the hospital to serve as her interpreter. As “Maria” is being prepared for a surgery that is not what she went to the hospital for, the nurse says earn

8、estly: “Tell her the surgeon is the best in his field and shell get through this fine.” The young interpreter valiantly attempts with, “She says the doctor does best when hes in the field and when its over youll have to pay a fine!” Questions : 1. Can you illustrate the situations in which mis-commu

9、nication, due to lack of communicative competence, takes places? 2. Why does the young interpreter make such a mistake? 3. What is the real meaning of what the nurse says?,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,III Text Cross-Cultural Communication Strategies Communication The definition of

10、cross-cultural communication The key to effective cross-cultural communication is knowledge.,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,Active listening can sometimes be used to check this outby repeating what one thinks he or she heard, one can confirm that one understands the communication acc

11、urately. If words are used differently between languages or cultural groups, however, even active listening can overlook misunderstandings.,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,Often intermediaries who are familiar with both cultures can be helpful in cross-cultural communication situation

12、s. Yet sometimes intermediaries can make communication even more difficult. As we know, communication is the key to relating successfully across cultures. Verbal and non-verbal ways of communicating are influenced by the culture with which we identify. Communication styles can vary greatly among ind

13、ividuals from different backgrounds. There are some strategies you can follow:,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,Personal Space Eye Contact and Feedback Behaviors Interruption and Turn-Taking Behaviors: Gesturing: Facial Expression: Silence: Dominance Behaviors: Volume: Touching:,Task 3

14、 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,New Words and Expressions perceive vt.感知,感觉,察觉;意识到,理解 synergy n. 增效作用,协同作用 strand n.一个部分 anthropology n.人类学 intermediary n.中间人,媒介物 rapport n.融洽的关系 bias n.偏见,偏心,偏袒 vt.使有偏见 supportive adj. 支持的 intimate adj.亲密的;私人的 awkward adj.尴尬的,笨拙的,Task 3 Cross-cultural Commu

15、nication Strategies,turn-taking n.话轮转换 variation n.变化,变动;变体,变种;变奏(曲) prolonged adj.长时期的 assertive adj. 言语果断的, 过分自信的 irritation n.(被)激怒;疼痛处,刺激, 烦恼, 刺激物 aloof adj.冷漠的 rowdy adj.吵闹的,粗暴的 overwhelm vt.使受不了,使不知所措;征服,制服 enslavement n. 奴役(征服),Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,Phrases : be essen

16、tial to 对必不可少的 jump to the conclusion 草率下结论 at every step 每走一步,Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies,V Consolidating and Expanding Summarizing knowledge 1. The importance of cross-cultural communication: Communication is an important mean of expressing yourself because it exists different ways of expression and so different kind of communication depending on the culture you belong to. 2. Definition of cross-cultural communication: Cross-cultural communicati


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